It's Kinda A Long Story.

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It had been a week since Kelp and Seashell's little 'talk' and Kelp had reluctantly kept his distance from Joy. She tried to talk to him, but he refused to respond. The thing that hurt her the most is that he stopped showing up for dance lessons. But now, she was past upset, past sad. Now, she was just plain ticked off. She was going to figure out what had happened. One way, or another. 

The day started off normally. The usual group of eight was walking down the hallway together, but Joy was being unusually quiet. None of them were concerned until Kelp was slammed against the wall and a chakram was pressed to his throat. 

"Whoa!" Qibli yelled in surprise. 

"Joy stop!" Nightflyer cried.

 "Bad Joy! Put. The chakram. Down." Air scolded.

 "No!" Joy yelled fiercely. She turned her attention to Kelp. The Seawing was staring at her with fear and surprise, but he also had a strange expression on his face, as if he was almost enjoying her hostility. "You've been ignoring me." she noted. "Why?" 

"I didn't want to, "Kelp admitted, eyeing the silver blade of the chakram. His gaze landed on Seashell. "This is all your fault you know!" he commented at her.

 "How is it my fault?" Seashell demanded. 

"You were the one that reminded me of the stupid agreement and forced me to stay away from her!" Kelp retorted.

 "I didn't think she'd react like this!" Seashell countered. 

"Well, then you obviously know nothing about her." Kelp continued. 

"Wait what?" Joy said in confusion. She released Kelp and turned to Seashell. "This was your doing?!" she yelled, lunging at the Seawing. Air and Nightflyer quickly grabbed a hold  of her. 

"What agreement?" Moon asked. The twin's eyes widened. 

"We might as well tell them." Kelp insisted. 

"No! We're not supposed to tell anyone, remember?" Seashell begged. 

"They're are friends, Seashell! They deserve to know!" Kelp countered.

 "Know what?" Qibli asked suspiciously. 

"About the agreement that our-" 

"Kelp!" Seashell shouted.

 "I don't care! If you won't tell them, then I will!" he insisted. 

"Kelp. Explain. Now." Winter demanded. Kelp sighed. 

"It's kinda've a long story." 

A few minutes later, the group was sitting in an empty cave, awaiting Kelp and Seashell's explanation.

 "Let's start at the very beginning," Kelp suggested. 

"Which is before we're even born." Seashell added. 

"Okay." Kelp began. 

"Anyone who knows the story of the Dragonets of Destiny knows that Queen Coral....didn't exactly approve of Tsunami and Riptide's relationship. Or of Riptide's general existence. But neither of them cared about that. They ended up dating in secret for a few years after the war ended until they decided to get married. But, of course, that meant they had to tell Queen Coral. Tsunami hoped that Coral would put aside her old feelings about Riptide and accept the marriage, but she was wrong. Coral threatened to ban the marriage if they didn't break up, but they refused. Tsunami told her mother that the marriage was going to happen whether she liked it or not, and Coral said that if Tsunami married him, she would no longer be Coral's daughter. She would be disowned. Tsunami stared straight at her mother and said that she guessed that she was no longer her daughter. Then she left. About a month later, Riptide and Tsunami got married. Then, about two years later, Seashell and I were born. Coral was angered about the marriage, but she was furious when she learned of us. So she decided to take matters into her own hands." he paused, letting this sink in.

"She sent assassins to kill us." Kelp explained.

 "No," Seashell countered. "She sent assassins to kill you." 

"Fine, just me." Kelp continued. "For nearly a year, these dragons kept showing up and trying to attack me. Our parents always ended up fighting them off, or killing the dragons if necessary. Finally, Tsunami had enough and she went to Coral to demand that it stopped. They got into a huge fight before the idea of an agreement came up. A document that they could compromise on. A truce. Coral listed her demands and Tsunami agreed to them. She gave up a lot so that we could be safe. But...there was one more thing. To properly seal the agreement, Anemone enchanted it. So, if we break anything on the agreement....My dad and I drop dead." 

"WHAT!?!?!!" Joy yelled.

 "What was on the agreement?" Qibli persisted. 

"No one in our family is allowed into the Sea Kingdom," Seashell recited.

 "Seashell and I aren't allowed to know Aquatic." Kelp added. 

"Tsunami isn't allowed to challenge for the throne," 

"We must refer to the Queen as Queen Coral rather than 'Grandmother' or something else that assumes we're related."  

"We're not to be addressed as a Prince and a Princess because we aren't allowed to hold those titles in the Sea Kingdom." 

"There's a whole bunch more," Seashell explained. 

"But there's one more they should know about." Kelp added softly. 

"What is it?" Joy asked nervously. Kelp glanced up, unable to meet any of their eyes. 

"In order to 'end a horrid, tainted bloodline' and keep me from 'temptation'," he began. He hesitated, attempting to swallow the lump in his throat. "I'm not allowed to get married." 

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