Meet Rainkeeper

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A/N: Disclaimer! Wings of Fire belongs to the amazing Tui T. Sutherland and Rainkeeper's name belongs to GlorybringerRulesAll. But the plot and Glory and Deathbringer's dragonets, belong to moi.

Glory and Deathbringer sat and admired their little dragonet in a rainforest hut. Somehow, they had made it back to the village without being spotted. 

"It's almost scary how much he looks like me," Deathbringer noted. Glory smiled. 

"Well, he better not act like you. I don't think I could handle two Deathbringers." she retorted. He laughed and Rainkeeper looked at them and tilted his head. "We have to introduce him to the tribes. They have to know that there's a prince." she added, tickling the small dragonet. He giggled so much that Deathbringer had to crack a grin. 

"Once they meet him though, we have to reveal that we got married." he pointed out. Glory smiled. 

"I wonder how many of the gossiping Rainwings will die of shock." she wondered out loud. Deathbringer glanced at her. 

"I wonder how many Nightwings are going to kill me for this." he replied. Glory looked at him. 

"They can't kill you. You're a king." she retorted. Putting on his signature smug face, Deathbringer leaned back. 

"King Deathbringer. I like the sound of that." he said deviously. Glory facetaloned. 

"Three moons, this is going to swell your head even bigger, if that's even possible." she said sarcastically. Deathbringer grinned, but before he could respond, Rainkeeper leapt in front of him. 

"Rarrr!" the little dragonet shrieked, showing his teeth. Deathbringer chuckled and leaned towards him, barring his teeth and letting out a low growl. Rainkeeper's eyes widened and he fell back to the floor, giggling. Glory just shook her head, watching her boys growl at each other.


It was time. All the Rainwings and a few Nightwings that would carry the news back to their village were gathered outside the Queen's pavilion. Glory took a deep breath, took Rainkeeper by the talon, and walked out. As soon as the Rainwings caught sight of Rainkeeper they let out a collective "awwwww". Glory held back a smile. 

"I present to you, Prince Rainkeeper of the Nightwings and Rainwings." she said elegantly. Rainkeeper waved to the dragons. .

"Hi!" he said excitedly. After a moment, Glory spoke again.

 "Also, I would like to present King Deathbringer, of the Rainwings and Nightwings." As she spoke, Deathbringer stepped out of the hut and stood on Rainkeeper's other side. The reaction was.....varied. Some Rainwings shrieked and screamed with joy while others gasped. The few Nightwings that were present froze and their jaws dropped. 

"WHAT!?!" one of them screeched. Glory turned her head towards the dragon and raised her eyebrows. He froze in fear and his mouth snapped shut. Rainkeeper laughed. 

One week later...

The day after Rainkeeper hatched, Glory had sent out letters to her friends, and they'd all agreed to travel to the rainforest to meet the little prince. Today, they all arrived and met in the pavilion. Sunny practically tackled Glory as soon as she'd landed. 

"Is he cute?" the Sandwing asked urgently. Glory nodded and Tsunami stared at her friend in confusion. She was smiling. And she was yellow. What. 

"Can we see him?" Clay asked. 

"Of course!" Glory said, still smiling. "He's with Deathbringer. Follow me." 

"Ah, yes. How is the assassin at being a father?" Starflight questioned. 

"He's great." Glory insisted. With that, they flew off to see the new prince.

Deathbringer was sitting on a platform as Rainkeeper toddled around, mumbling nonsense words. The dragonet wandered near him and grabbed one of Deathbringer's claws, holding it up. It was bigger than Rainkeeper's entire face. The dragonet pressed the claw against the wood floor of the platform and traced it with his small talon. When he finished, he let go of Deathbringer's claw and stared at the outline in the wood before pressing his own talon into the outline. The dragonet's whole claw barely covered the palm of Deathbringer's. The dragonet frowned and turned to his father, who was looking, not at him, but at the five dragons that were approaching the platform. 

"He is absolutely adorable." Sunny proclaimed. The five Dragonets of Destiny were sitting in a circle on a platform. Rainkeeper was sitting happily in his mother's lap watching the other dragons. He liked them - well, he wasn't sure about the grumpy blue one, but he definitely liked the other ones. 

"Can he talk yet?" Starflight asked. Glory nodded. 

"He mostly says gibberish, but he knows a few words."she replied. 

"Like what?" Tsunami questioned. Rainkeeper understood and thought of the words he knew. One that his dad had taught him stood out. 

"Kill!" he said in an innocent little voice. The other's eyes widened. Glory pinched the spot between her eyes with her talons. 

"Where did you hear that one?" Sunny asked. 

"Daddy!" the dragonet replied.  He didn't understand why this made the other dragons laugh. Mommy looked mad, but he didn't know why. But he thought that this might have been the reason she'd yell at Daddy later. It was funny to see Daddy get scared, especially when it was Mommy scaring him. 

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