The Job

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Nightflyer frowned as he entered a rainforest hut. He had been given a letter by a guard, saying that he was to formally meet with Princess Joy to discuss something important. The very idea make him raise his eyebrows. Joy never met with him 'formally'. She never did anything regally at all. He was one of her best friends. Why the heck would she need to 'properly summon' him. And it only got weirder. He stepped into the hut to see Joy draped on a chair, almost throne-like. She snapped up as he entered. Guards from around the room eyed him carefully. 

"Ah, Nightflyer. Good to see you." Joy addressed him, a regal look on her face. Nightflyer stopped dead in his tracks. Wow. Joy was a party person, someone who spoke loudly, and generally did whatever she wanted just for the fun of it. But this was not the Joy Nightflyer knew. This dragon, looked like the future Queen. She sat up straight, her talons clasped. She eyed him with a look of importance, as if he was valuable to her. She looked completely at ease in a throne, but also had her guard up and marked every movement in the room, regardless of the guards protecting her. This was a dragon that everyone would follow, and the second-long change from rambunctious to royalty left you speechless. 

"Um, I got a summoning letter?" he began, confused as to why he was even here.

 "Yes. I have a job for you." Joy explained. She glanced around the room. "Might I have a private word?" she questioned. With a flick of her tail, the guards filed out of the room. Joy got off the throne and walked to him, the way she walked alone screamed 'this dragon is important, bow down'. 

"A job." Nightflyer repeated. "Doing what?" Joy sighed.

 "A few days ago, Pineapple was spotted in the forest. Mother is going slightly crazy because of it, due to Pineapple's record in the village, and the incident we had last year with her at school. So, she is putting guards on me for my protection until Pineapple can be captured. However, knowing me, I rebelled, not wanting some random dragon to follow me around 24/7. So, she agreed to let me choose my bodyguard. And I have chosen you." she elaborated. Nightflyer's eyes widened. 

"Me?" he asked. "Why?" He was no bodyguard. He barely knew how to fight, let alone how to protect Joy, the only princess and lone heir to the kingdom. Why the hell would she choose him? 

"You are one of my best friends Nightflyer. I trust you." she countered. "I know that you'll still let me live my normal life while you protect me. Mother has already agreed to it. You have a bit of a record for saving dragons after all." 

"I do? When did I ever save someone?" he questioned. Joy rolled her eyes, letting a bit of herself show. 

"Let's see. JMA, first year. You attacked Icicle to save your father, you attacked Chameleon to save Air. You fought Skywing guards along with the rest of us to help free Peril and Air. Last year, you may not have fought with Pineapple, but you still helped Seashell. Plus, there was that time when we were little that you dragged a random dragon away just before a tree was about to fall on him. You constantly made sure we were all okay. That's bodyguard material right there." she said, listing examples. "It's only a temporary job anyway. If you accept, that is." 

Nightflyer thought for a moment.

 "Alright." he agreed. "I'll do it." 

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