Dreams and Dancing

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Moon awoke suddenly and looked around. It was the middle of the night. Everyone was asleep, or at least, everyone else in her cave. Moon could sense four other dragonets that were awake. But in her cave, the other dragonets were deep in their dreams. 

Carnelian was peacefully thinking about battling other dragons.

 Joy was also dreaming about fighting, but it was different. Moon frowned at Joy's dream. In it, she was fighting a fiery-eyed Rainwing, but the fight wasn't going well for Joy. And as for Air's dreams, part of Moon wished she could jump into them and stay there forever. 

Air was dreaming of a quiet little place, with a river and a cave home. In it, she was wrestling on the muddy bank of the river with a small Mudwing dragonet that had odd blue eyes. Out of curiosity, Moon found herself reaching out to the minds of the dragonets that were still awake. 

One was reading, but anxious on the inside. 

Another was doing some kind of calming ritual. 

And a third....That was strange. The third dragonet was pacing the floor of his cave, worrying endlessly about the very same dragon Joy was fighting in her dream. Moon listened closer. 

What if she finds us here? the dragonet thought worriedly. We're unprotected, vulnerable. She'll take advantage of that. I can't let her find us- I can't let her get to Joy. But what if she does? Mother said we were safe here, so why doesn't it feel that way? Moon frowned. Who was this dragon? And why was he so scared of that Rainwing getting to Joy? And, more importantly, Who was this Rainwing?

 But before she could contemplate this more, something else popped up, and Moon narrowed her eyes as she listened closer. I see how you benefit from this plan, but I'm not hearing any guarantees for me. Killing is easy enough, but if I kill them, how do I know you'll tell me the truth? And what happens to him if they catch me? one voice asked.

They won't catch you, a deeper voice that made Moon shiver said. Just do it. Do this for me, and I'll give you the one thing you want most. Moon froze in horror as realization struck. How could two dragons be talking in dreams? Dreamvisitors....and whoever it was, was planning to kill someone. But who at Jade Mountain would somebody be willing to kill? And who wanted them dead?

The next day....

Rainkeeper was in the art cave. It was awesome. There was every kind of paint color he could think of and he could use real canvases instead of bark! But he wasn't currently painting. Instead, he was examining the statues. There were dozens of small, talon-made statues of all sorts of dragons. They were incredible. 

There was one of the Dragonets of Destiny that was amazing. You didn't have to be told that it was of them, you could just tell. It was that detailed. Rainkeeper thought that one alone must've taken a lifetime to make. 

"Hi," a voice said suddenly, jolting him out of his own world. Rainkeeper glanced up to see an odd-looking Skywing dragonet walking in. 

"Hello," he greeted her. 

"Are you a sculptor?"she asked, nodding at the statues near him. Rainkeeper shook his head. 

"Definitely not. There's no way I'd be able to make something that detailed. I'm more of a painter." he admitted. She smiled at him. 

"I've never painted before." she replied. "But you like the statues?" she asked. He nodded. 

"Oh yeah. They're amazing. I'd love to know who made them." he went on. She grinned. 

"Well, you're in luck. She's standing right in front of you." she answered. Rainkeeper raised his eyebrows. 

"You made these?" he said in disbelief. She nodded. "Wow." She smiled again. 

"My name's Air." she replied, holding out a hand. 

"Rainkeeper." he responded, shaking her hand. Suddenly, another dragon burst into the room and slammed her hands on either side of the doorway. 


"Oh hi Joy," Rainkeeper greeted her. Air shrugged. 

"Never came up." she offered. Joy stared at them. 

"So," she said, relaxing slightly. "Air, I see you've met my brother. Brother, I see you've met Air." she noted. Rainkeeper nodded. "Well, now that that's settled," Joy began, walking over to them. "You're coming with me." She grabbed Air's hand and they ran out of the art cave. 

Air grinned as they entered the music cave. Various dragons were playing odd instruments that she had never seen before. She spotted Umber playing one. She also noticed Moon standing awkwardly in the corner staring at an instrument in confusion. Nightflyer was on the other side of the room, talking with Kelp and another Seawing that she guessed was Kelp's sister. Joy had run across the room to them and was talking to Nightflyer about something. But their conversation didn't stop him from waving at her from across the room. Air waved back and went over to Moon. 

"What is this thing?" she asked. Air looked at it. It was like some kind of box. 

"I honestly have no idea." she admitted. "Maybe we have to blow into it?" 

"I don't think so." Moon replied with a frown. 

"Then I guess we have bang out talons on it." Air suggested. "Only two ways to play an instrument that I know, anyway." Moon let out a laugh and Qibli walked into the room. His eyes landed on the drums and he lit up, bee-lining over to them. In tune with the drums, that Qibli was surprisingly good at playing, the band began to play. 

Joy lit up like a light at the music and grabbed a random dragon and began to dance. Nightflyer began to laugh until she pulled him in as well. Dragons were dancing all around and Air couldn't help but envy them. But it wasn't that way for long. 

With a devious look that screamed ulterior motives, Joy grabbed Air with one talon, still holding on to Nightflyer with the other. Joy then jumped away, leaving Air to dance with Nightflyer. Moon laughed as a single thought went through both of their heads. That sly dog. Next thing she knew, Joy had pulled her in too. She got paired up with some random Seawing as Joy danced off to drag some one else in. 

Nearly everyone was dancing, spinning around and clapping to the music. Joy smiled at the sight of Air, who was laughing as she swayed along to the music with Nightflyer. It was as if they were dancing to their own song instead of the one playing. But there was one dragon not dancing. Kelp was contently watching from the sidelines. Joy grabbed his arm. 

"Come on!" she called. He shook his head ruefully. 

"I can't," he insisted. Joy stopped. 

"Why not?" 

"I....I can't dance." Joy's jaw dropped. 

"What do you mean you can't dance? It's so easy!" Kelp made a face. 

"Not to me." She grabbed his talon. 

"Just try, please?"

"...Alright." he agreed reluctantly. She grinned and pulled him in. But, turns out, Kelp was right. He could not dance. At all. Within two steps, he fell on his face and ended up dragging Joy down with him. She laughed as they lay there on the floor. Then she caught sight of his face that was bright red with embarrassment. 

"Hey Kelp?" 


"I have a mission now. I am going to teach you to dance." she promised. Kelp looked at her in shock. 

"Really?" he said in disbelief. She nodded. 

"Really really, mango toes." 

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