The Dragonet

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Glory sat in a small clearing in the rainforest. She stared at the small egg in front of her. It was black with swirls of color along the shell. If she looked closely, she could almost see the shape of a dragonet inside. A dragonet that was to hatch soon. A dragonet whose father didn't even know about it. Glory's dragonet. She didn't really know why she hadn't told Deathbringer yet. He deserved to know and she wanted to tell him. But she was also afraid. They'd never discussed having dragonets before, and she didn't know if Deathbringer even wanted one. So it was out of her own selfish fear that she kept the egg hidden away in the forest, where no one would find it.  

"You need to tell him," Jambu said suddenly, breaking the silence.

 Well, almost no one. 

Jambu had secretly followed Glory to her hiding place and had spotted the egg. Glory had sworn him to secrecy, of course. And, even though she'd never admit it, he'd been helpful. It was hard to focus on the rest of the world when you were constantly worrying about a dragonet egg that you'd left all alone. It was easier when you could have someone watch over it. Someone like Jambu. Glory sighed. 

"I know," she responded. 

"Then why don't you?"

"Because it's not that simple." Jambu looked at her skeptically, but it was difficult to take him seriously when he was pink as always. 

"It's pretty simple." he replied. Glory groaned. Nothing was ever simple. "It's not fair to him if you keep it to yourself. And I think he'll take it a lot better if you tell him before the egg hatches." 

"I know that." Glory snapped. "But that doesn't make it any easier to say." Jambu thought for a moment and a grin grew on his face. A grin that made her very uneasy.

 "I'll tell you what." he said, attempting - and failing - to sound threatening. "If you don't tell him by the end of the week,will." Glory's eyes widened. She could already see the hundreds of ways that would end horribly. 

"Alright," she agreed, swallowing the lump in her throat. "I'll tell him." she insisted, carefully putting the egg in a group of bushes.

The next day....

She was nervous. That's the first thing Deathbringer noticed when Glory entered the room. Her tail was wrapped tightly around her leg and she was unconsciously wringing out her talons. So, naturally, he had to know what was wrong. 

"What's wrong?" he questioned, noting how her eyes widened at his question. 

"Nothing." she insisted hastily. "Nothing's wrong at all." Deathbringer raised his eyebrows. Glory was a good liar, but not to him. Something was up. 

"Something must be," he persisted. "you're nervous, green, and lying to me." Immediately, she changed her scales to a light purple. She hesitated for a moment, as if she didn't want to say anything. 

"I - "she tried. "I.......You - um.....oh, I'll just show you." she sputtered, giving up and flying away. Deathbringer followed curiously. 

They landed in a small clearing, a tree surrounded by thick bushes as the only thing in it. 

"What is it?" Deathbringer asked again. His curiosity was building and the things he imagined she'd say weren't very cheerful. Glory took a deep breath, wondering where to begin. Not knowing what to say, she simply pulled back the bushes, revealing the egg. Deathbringer stared at it, memorizing every detail. He glanced back and forth between it and Glory, completely speechless. Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke. 

"That's a - I mean, is - Is it -" he rambled, tensing up. 

"It's mine." Glory said softly.

 "Yours and - and " he continued. Glory stared at him nervously as he closed his eyes, calming himself. "Is it mine?"he asked cautiously. Glory's nerves and fear faded away instantly into a flash of anger. 

"Of course it's yours!"she insisted. His shoulders relaxed in relief. Then it hit him. 

That was a dragonet. 

His dragonet. 

His and Glory's dragonet. 

A smug grin spread across his face and he laughed. Glory frowned at him, but was relieved to see that he wasn't mad. Deathbringer grabbed her and picked her up, spinning her around in a circle. She shrieked and laughed with him. Finally, he set her down and kissed her. She could still taste the laughter on his lips. 

"We're going to have a dragonet!"he cried, practically bouncing in a very un-Deathbringer-like way. His happiness was contagious. Glory's scales refused to listen to her and burst out a bright yellow with pink swimming through it. She put a talon over her mouth to hide her smile as Deathbringer danced around her. His grin never dulled for a second, growing as wide as it could. 

"We're gonna be parents!" he laughed. He glowed brighter than Rainwings. Suddenly, he stopped bouncing, staring at Glory with wide eyes. "We're going to be parents." he repeated in disbelief. "Oh my moons, how do we do this?" he asked, as worry overtook him. "I don't know anything about dragonets. And by all the knives, they're so tiny. How are we supposed to take care of something that small?"He stared at the ground and pressed his talons to his temples, thinking. Glory put a talon on his chin and tilted his head up so that he looked at her. 

"We'll be fine."she insisted. "We'll figure out." He smiled and took her talons in his. 

"Alright," he agreed. He thought for a moment and started to laugh again. 


 "I'm just imagining how my mother would react to this!" he said hysterically. Glory shook her head. She walked over and sat down by the egg, curling her tail around it. Deathbringer sat on the other side of the egg, staring at it fondly. Gently, he touched his talon to it as Glory leaned into him. 

"Glory?" he said finally. 

"Yes?"she responded sleepily. 

"I love you." Glory smiled and closed her eyes. As she drifted off to sleep under Deathbringer's wing, she thought she heard him whisper something to the egg. 

"I'm gonna love you too little one." 

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