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"NIGHTFLYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Joy yelled, grabbing the Nightwing. "You gotta help me!" 

"Okay! Calm down. What's wrong?" Nightflyer questioned. A horrified look crossed over the princess's face. 

"He found out where I live." she said in a revolted voice. 

"Who?" Nightflyer asked in confusion. 

"The putrid dragon." she explained. 

"Macaw?" Nightflyer suggested. Joy shuddered.

 "Don't say his name." she begged. 

"What's so bad about that?" Nightflyer asked. 

"Everything." she declared. "I hate that piece of filth. He flirts with me, tries to get near me, and stares WAY too long in places he shouldn't."

 "Well, have you punched him yet?" he offered. 

"Repeatedly." she replied. "Help." 


Joy was outside the hut she lived in, telling Deathbringer a story about school, when an obnoxious voice rang out. 

"Lovely Joy! How wonderful to see you again!" Macaw cried. Joy eloquently closed her eyes. Deathbringer bit back a laugh. Her expression matched Glory's irritated face perfectly. That face made it looks as if even the sound of this dragon's voice was enough to make her jump off a cliff with her wings bound. It was like an annoying itch that wouldn't go away in a place you couldn't reach. 

"So, is he a big ugly walrus?" Deathbringer questioned. 

"You have no idea." Joy said in a strained voice. She slowly opened her eyes as Macaw came closer.

 "Hello," he greeted them. 

"Hello, who are you?" Deathbringer demanded, trying not to put too much threatening into his voice. Macaw grinned slyly. 

"Why, don't you recognize me? I'm your future son-in-law." he explained. 

Glory stepped out of a rainforest hut with a sigh and glanced at her home. She froze at the sight. A small, puke green dragonet was standing outside, facing Deathbringer and Joy. Joy's face held so much disgust and horror, that there were not words to describe it. Deathbringer was staring blankly, but to someone that knew him, he looked more murderous than Glory had ever seen him. She quickly walked over to make sure no one got hurt soon. 

"Hello there," Glory greeted the dragonet. She entwined her tail with Deathbringer's, hoping to calm him down slightly. The dragonet bowed slightly. 

"Your Majesty." he replied. 

"Are you a friend of Joy's?" she asked. Joy recoiled. 

"GREAT MOONS NO!" she retorted.

 "Something like that." he insisted with a grin. He eyed Joy in a way that made Glory want to shove him off the platform. 

"Well, I need to speak with these two about something, so maybe you could come back later?" Glory suggested. 

"Of course," he agreed. He turned his attention to Joy. "I'll see you later." he added in a sultry way. She only looked more revolted. 

As soon as he was gone, Glory and Deathbringer's head whipped around to stare at Joy. 

"Who the heck is that?" Glory demanded. Joy gagged. 

"I think I need to go puke now." she remarked. "That, was Macaw. The most revolting, putrid, disgusting, sick dragon in the world. He has a thing for me, and I can't stand him. He's been flirting with me the. Entire. Year." Deathbringer growled. 

"Can I kill him?" he snarled. 

"Please do!" Joy begged. 

"No." Glory confirmed. "I get that he's annoying, and the way he was looking at you even made me uneasy, but we can't harm him for it." 

"What if he....'accidentally' died?" Deathbringer questioned, the murderous look still in his eyes. 

"No, Deathbringer." Glory repeated. 


"NO." "Oh come on!" Deathbringer yelled. Joy sighed. 

"Surely there's some way I can get rid of him." she thought out loud. 

"Yea. It's called, we FREAKING MURDER HIM!" Deathbringer suggested. Glory shook her head with a smile. 

"Didn't you tell me that you weren't going to be an overprotective father?" she asked. 

"I'm not." he retorted. "Overprotective me would've killed him the minute I heard 'lovely Joy'"

 "I. HATE. The word lovely." Joy announced.

As they continued to talk, another Rainwing landed on the platform, a scared look on his face. 

"Your Majesty!" he exclaimed, his scales green with fear. 

"What is it?" Glory asked, molding back into her Queen mode. The dragon spoke with wide eyes. 

"One of the patrols, we- we spotted Pineapple in the forest." 

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