Pineapple, Lightning Strikes, Fear, Panic, Death Threats, No Big Deal...

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"We have to head back!" Air called out. Rainkeeper shook his head. 

"I'm not going until I know Joy is on her way back!" he retorted. Nightflyer was torn. He wanted to go back, where it was safe and warm, but he didn't want to leave his friends out here. And, either way, he wasn't going anywhere without Air. He was debating when pain sliced into his head and he gasped, his wings giving out at the sudden vision that slammed into his head. 

"Nightflyer!" Air yelled. She and Rainkeeper dove after the Nightwing as he fell. Rainkeeper flew under him and caught him unsteadily, their scales wet with rain. Nightflyer's eyes were unfocused, yet he looked terrified. He spoke one word in a voice that was not his own. 


"What?" Air said in confusion, helping Rainkeeper to hold him. Rainkeeper's scales flashed green with fear. 

"Where?" he demanded. "Nightflyer. When? And where?" Nightflyer gasped again, as if he hadn't been breathing this whole time. He stared at Rainkeeper in terror.

 "Joy." he said hoarsely. "Now." Without another word, Rainkeeper took off towards the lake, to the last spot he had seen his sister go. 

Red flooded Joy's scales, even covering the small bits of green fear she felt.

 "Pineapple." she hissed at the fiery eyed dragon. Pineapple smirked at her. Seashell exchanged a look with her brother, her eyes clearly reading a message. Kelp understood, and nodded slightly. With that, Seashell took off suddenly into the sky. Pineapple smirked again. 

"Ah, yes. Go fly off to warn your pathetic excuses for teachers that I'm here." she said with a snort. Maybe, she thought in her head. If she cooperates, you'll be back in time to save this ridiculous Seawing.  "It's about time we met, cousin. It's a pity my original plan didn't work out, or I never would've had to meet you." she said haughtily, her voice slimy like a snake's. 

"Oh yes. It's quite a shame you didn't manage to murder even more innocent dragonets before they got to hatch." Joy said sarcastically. 

"On the contrary," Pineapple began innocently. "If you had died first, none of those dragonets would've. I would've left, and ten families could've had a happier life, yours included. I would never have been caught. It would've just been known as 'a tragic accident' that every daughter Glory attempted to hatch would've died. It would be no shock, just look at the Seawings. But, no. You lived instead, and ten innocents dragonets, including your own brother, died because of it." 

"Don't you dare talk about my brother." a new voice growled. 

Air and Nightflyer took off after Rainkeeper, but a flash of lightning and a scream distracted them. Air turned to see a figure falling out of the sky. She flew towards it, hoping to catch the dragon before they hit the ground. 

"Air!" Nightflyer yelled after her, but he followed her. Air was just fast enough to soften the fall for the figure she had seen. They crash-landed on a small island near the one Rainkeeper was flying to. Nightflyer landed in the sand next to them and rushed over. They both gasped as they recognized who had just been struck by lightning. It was Seashell.

Moon, Winter, and Qibli were flying back to JMA when a vision crashed into Moon's head as well. Winter and Qibli quickly caught her from flying and winced as she screamed. This truly was the worst vision she had ever seen. 

"Moon? What is it? What's happening?" Qibli asked anxiously. As soon as she regained control of her wings, Moon took off towards a small island. Winter and Qibli followed her, their nerves growing by the second. 

"Oh no. Oh moons. Oh no." Nightflyer sputtered. "Is she alive?" Air shakily pressed her talon to Seashell's neck. 

"Yes," she said in a relieved voice. They sat there in relief until a thought occurred to her. "What about Kelp and Joy?" Air said in a sudden panic. "Seashell wouldn't fly off alone for no reason! Something must've happened to one of them!" 

"Probably to Joy," Nightflyer reasoned. "Seashell would never leave if her brother was hurt." 

"We have to go check." Air realized. 

"But we can't leave Seashell here alone." Nightflyer countered. 

"Okay, then I'll go check the island and find out what happened. You stay here with Seashell." Air suggested. As much as he didn't want her to go off alone, he could see that there was no point in arguing with her about this. 

"Alright." Nightflyer reluctantly agreed. "Be careful." With that, Air took to the sky.

Pineapple and Joy whirled around to see Rainkeeper glaring at Pineapple. Joy raised her eyebrows in surprise. She had never seen him look so angry. 

"Well, isn't this a pleasant family reunion." Pineapple smirked. "Good to see you again Rainkeeper."

 "Don't talk to me like that" Rainkeeper snapped. "Like everything is fine. I know what you're planning here." 

"Oh really?" she countered. "And, guess what? Your precious daddy isn't here to stop me this time." 

"He doesn't have to be." Rainkeeper assured her. "If you want Joy, you'll have to go through me first." Pineapple grinned. 

"Oh, Rainkeeper. You really overthink everything. I'm not going to attack her." she insisted. "She's going to come willing into my claws." 

"And why would I ever do that?" Joy demanded. 

"Because if you don't," Pineapple replied. She paused and grabbed Kelp, holding a talon threateningly at his throat. "He dies."

At that moment, Moon, Winter, Qibli, and Air burst into the area and froze.

 "No." Moon whispered. "We're too late." Every emotion in the world built up inside of Joy, but somehow she managed to keep her cool. Everyone else remained frozen. She eyes Kelp, reading the fear in his eyes. But she also saw how much he didn't want her to do this. How much he thought that he wasn't worth her life. An invisible mask covered her emotions, letting her play things out. She snorted. 

"So? He's just some Seawing. I could care less if he lives or dies." Joy lied, praying that Pineapple would believe her and let him go, hoping to find a more useful hostage. But apparently her prayers didn't get answered. 

"Is that so?" Pineapple questioned. "That's not what I heard. But, if you insist." 

With a smirk on her face and her eyes never leaving Joy's, Pineapple slit Kelp's throat.

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