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The Dragonets of Destiny frowned. Even though they all worked together, it wasn't very often they all met up. Usually it was for something VERY important, like when their dragonets got kidnapped by Queen Scarlet. They were not supposed to be held because Starflight had some great idea. 

"What is this all about Starflight?" Tsunami questioned. 

"Yes, do tell. Some of us have a rainforest to run." Glory commented.

 "Alright," Starflight began, nearly bursting with excitement. "Picture this." 

"In the library," the five of them said in unison. Starflight glared at them before continuing. 

"What if we had a box-" Glory gasped. 

"No way! What if we put a box in the library? Great moons this was a hundred percent worth my time to come here and discuss this drastically important issue!" she said sarcastically. Deathbringer was finding it harder and harder not to laugh. 

"WHAT I WAS GOING TO SAY!" Starflight tried again. "Is, what if we had a box or something, for new scrolls?" The others stared in confusion. "Like, what if one of our students is an aspiring writer and she/he wants other dragons to read their work? So, they write their story and put it in the box and one of us reads it, corrects errors and approves it, and then we put it in the library for everyone else to read!" 

"That's actually not a bad idea." Sunny agreed. "But still not worth calling a huge meeting for." 

"And," Starflight added. "The first scrolls we put in this way, are us." 

"Us?" Clay asked.

 "Our story. We'll write down all about our lives and how we fulfilled the 'prophecy'. We'll write our story." he explained.

Firefly was about to explode. You could get your own story published in the school's library? It was amazing. And there were the new scrolls of course, by the D.O.D. themselves. "Wings of fire" They were calling the story, and the scrolls didn't touch their shelves for weeks. Firefly would've read them, but she already knew the whole story. So did Squelch, and Coal would never read all five of the scrolls. But he would listen to her read them. It had become a regular thing for her to read scrolls to Coal. He loved it, and she got to read. Win-win. But Coal wasn't always patient with scrolls. She remembered what had happened when they finished Kana and the scales....

"And then everything went black." Firefly concluded, closing the scroll. 

"WHAT!?!?" Coal yelled. A chorus of SHHHHH!'s followed. "But it can't end like that!!!" he insisted, a terrified look on her face. Firefly grinned. 

"Oh, but it can." she promised. 

"But-" he stammered. "but that's just cruel!! Is there at least another one!? They can't just end it like that, we have to know if Kana dies or not!" She was thoroughly enjoying his reaction to this. 

"There is a sequel," she admitted. 

"Great!" Coal yelled, jumping up from his seat. "Where is it?" 

"It's not here." she explained. His face fell and for a moment he looked positively miserable. "It hasn't come out yet." she added. He sank back into his seat, looking devastated. 

"Why is the world so cruel?" he asked. 

"So," Coal asked, sitting down next to her on the library's only couch. "What are we reading today?" Firefly grinned. Now, if only he'd pay this much attention in class. She glanced down at the title of the scroll she was holding. Echo, it was called. She thought for a moment before turning to Coal. 

"Today we will be reading a wonderful scroll called The seven animuses." she told him, pretending to read from the scroll. 

Moon practically launched herself at her friends in the Prey Center. Unfortunately, she overshot her landing and ended up sailing into the river with a splash. 

"Graceful." Joy commented as Moon dragged herself out of the water. 

"I have a great idea!" Moon announced, her energy restored. 

"We're listening." Qibli promised. 

"Hmm," Nightflyer joked. "I foresee that Winter will hate it." They laughed as Winter glared. 

"Guys! I'm serious!" Moon exclaimed, causing them to stop. "Okay, you know how there's that spot in the library where you can put your own scrolls in and then other students can read them?" she asked. They nodded. "Well," she said with a grin. "What if we wrote one?" They stared for a moment. 

"What if we wrote a scroll?" Seashell questioned. Moon nodded. 

"What would we write about?" Nightflyer asked. 

"Oh come on, our adventures!" Moon cried. "We can write all about finding Hailstorm, about Queen Scarlet and about Pineapple and about everything!" They thought for a moment. 

"Can we use fake names?" Air asked. 

"Sure." Moon agreed.

 "I'm in." Air promised. 

"Me too." Nightflyer seconded. 

"Me three!" Joy yelled. 

"Me four." Kelp declared. 

"Me five." Qibli agreed. .

"Hey, I am six!" Seashell announced. They all looked at Winter. With a long suffering sigh, he spoke. 

"Fine." They cheered.

"Wow." Starflight said in shock. The writer's box had only been there for a few days and there were already dozens of scrolls. He had just finished one called The Seven Animuses by 'your local magic provider,' whoever that was. 

"Starflight, have you read this one?" Clay asked, holding up a thick scroll. "It's called Moon Rising." 

"Oh yea, I remember that one. That was really good. Who was it by again?" Starflight asked. 

"I don't know." Clay admitted. "It just says by JANSKQMW."

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