Music Night

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Do you like to sing? Do you enjoy music? Then come to our first ever Jade Mountain Academy Music Night! Sing a song, or just dance along for an evening of fun! 

The school was buzzing with excitement. A music night. It sounded fun! And it was an excuse to stay up later then they were normally allowed. Joy, personally, was thrilled. One of the main things she missed about the rainforest was the fiestas, and now they were bringing the fiesta here! She knew for a fact that her and the rest of the Rainwing students were going to deliver on the party power. She just hoped that the teachers could handle the mess that dancing rainwings meant. 

"Joy!" a voice called from behind her. She turned to see Kelp running to catch up with her. 

"Hey Kelp," she greeted him with a smile. They kept walking. 

"Hey Joy?" he asked. "We're....okay. Right?" 

"Of course, we're okay." she agreed. "We're better than okay, if I dare to say so." He grinned. "Now, are you prepared to wow the school with your amazing dance moves on music night?" 

"Uh..." Kelp said uncertainly. "I'm not sure." 

"Oh, come on. You're a great dancer!" she insisted. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll dance with you."  

"That's the problem," he explained. "I know I can dance with you, but I'm pretty sure I will fail epically if I dance alone, or with someone else." 

"Then I guess you'll just have to dance to every song with me." she suggested with a smile.

 "If I can be given that honor." Kelp countered. 

Music Night.....

All of JMA was packed into the largest cave in the mountain. Music was playing, there was a table full of food, and everything else was the dance floor. Lanterns were strung from the ceiling, with colorful rainforest leaves covering them, so that the light was shades of pink, blue, and green. Tsunami, Sunny, and Fatespeaker were positioned around the cave. The teachers were going in shifts. In an hour, Clay, Starflight, and Webs would take their places. Air and Nightflyer purposefully memorized the shift schedule to prevent Clay from seeing them dance together. But for now, it was time to party.

"So!" Joy announced to the group. They were crowded together at one corner of the room. "Who's going to sing tonight? Cause I know I am!" The others quickly looked away for fear of Joy's questioning.

 "I might. But I"m still deciding." Kelp admitted. 

"Oh please do! I want to hear you sing!" Joy begged. "Anyone else? What about you, Nightflyer? Don't you want to wow the crowd with your voice?" Nightflyer froze, his eyes wide. 

"You can sing?" Air asked. Nightflyer nodded slightly. "Oh, please sing a song!" Air pleaded.

 "No." Nightflyer said firmly.  

"Come on Nightflyer, now we're curious." Seashell insisted. Nightflyer shook his head. 

"No way. Not happening."

 "Nightflyer," Air sang, a sultry look on her face. "Sing a song for me?" He made the mistake of glancing at her, and then staring. 

"Dammit," he mumbled under his breath. "Fine! I'll do one song." The group cheered. 

A little while later, Nightflyer found himself on the makeshift 'stage'. He froze slightly. Why the hell did I agree to this? he wondered. His eyes searched out the crowd before they landed on Air. She was watching him, a hopeful smile on her face. Sing a song for me? her voice rang in his head. Alright. Let's do this. 

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