Hello to Joy

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Rainkeeper stayed true to his word. For the next two weeks, he remained by the dragonet egg. Glory and Deathbringer would stay with him sometimes and guards would bring him food. In that time, Pineapple still hadn't returned to the rainforest, but Deathbringer recovered fully from the fight. Many dragons were surprised to hear that they allowed Rainkeeper to be on his own after the attack, but Glory kept a guard outside the hatchery at all times, just to be safe. But now the two weeks were up, and the egg was hatching.

Seeing as he had protected the egg for weeks, Glory and Deathbringer let him watch the hatching. He stayed with them, curled up in Glory's lap, until it hatched. A small dragonet tumbled out of the shell and fell on the hatchery floor with a huff. She looked up at the dragons that made up her family, and glanced at them quizzically. 

She, unlike Rainkeeper, resembled a Rainwing. She had the build of a Nightwing but the rainbow scales of Rainwings. She looked just like Glory, but with silver eyes like Deathbringer. There was something about her expression that made the family know that she would have Deathbringer's signature smirk perfected instantly. 

Rainkeeper shifted to Deathbringer's lap as Glory picked up the little dragonet with a smile. The hatchling studied her and squeaked. 

"What're you gonna call her?" Rainkeeper asked. Glory glanced at Deathbringer and he nodded. 

"What are you going to call her?" he asked his son. Rainkeeper frowned. 

"What do you mean?" he questioned.

 "You protected her for weeks. It's only fair that you should be the one to name her." Glory replied. Rainkeeper's eyes widened. He was going to get to choose his sister's name? His eyebrows furrowed, pondering the decision. 

"You don't have to make up your mind right now," Glory insisted. "You can think about it." Rainkeeper nodded, and grinned as the dragonet looked at him. 

"Hi." he said tentatively, waving. "Remember me?" The dragonet squeaked happily and reached towards him with her talons. 

Deathbringer and Glory watched as their two dragonets met. Deathbringer wrapped one wing around her as they looked at each other. Years ago, neither of them would've ever considered this life as a possibility, let alone a reality. To just be healthy and living away from the volcano was far more than Deathbringer had ever dreamed of when he was a dragonet. And to be living in the rainforest as a queen, happy with a family, was more than Glory could've ever hoped for under the mountain. But yet, here they were. Things were perfect, and nothing, not even Pineapple or any other attackers, could change that.

Later that night....

"Who would've thought that we'd end up here," Deathbringer remarked. He and Glory were sitting outside of their hut, watching the sky. Rainkeeper and their new daughter had gone to bed hours ago. 

"I know what you mean," Glory replied. "I mean, if someone had told me when I was living under the mountain that I would end up being the Nightwing Rainwing Queen and be married to an assassin with two dragonets...."she trailed off. Deathbringer laughed. 

"If someone had told me when I was a dragonet that I would end up giving up being an assassin because I decided to marry the Rainwing Queen, I probably would've punched them in the face." he admitted. Glory laughed and leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. 

"I would've believed it if I'd heard it after I met you." 

"Really? How come?" 

"Well," Glory began. "Remember that time when Tsunami and I had you pinned to the ground and I asked you to tell me what I was thinking and you said that I was thinking that you were too handsome and charming to kill?" 

"Of course," Deathbringer said slyly.

 "Well, that was a lot closer to accurate than I liked." 

The next day....

"I've picked a name!" Rainkeeper announced as he walked to the table for breakfast. 

"Really?" Glory asked. "What is it?" 

"Before you answer," Deathbringer began. "I just want to say that I'm really proud of you Rainkeeper. You've matured a lot over this." Rainkeeper froze. His dad wasn't disappointed in him anymore, he was proud. The word filled him up and he grinned.

 "Well, with that," Rainkeeper began, picking up his little sister from her seat and tickling her til she giggled. "Introducing the newest addition to the Rainforest Royal Family and Heir to the throne, Prrrrrincess, Joy!" he announced. There was a pause.

 "Ta-Da!!" Rainkeeper added to fill the silence. Glory and Deathbringer broke out in smiles.

 "Joy," Glory replied. "It's perfect."

Just a little Glorybringer for yaWhere stories live. Discover now