Ah, So This Is What Hell Feels Like.

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Nightflyer's heart stopped as Air dropped the necklace over her head. She glanced around, momentarily confused. 

"Air?" he asked cautiously. The dragon in front of him frowned. 

"Who's that?" she asked. "And who are you?" Those three words hit him like a punch to the stomach. He winced and struggled against the dragons holding him. Next to him, Squelch was snapping at his captors attempting to bite them, but the were much bigger than he was. 

"Robin," Scarlet's voice rang out. Air turned and bowed before the queen. "Escort the prisoners back to their cell." 

"Yes your majesty." Air replied obediently. 

Ah, Nightflyer thought. So this is what hell feels like.

The others jumped to their feet at the sound of footsteps. 

"Air?" Rainkeeper asked in a confused voice. "What are you-" Air banged on the bars of the cell, and they jumped. 

"Shut your trap, Nightwing scum." she ordered, ignoring their stares. Even Winter was astonished. The guards shoved Nightflyer and Squelch into the cell, locked the doors, and walked back down the hall, Air following them. 

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Moon yelled as soon as they were gone. Squelch suddenly burst into tears and the others suddenly realized how young of a dragonet they were actually dealing with. 

"Squelch, what happened?" Qibli asked tentatively. 

"I don't know,"" he began. "I was at home, and then this scary Skywing was holding a knife to my throat and then Mother was there and was threatening to burn him to cinders but then the scarred dragon came up and said that if Mother went back to working for her, they'd let me live. So she agreed, but they kept me hostage until Mother put on some necklace and then next thing I knew, they were threatening to kill me if Air didn't do the same thing!" 

"Air put on a necklace to save Squelch and me. Now she has no memory of any of us, or herself. She believes that she is a Skywing named Robin, completely loyal to Scarlet. There's probably more, but that's all I know." Nightflyer added. There was a muffled sound as Joy let out a sting of curses. 

"Somebody's going to die." Kelp promised. They all nodded in agreement. 

A few days later...

The last couple of days had been uneventful to the dragonets in their cell. But things were quite different outside. Ruby was imprisoned as well, and Scarlet's throne was protected by the shapeshifting Chameleon, her firescales champion Peril, and her new weapon - a young, odd looking dragon named Robin. Scarlet had a funny way of siding with dragons that were different. 

Down the hall, there was a small yelp and a thunk as someone hit the floor. Rainkeeper glanced down the hall curiously, and spotted multiple dragons coming towards the cell. 

"Guys," he hissed. "Wake up." The other got up and prepared themselves as the figures grew closer, their faces hidden in the shadows. One looked oddly familiar to Rainkeeper, even in the darkness. He took a step forward as the group reached the cell door. Rainkeeper blinked in surprise. "Dad?" he asked in disbelief.

Deathbringer grinned in the dark. The others lunged at the cell door, staring at the dragons behind him. 

"DAD!" Squelch yelled happily. 

"Squelch?" Clay said in confusion. "What are you-" 

"Mother!" Seashell cried and Kelp dove to the front of the group. 

"Mom?" Nightflyer said in shock. 

"In the flesh," Fatespeaker replied, stepping forward to unlock the door. Rainkeeper, Seashell, Kelp, Squelch, and Nightflyer lunged at their parents and Qibli, Moon, and Winter stepped gratefully out of the cave. There was a muffled yell of anger. 

"Oh," Rainkeeper said, remembering. "We gotta help Joy." 

"What did they do to-" Deathbringer asked as he was pulled into the cell. His voice died in his throat at the sight of Joy chained up, the scowl on her face identical to the one Glory wore frequently. Fatespeaker passed him the keys and they quickly unlocked the princess. Joy let out a roar when she was freed. 

"I AM GONNA MURDER THAT SKYWING!" she declared, storming out of the cave. 

"Part two of this mission," Squelch informed them. "Save Air and my Mother!" The small army marched down towards the throne room, Joy at its head. 

"Joy, you can't kill Scarlet. You don't even have any weapons!" Deathbringer protested. 

"Oh, I don't?" Joy asked, holding out three chakrams. 

"When did you-" he began, reaching at the pouch he held his weapons in. Joy winked. 

"I have my ways." she explained. Deathbringer grinned as she put on a burst of speed. Glory would kill him, but he was proud of how sly and deadly Joy had become. 

If she didn't have to be a queen, he thought. She'd make one heck of an assassin. 

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