The Dragonet Wingery- A Secret Is Out

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Joy was scowling so intensely, the others thought her face would freeze that way. She was not happy about being stuck in the dragonet day-care, no matter how 'safe' it was. The Rainwings at the entrance poked, prodded, and searched each of them before allowing them into dragonet wingery. One Rainwing eyed Kelp nervously. 

"Don't worry Mango," Joy assured him. "He's harmless." 

"It's true." Seashell agreed with a nod. "Everyone thinks that Seawings are sharp and pointy, but we're really not." 

"We're squishy." Kelp offered. Joy smothered a laugh. One part of her head found it confusing. Why was she always laughing when Kelp was around? If any other dragon had said stuff like that, she would've rolled her eyes, yet when Kelp said it, it was funny. 


There were ten dragonets inside, and all of them jumped up at the sight of the group. 

"NEW DRAGONS!!!" one of them yelled, causing all of the dragonets to start shouting and running over to them, admiring their scales. 

"Pretty dragon," one of them cooed, looking at Air. 

Yea she is, Nightflyer thought. He mentally hit himself. Stop it. 

"Try this one! He's glittery!" Another cried, changing her scales to match Winter's. Joy walked around the group, critiquing the young dragonets. 

"Can you try his scar?" she asked a small dragonet that was trying to imitate Qibli. He obliged and Qibli recoiled. It was almost like staring into a mirror. One Nightwing dragonet stared quizzically at the group before her eyes landed on a familiar face. Could it be? she wondered. Only one way to find out.

"Nightflyer?" a voice behind him asked. Nightflyer turned to see Firefly, his little sister staring at him. His whole face lit up. 

"Firefly!" he yelled, scooping the dragonet up into a hug. She laughed. 

"What are you doing here?" she asked. That was Firefly, alright. Always curious, just like their father. 

"I, uh...I'm kinda've on a mission." he replied. She looked at him skeptically. 

"I assume this is a mission that Mother and Father don't know about?" she noted. He nodded before turning to his friends. 

"Guys!" he called. They turned to look at him. "This is my little sister Firefly! Firefly, these are my friends." he pointed at each of them as he said their names. "That's Kelp, Seashell, Joy, of course. Moon, Winter, Qibli, and-and Air." he recited. They waved hello to the dragonet as she greeted them. 

Moon found herself entering Firefly's mind and froze. was so....calm. Firefly's mind was like no other Moon had ever seen. It was more peaceful then a quiet waterfall, organized as Starflight's library. Moon could've stayed there in this dragon's head forever. There was something odd in her mind that Moon couldn't quite put her talon on. It was different in some way, but she didn't know how. Unbeknownst to Moon, Qibli was waving his talons in front of her face. 

"Moon? Earth. To. Moon. Moon?...... You in there?" he called to her. No reaction. Nothing. 

"Maybe we have to hit her." Seashell suggested.

 "I'll do it!" Joy volunteered. 

"No way, I'll do it." Winter announced. 

"Nobody is gonna hit her!" Qibli declared.

 "MOON!" Kelp yelled suddenly in her ear. Moon jumped and glanced around. 

"Sorry," she apologized. "Her mind was peaceful." 

"Who's mind?" Air asked. 

"Firefly's." Moon explained. 

"Okay then. So, Moon. Are they still watching us, or can we escape now?" Qibli questioned. Moon thought for a moment.

 "Yes. We can go. They're not watching." she assured them. 

"Great!" Joy announced, rushing over to distract the dragonets. 

Winter froze before leaving and glanced at Firefly, who was watching them go. 

"What if she talks?" he demanded. 

"She won't." Nightflyer assured him. "Right?" 

"Right." Firefly agreed. "Be safe." 

"We will be." Nightflyer replied. He grinned at his sister before jumping out of the wingery. Air, Moon, Seashell, Qibli, Winter, Kelp, and Joy followed behind him. Joy had just turned away from covering up their escape point when Winter grabbed her and pinned her down.

"Hey!" Kelp yelled. "Let her go!" The others turned to see. 

"Winter, what-" Moon started. 

"Enough!" Winter announced. 

"Let. Go. Of. Me." Joy ordered. 

"Not until you explain how everyone here knows you and loves you and what the hell is going on with the Queen and that bodyguard!" he demanded. 

"And if I don't?" Joy questioned. 

"Then I'll kill you." Winter said plainly. Kelp started forward, but Seashell held him back. 

"Winter, I really wouldn't do that if I were you." Nightflyer warned. 

"Oh yea? Why not." Winter questioned.

 "Because I'm Queen Glory's daughter, you absolute fucking walnut." Joy shot out. 

There was a pause, where no one said of did anything. Most of them stood in shock. Why hadn't she told them? Kelp felt all of the oxygen run out of him. She was a princess? Of course she was. How could he have been so stupid as to think that she would- that she could ever.... He wanted to slap himself. He really was an idiot.

 Winter loosed his hold on her in shock. Joy was a princess? Joy. Joy? Joy was the only heir to a two-tribed throne? And she was that undignified? Winter raised an eyebrow in confusion. Joy took advantage of his shock and shoved him away. 

"Why didn't you tell us?" Air blurted out. 

"Because I didn't want to befriend dragons that only liked me for who I was. I didn't want anyone to think I was stuck up like some royalty, cough, Winter, cough. I wanted to make real friends." she admitted. "And, to be honest, I didn't even think of the idea to not tell you." 

"Who did?" Qibli asked. Nightflyer silently raised his talon. 

"Just thought it would make it easier for her." he said with an anxious smile. 

"This poor poor forest." Winter said suddenly. "I thought Queen Glory was bad. But now I pity these dragons when you become Queen." Joy stared at him. 

"You know what?" she announced. "I'm gonna give you a bath. A nice, hot, bath." With that, she grabbed him by the ear and started marching off to the entrance to the volcanic island. 

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