A Walk Of Gossip

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A/N: Sorry I haven't been updating much! I started Volleyball and I haven't been able to move. 

Everything finally seemed right. Pineapple was locked away in a very secure prison cell on the old Nightwing island, as extra punishment. Fierceteeth had also been caught in the rainforest, and it had been discovered that the two were working together to overthrow Glory. 

Surprisingly, Rainkeeper and Joy had laughed when they were told. 

Overthrow Glory. 

That was the stupidest thing they'd ever heard.

 You couldn't 'overthrow' her. 

Not while there was a single Rainwing or Deathbringer left alive.

 As hard as it was to think about, the year was winding down. Rainkeeper had mixed emotions about this. He didn't really want to leave, and yet he did at the same time. It occurred to him that he was technically an adult now. Not really, but technically. An adult. That meant he could do whatever he wanted! Well, as long as Pear said he could. For some reason, he had to keep getting her permissions before doing something. She didn't ask him to, and yet he did it anyways. Deathbringer did the same thing with Glory, of course, so maybe that's where he got it from. With his head swirling with thoughts, Rainkeeper decided to take a walk. And on this walk, he noticed some things. 

Joy and Kelp were walking down the hall, when Macaw showed up, as usual. He got extremely close to Joy, forcing her to back up against the wall. 

"Hello Joy," he said in a husky voice. She winced as his talons brushed over her still healing stab wound. 

"You know what?" Kelp began. "I'm done with this shit." He grabbed Macaw by the throat and pinned him against the wall, the rainwing's feet not even touching the ground. Joy raised her eyebrows. Macaw yelped and clawed at Kelp's talon, but it didn't do anything. Macaw was weak, and Kelp was strong. 

"Here's what's going to happen." Kelp continued, his grip tightening. "You are going to leave Joy alone. Forever. Got it? If I so much as smell you within a mile of her, I will kill you. Literally. Now I'm gonna let go, and you're going to bolt out of here like the terrified little chicken you are, and neither of us are ever going to see your ugly face again. Understood?" Macaw nodded, his scales green, his face purple. Kelp released him and he dropped to the floor before sprinting away, clutching his neck. Joy eyed Kelp in a way he'd never seen before. 

"What?" he asked, confused. 

"That. Was........."she trailed off, still eyeing him. "Hot."

Firefly and Coal also walked down the hall, their talons slightly entwined. As they passed through a hallway, they noticed two dragons leaning against the wall, extremely close to each other. As they passed, they got a better look at the two dragons. Coal recognized them instantly, smothered his laughter and dragged Firefly down another corridor, where they rolled on the floor laughing. 

"Well, that didn't take long!" Coal commented. Firefly clutched her stomach, laughing her head off. The two dragons they'd seen had kissed just as they passed. The two dragons were Squelch and Adobe. 

And, last but never least, Air and Nightflyer stepped down the hall, and Faithbringer rounded the corner and came towards them. 

"Oh no." Nightflyer groaned as they caught sight of her. All he wanted was one nice walk with Air without any interruptions. Was that so much to ask? 

"Don't worry, I know how to handle this." Air assured him. He frowned. Was she going to kill Faithbringer? He wasn't sure. Not that he'd mind, he just didn't want Air to get arrested or something. Maybe she would kill her. That'd be nice... 

"Kiss me." Air said suddenly, snapping him out of his trance. 

"Okay, "he agreed, not even questioning it as they kissed. Air grabbed the back of his head, deepening the kiss. Nightflyer's eyes widened. She'd never kissed him like this before. When they finally broke apart, Faithbringer was staring at them, her jaw dropped. Nightflyer was dazed, his eyes wide. Air winked at him and turned to Faithbringer. 

"Next time you flirt with him," Air commented. "Remember that he'll have to leave that before he dates you." She patted the dragon on her head as she walked by. Nightflyer followed her blindly, still in a daze. Faithbringer growled and stormed away. 

Rainkeeper stopped for a moment at the school's entrance. Geez, he thought. A lot of gossip sure goes on in this school.

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