"I Won't Tell Mom If You Don't"

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It had been one day since the group of dragonets had fled from the rainforest in secret, heading for the Kingdom of the Sky.  They had stopped to rest near a river and Kelp couldn't help but notice that Joy was more quiet than usual. 

"You okay?" he asked. She looked up at him and sighed. 

"Yea. I'm fine." she assured him, smiling. Kelp frowned. She was far from fine, but then again, it was easy to see why. They'd left the rainforest before the sun had even come up. She hadn't had a chance to say goodbye to her parents, and Joy obviously missed her brother. Who wouldn't? As annoying as she was, Kelp couldn't imagine going on an adventure like this while leaving Seashell behind. Before he could respond, there was a loud splash from the river and multiple roars were heard. Joy and Kelp glanced at each other before rushing over to see what had happened. 

"SQUID!" a voice yelled. A familiar voice. Kelp's eyes widened and he and Seashell dove to the back of the group. 

"We're not here." Kelp announced. Joy frowned at him before turning to see a Seawing pinning Winter to the ground, and another, older,  annoyed-looking Seawing coming up next to him. 

"What is it with dragons and sitting on Winter?" Air wondered out loud. The older Seawing glanced at her. She shrugged. "It's like the third time it's happened in less than a week." she explained.

 "Who are you?" Qibli asked. 

"We're the Talons of Peace." the older Seawing replied. "I'm Riptide and that idiot is Squid. Who are you?" Suddenly, the twins reaction made sense in their heads and the group couldn't help but quickly glance back to the rock they were hiding behind. 

"We're from JMA," Moon offered. "I'm Moon, and that's Qibli, Air, Joy, Nightflyer, and the one being sat on is Winter. And...." she trailed off, glancing at the rock. Riptide's eyes narrowed. 

"Who are you hiding?" he demanded. Sheepishly, Seashell and Kelp came into view. Riptide's whole expression changed. His face went from demanding, to confused, to shocked, to a face that clearly read the word crap. "What are you doing here?" he hissed at the Seawing twins. "you're supposed to be at school." 

"And you're supposed to be at home." Seashell countered. "So I guess you could say we're even." Riptide ran a talon over his face and sighed. 

"I won't tell mom if you don't." he offered. Kelp nodded frantically. 

"Deal." Seashell agreed. 

"Do I even want to know what you're doing?" 

"We're going on a mission to find a missing Icewing that happens to be Winter's brother. We think he's in the Sky Kingdom with ex-Queen Scarlet." Kelp explained. Riptide stared at the for a minute. 

"Somehow," he began. "I don't think that the dragonets of destiny would approve of eight four-year old dragonets doing this."

"Well, they don't exactly know..." Nightflyer added. Riptide threw up his hands.

 "Fine." he exclaimed. "Go on your mission. Just...Can I give you guys a Skywing to go with you or..." he asked. 

"That might be useful." Air agreed. "I think I know where I'm going, but it would be helpful to have a more experienced dragon lead the way." Riptide nodded in agreement.

 "Squid," he said. "Go find Pyrite and Avalanche, or, better yet, find someone capable that can." The other Seawing grumbled and flew off on his order. 

"Am I missing something here?" Winter demanded. "Who exactly are you?" 

"He's our dad." Kelp answered. Winter stared at them, an odd expression on his face.

 "He's your father." he repeated. They nodded. "A member of the Talons of Peace." Another nod. Winter looked away, then back at them. "So, you're telling me, that Tsunami, a dragonet of destiny, and princess, that absolutely despises the Talons of Peace, got together with someone that not only betrayed his tribe, but also is a member of a group she hates?" he clarified.

 "Yep." Seashell admitted. .

"Why?" Winter asked in disbelief. 

"It, uh....kinda've started out as a miscommunication. " Riptide offered. "And then.....it was spontaneous and mainly revolved around the insult 'squid brain'...."

"Ah," Winter replied sarcastically. "That makes perfect sense." 

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