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A/N: You know, I am starting to understand why authors kill off characters. There's something fun about being called a horrific monster. And I like torturing my readers from time to time. To quote the wise words of Blackbeard. "If I don't kill someone every now and then, they forget who I am." Also- 

Readers: JUST TELL US WITH HAPPENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay! :)

Joy screamed as Pineapple released Kelp and he fell to the ground. But then Joy and Qibli were there, pressing their talons against Kelp's throat. They couldn't stop the bleeding, but they could slow it. 

"Help him!" Qibli yelled. "Don't just stand there! Winter! Moon! Air! Somebody! Get something!" 

"No. Nonononononononononono." Joy whispered. She grabbed one of Kelp's talons as she pressed her other talon to his throat. "Not like this." she whispered. Kelp opened his mouth, as if he was trying to say something, but only blood came out. "Don't talk." she urged him. "Kelp. Please. Please, just stay with me. Please." she begged.

 "Stone." he choked out. "Seashell. The stone." 

"What?" Winter said in confusion. They had gathered around him, Air helping to add pressure onto the wound. Suddenly, it clicked. Air jumped back and Joy screamed again.

 "Air!" she cried at her friend. Moon jumped in to keep the pressure. 

"The healing stone we got from Turtle!" Air yelled, taking off into the sky. 

Pineapple grinned at their feeble attempts. The Seawing was going to die. She was sure of it. Just like she was sure that her job had just gotten so much easier. Joy was on the ground, bent over Kelp. She wasn't paying attention, and her back was completely unguarded. It was the perfect time to strike. 

Nightflyer glanced up as Air crashed down next to him. His eyes widened as he took everything in. There were tears in her eyes and blood on her scales. She was shaking, clearly in a panic. 

"Air?" he breathed. She didn't respond, grabbing at the pouch around Seashell's neck and digging through it, searching. Please, Air prayed. Please let it be in here. "Air?" Nightflyer said, this time more urgently. "What happened? Air, who's blood is that?" With shaking talons, she pulled a river stone out of the pouch and jumped to her feet. Nightflyer grabbed her arm before she could fly off. "Air, Who's blood is that!?" he demanded, his voice panicked. 

"There's no time for this!" she cried, breaking out of his grip and flying away. 

Pineapple stepped towards Joy, the hybrid not even noticing. She couldn't breathe, the air becoming solid around her. Pineapple took another step and someone grabbed her arm. 

"Don't even think about it." Rainkeeper warned, stepping between her and Joy. 

"What? You're going to stop me?" She demanded.

 "No. I don't have to." he retorted. "If you want to kill her, you simply have to kill me first. And we both know you don't have it in you to do that." 

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." Pineapple cautioned, although she did look slightly hesitant. They glared at each other as Air crashed down and bolted over to Kelp. 

Quick as a flash, Pineapple threw Rainkeeper away and grabbed Joy by the neck, pulling her away from Kelp. Joy let out a scream, but relaxed slightly as Air began to press the healing stone against the wound. Her relief faded into anger and, with newly found rage, Joy launched herself at Pineapple. 

"You've been training," Pineapple commented as they both fell to the ground. "But, then again, so have I."

 "And who in their right mind would train you?" Joy demanded, as they wrestled on the ground. Pineapple smirked as she was pinned to the ground. 

"You'd be surprised what some prisoners are willing to do for freedom, and the Sand Kingdom is full of prisoners. It was perfectly easy to find one that hated Glory enough to train me. Her only request was simple enough for me to agree to." With that, she flipped Joy neatly over her head and spun to her feet. Joy caught herself and rolled over before regaining control. 

"Enough!" Rainkeeper yelled, coming between them. He grabbed Pineapple by the throat and pinned her against a tree. She didn't resist. In fact, she looked slightly impressed.

 "Learn that move from your father, did you? I wouldn't be surprised. You copy everything that pathetic dragon does, no matter how stupid. Well, hate to break it to you, but no matter how much you're like him, he's still not going to want some artist for a son. You're a lame excuse for a prince and a son, just like you always have been. The only dragon that's ever liked you for who you are is me." She declared.

 "Don't listen to her Rainkeeper!" Air cried. His grip tightened against Pineapple's throat.

 "That's a lie, but, then again, you've never spoken a true word in your life." he hissed. "So, here's what's going to happen. You are going to leave here, and you are never going to come back. You will leave my sister and the rest of my family alone for good." 

"And why would I do that?" 

"Everybody has a weakness, Pineapple." he explained. "I just happen to be very familiar with yours." 

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