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A/N: BWHAHAHAHA I love torturing you guys sometimes... But, I am strangely liking that you enjoy the book enough to threaten me if I kill someone off.

As the remaining eight dragonets panicked in their cell, A.K.A., as the remaining seven dragonets attempted to calm Nightflyer down, Air was taken to Scarlet's throne room.

The scarred queen sat regally on her throne, looking more evil than ever. At her side was Peril, her face furrowed into a permanent state of confusion as she stared at Air. On the guest throne sat a small Skywing dragonet. He was humming softly and waved to Air even though they had never met before. 

"Air, isn't it?" Scarlet questioned. Air fought to keep her emotions in check. "A hybrid, of my champion and some revolting Mudwing?" the queen went on. Peril grabbed her head with one talon, looking more confused than Air had ever seen her. Air couldn't help it. 

"Mother," she whispered, desperate. Peril glanced up and turned to the Scarlet. 

"Your Majesty, I don't mean to interrupt, but....Who is she?" she asked tentatively. Air's eyes widened in fear. Scarlet smirked. 

"No one for you to worry about," she promised her former champion. She turned back to Air. "Now," Scarlet began. "As you know, I've recently taken back my throne, and it would be so nice to have another strong dragon on my side-" 

"I'll NEVER work for you!" Air spat. 

"I wouldn't be so quick to make that choice if I were you." Scarlet continued. She flicked her tail and another dragon came forward with a necklace. "Put this on, and then we'll talk." Air set her jaw. 

"That's enchanted, isn't it? Just like the one my mother is wearing right now." Air shot back at her. 

"Perhaps you need a bit of persuasion," Scarlet suggested. She flicked her tail again, and two more Skywings came out dragging someone into the room. Someone with brown scales, and blue eyes. Air's heart stopped. 

"Squelch?" she whispered in disbelief.

At the sound of footsteps, everyone jumped to their feet back in the cell. The treasure coated dragon was back, but this time, no Air. Nightflyer grabbed at the bars.

 "Where is she?" he demanded, his voice dripping with fury. Joy let out a muffled growl.

 "You." the dragon said, pointing at Nightflyer. "You are needed. And don't worry, you'll be seeing your precious little taint very soon." With that, he took Nightflyer away, leaving the remaining dragonets terrified for what their friends were going through....and who would be next.

"DON'T LISTEN TO HER AIR!" Squelch yelled as soon as Air caught sight of him. "She's evil! She did something to Mother! She doesn't even know who Dad is anymore!" Air froze in horror. The dragonet just a few feet away was her brother. Her baby brother, held captive, and, judging by the bleeding scratches on him, it hadn't been pleasant. 

"So," Scarlet began. "Here's how this is going to work. You put on that necklace and work for me....or this puny little dragonet dies." Tears pricked up in Air's eyes. 

"How can you do this?" she demanded. "How can you be so cruel?" 

"Don't do it Air!" Squelch cried. "I'm not worth it! Keep your mind your own! You have to stop her, you have to save Mother!" Air shook, but she knew her brother was right. She couldn't do it- not when she might be their mother's only hope. 

"This is taking too long," Scarlet commented. "Let's kick it up a notch." She flicked her tail, and another dragon was shoved into the room.


 He was thrown to the ground before being grabbed by two fierce Skywings. 

"Nightflyer." Air breathed. 

"Same deal," Scarlet explained. "But now both of them will die if you refuse." Air glanced at the Queen before focusing on the hostages. 

"Air, no." Nightflyer begged, his voice soft and fearful. They begged and begged her, but it wouldn't do any good. She couldn't let Squelch die - she couldn't let Nightflyer die. There was only one thing she could do. Tears fell down Air's face as she took the necklace. 

"AIR NO!" they yelled. She turned towards them as she put it on.

 "I'm sorry." she whispered, dropping the necklace over her head.

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