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Joy leaned against a tree and sighed. They had just arrived in Possibility a few hours ago, and Joy seriously could use some good news, or better yet, a laugh. The whole group could use a laugh in her opinion. Winter was standing at one side of the garden outside the doctor's, drilling Icewing mantras into Hailstorm's head. Seashell was inside, talking with the doctor about Kelp. Air had gotten her scratch stitched up, although she was under strict orders not to fly for at least a week. The hybrid had laid down in the grass and had fallen asleep. Joy couldn't blame her, stitches sounded painful and she had gotten so many. Nightflyer sat protectively next to Air, his tail entwined with hers. Joy couldn't help but smile. Who would've thought that one of her best friends would fall in love with her other best friend. At the moment, things seemed almost uneventful in Possibility, but that was far from the truth at JMA.

Jade Mountain Academy....

Rainkeeper and Turtle hid behind the school's gong, watching. The two had become friends over the last few days, bonded by their worry for the dragonets that had run away. Although, worry was an understatement for Rainkeeper. He was slightly panicking. Joy was out there, in some random place, completely unprotected. What if she happened to stumble into Pineapple? Joy was strong, but Rainkeeper could only imagine how much more powerful Pineapple had gotten over the years. His cousin haunted his nightmares, always killing Joy and occasionally his mother. Mother....How was she taking this? Not very well, Rainkeeper guessed, considering that Glory's only heir and daughter was running straight at Queen Scarlet. Rainkeeper didn't even want to think about what Scarlet would do to his sister should she find out who Joy was. He shuddered at the very thought and snapped back into reality. A moment later, Rainkeeper wished that he had never left his thoughts. Ever.Queen Scarlet was threatening the school, and she had something in her talons. Something that, to Rainkeeper, looked horrifyingly close to a head. 

"TRAITORS!" the scarred dragon yelled. "All of you! Disloyal cowards!" She shook the item she was holding, and Rainkeeper's stomach sank. There was no doubt- it was a head. "I destroy anyone who opposes me! I will have my vengeance and I will get my throne back! This is just one of the dragons I'll kill - and you'll all be next!" She flung the head and them and flew away. A Skywing caught it and turned back to them, holding it up. 

Sunny began to scream and Rainkeeper's eyes went wide. 

It couldn't be. His normally black scales flashed a bright, neon, acid green and Turtle yelped in shock. Tsunami's roar confirmed it and Rainkeeper suddenly realized that all the oxygen in the world had disappeared. His scales kept flashing that same green color of pure terror until they just stayed that way. White pain seeped in and it felt like the entire world was caving in on him. 

The head was Glory's, it was his mother's. 

His mother was dead. 



 NO! She couldn't be! 

Deathbringer wouldn't- his dad would never- realization swept through him. If his mother was dead, then his father would most definitely be too. His father would die before he would let anyone hurt Glory. Tears appeared in his eyes, but he didn't feel them. He didn't hear Ruby ordering her soldiers to go after Scarlet, he didn't see Sunny sobbing and begging Clay to say it wasn't true. He didn't see Turtle walk out to examine the head. Rainkeeper didn't hear anything. He couldn't see, couldn't feel. All he knew was that the world was crashing and burning in front of him, all because of a head that his friend was holding. 

It seemed like forever until Turtle was able to get through to his friend. 

"Rainkeeper?" he repeated. The prince of the rainforest glanced up at him and the look in his eyes made Turtle want to recoil. "She's not dead." he told him. "It was a fake- animus work." Rainkeeper's eyes widened. 

"She's not dead?" he whispered. Turtle nodded. Rainkeeper practically collapsed to the ground with relief, his scales going back to normal. A moment later, they flashed green again. "Joy." Rainkeeper said suddenly. "I have to find Joy." 

"And I have to find my sister," Turtle added, glancing outside and wondering where Tsunami had gone. 

"Then," Rainkeeper began. "What do you say, we go find them? Together." Turtle turned to his friend.

"Alright," he agreed. "Let's go."

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