The Rest Of The Winglet

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A few minutes later, Moon found herself walking to the Prey Center with Joy, Air, and Nightflyer. The noise of the place made her want to scream. There was prey and yelling dragons everywhere. The small group stood in the entranceway as Clay began yelling.

 "EVERYONE STOP MOVING!" he bellowed. "Especially you chickens! CHICKENS GIVE UP! WE'RE GOING TO EAT YOU! THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! STOP RUNNING AWAY RIGHT NOW!" Beside her, Air face-taloned and shut her eyes. 

"What is it?" Nightflyer asked her. 

"That would be my dad." she explained.

 "Ooo fruit!" Joy exclaimed, flying off towards a mountain of fruit. "Come on guys!" she called back. The three of them flew after her and landed nearby. 

"What are these things?" Air asked, holding up a pineapple. Nightflyer laughed. 

"You've never had fruit before?" he asked. Air shook her head. Joy's jaw dropped. 

"Oh my moons. Nightflyer, Moon. We need to educate her. Now!" she exclaimed. Nightflyer nodded, and handed Air some berries.

 "Try these." he insisted. She looked at him skeptically. 

"Trust me! They're delicious." he promised. 

"Whewf," a voice behind them said suddenly. Air turned to see Clay. She smiled at him. 

"Hi dad." she greeted him. 

"Hey Air," he replied. "So, plan hasn't exactly gone as......planned."he admitted.

 "Dad, this place is MADNESS." Air insisted. Nightflyer nodded in agreement. 

"I know," he agreed. "This, uh, wasn't exactly what I had imagined." 

"SCAVENGER!" someone yelled. Clay frowned. 

"We don't have any of those in here." he trailed off, wandering away. Air facetaloned again. 

And you know what happened next, So...

The next day......

Moon awoke with a start as someone pounced on her tail. 

"GOOD MORNING!" an entirely too awake Air cried. "We get to meet the rest of our Winglet today! So....GET UP!" 

"Alright." Moon said groggily. "I'm up." 

"Yes!" Air replied. Air jumped off moon's bed and poked at Joy. "Come on! Wake up!" she announced. Joy didn't even move. Air ran over to one of the scroll racks and pulled out one. She threw the scroll at Joy and yelled.

 "Time to wake up!" Without even opening her eyes, Joy reached out, caught the scroll, and threw it across the room; where it ended up smacking Carnelian in the face. Carnelian let out a yelp and shot up. Joy opened her eyes and glanced at her. 

"That actually hit? Cool." Joy exclaimed. 

"Get up!" Air urged. "We have to go meet our Winglets!" As if on cue, a loud gong echoed through the school. Carnelian reluctantly got up and left the cave. Joy and Moon followed Air sleepily down the hallway. 

"Have you guys explored yet?" Air asked. 

"No," Moon admitted.

 "I've mostly been exploring the Art cave, but I know where everything else is too." Air replied. 

"The art cave?" Joy said suddenly. "Where's that?" Air glanced at her. 

"Do you like art?" she asked. Joy shook her head. 

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