Animus Magic? Hmmmmm

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Firefly was in the library, as usual, when Nightflyer walked in, looking extremely annoyed and slightly horrified. A beautiful Nightwing walked in behind him, giggling as she trailed after him. 

He needs help, she thought to herself. Time to go little-sister mode. She got to her feet and quickly approached them.

 "Nightflyer!" she called. The pretty Nightwing whirled around and glared at her. 

"Oh, hi Firefly." he greeted her, his eyes silently reading Oh thank the moons thank you thank you thank you. 

"Who's she?" the other nightwing snapped. Nightflyer rolled his eyes. 

"She's my sister, and I'm sure she needs me for something extremely important. Right sis?" he pleaded. 

"Actually, yes I do." she admitted. "So, I'm just gonna steal him away for a few minutes." 

"But Nighty-" the dragon whined. Nightflyer strained a smile and quickly ushered Firefly away. 

"Thank you." he breathed, sighing with relief. 

"Let's start there, shall we? Who is that?" Firefly demanded. 

"Faithbringer. She likes me. Can you get Coal or Qibli to stab me so I don't have to deal with her?" he asked. 

"Does Air know about her?" Firefly questioned. His face fell. 


 "That's what I thought." she replied. 

"Anyways!" Nightflyer said quickly, changing the subject. "Did you have a legitimate reason to talk to me?"

 "Yes." she admitted, lowering her voice. "I want to tell Mother and Father. About you-know-what." 

"Great!" he insisted. "That's good." 

"But I don't want to do it alone."

"Firefly," he began. "You know I'll be right there beside you the whole time." 


 "Really. That's what big brothers are for, aren't they?" he promised. Firefly let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding in. "When do you want to tell them?" he questioned. 

"How about tonight?" she suggested. Nightflyer nodded in agreement.

 That night....

It was late at night. The students of JMA had gone to bed not too long ago, but the teachers were still very well awake. Starflight and Fatespeaker were in the library. Fatespeaker was reshelving scrolls while Starflight worked at his desk, checking due dates and other things. That's where they were when Nightflyer and Firefly stepped into the room. Starflight glanced up at the sound of footsteps and paused at the sight of them. Firefly looked nervous, and maybe a bit scared. Nightflyer looked slightly concerned. Starflight set down his pen. 

"Nightflyer." he greeted them. "Firefly." Fatespeaker looked up at his words. 

"What are you two doing up?" she questioned, taking in their expressions. Now Firefly looked terrified. Nightflyer nudged her slightly. 

"Firefly has something to tell you." he announced. Starflight got up and walked around his desk. 

"What is it?" he asked, growing both curious and suspicious. Firefly swallowed. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe it'd all be okay. 

"I'm a...." she stammered. "I- uh, I'm an.." her voice grew quieter. "I'm an animus." she whispered, but in the silence her words were still heard clearly. 

"What?" Fatespeaker said in disbelief. Starflight stood frozen in shock. Their daughter was an animus?

 "Please tell me you haven't enchanted anything." Starflight begged. Firefly shook her head. 

"Other than the animus test, I haven't done anything, I promise." she swore. Her parents glanced at each other, looking slightly relieved. 

"Don't." Starflight said finally. 

"What?" Firefly asked. She understood the dangers of this power. She knew the cost of using it. But shouldn't she do something? Wasn't she given this power for a reason? Shouldn't she try to do some good with it before never using it again? Maybe she could do what the Icewing animuses had done, just use their power once and then never again. Would that really be so bad? 

"Firefly we can't have you losing your soul." Fatespeaker explained. "It's just safer if you don't use your power at all."

 "But shouldn't I try to do some good with it?" she questioned. "I could help dragons and then never use it again, like the Icewings used to!" 

"No Firefly." Starflight said firmly. "We shouldn't risk it." She knew they weren't going to budge. But neither would she. She could do something, make someone's life better. If she helped just one dragon, wouldn't that be worth the risk? 

Her parents warned her, made her swear not to use her power. Firefly clasped her talons behind her back.

 "I promise." she declared, no one noticing that her talons were crossed. No one wanted her to use this power, even for good. But she didn't care about that. She could help dragons with this magic, and she was going to. Whether her family liked it, or not. 

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