Alive And.......MOSTLY Well.

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The Dragonets Of Destiny stood at the entrance way of JMA, watching the storm nervously. 

"They're probably fine." Starflight guessed, his voice unsure. 

"Why is it, that whenever something happens, it's always somehow related to the same group of dragonets?" Tsunami demanded. 

"Because nearly everyone in the group is our kids, Tsunami. They were kinda've born to have trouble follow them around." Clay explained. 

"They are probably are just waiting out the storm somewhere. They'll come back as soon as it's over." Sunny said, her voice certain. 

"Fine. But if they're dead, I'm blaming you." Tsunami promised. Sunny whacked her on the arm. 

"Don't talk like that." she exclaimed. 

"Just being honest, because I am completely positive that something horrible has happened and we just don't know about it yet." Tsunami retorted.


It had been a few hours since Pineapple had fled, Rainkeeper threatening to expose her weakness if she didn't. The group had decided to stay on the island until the storm stopped and they could get help, seeing as Kelp and Seashell were in no condition to fly. Kelp's wound had been lowered to a slight scratch, thanks to the healing stone. The stone had also nearly healed the burns Seashell had gotten from being struck by lightning. Kelp was sprawled out of the ground, fast asleep. Joy was curled up next to him, out cold. Seashell, and the others were also asleep, but Rainkeeper was nowhere near tired. Apparently, near-death experiences were traumatizing for everyone involved. Instead of sleeping, Rainkeeper stared at the sky, half convinced that Pineapple would dive out of the sky at any moment. 

Pineapple was an odd dragon. She was the exact opposite of any rainwing that had ever lived. She hated everything, absolutely everything. In the entire world. Except for one thing. That was her weakness. The one thing she couldn't despise with all her heart- if she even had one. She had murdered ten innocent dragonets before they were even born. Dragons that had a heart didn't do that. Rainkeeper had no idea why this one thing was her weakness, but it was, and it had worked to keep her away from Joy and from hurting anyone else. He was so lost in thought for a moment that he didn't notice that the sky had turned blue again.

Then Rainkeeper snapped back into reality. The sky was blue, the storm was gone, they could fly back! He quickly shook the others awake.

 "Guys, the storm's gone. We can go back!" he said a relieved voice. Air paled at the thought. 

"We were here all night," she realized. "Oh, Dad is going to be sooooooo mad."

 "I think he'll forgive you when he finds out we got attacked by Joy's vengeful cousin and Kelp and Seashell almost died." Nightflyer assured her. 

"You're welcome," Kelp said with a grin. "My near death experience has saved you all." For someone who was on death's doorstep and matter of hours ago, Kelp seemed surprisingly happy. But, then again, Joy was practically glued to his side in a way. That could make anybody happy. 

"Okay, here's the plan." Rainkeeper began. "Air, Nightflyer, Winter, and I will go and get help while everyone else stays here. Agreed?" They nodded. "Then let's go." With that, Rainkeeper, Air, Nightflyer, and Qibli took to the sky.

As soon as they landed at JMA, they split up and began looking for the teachers. Air turned down a hallway and spotted Clay at the other end.

 "Dad!" she called, rushing down the hall. Clay whirled around. 

"Air." he said in relief. Then he took in the dried blood and dirt on her scales. "Air?" he repeated, this time more concerned."Who's blood is that?"  Ignoring the question, she barreled into him and hugged him.

 "It's fine, really." she said in a rush. "Don't worry about the blood. It's Kelp's, but he's fine...sorta. We got attacked by Joy's cousin Pineapple and she slit Kelp's throat but HE'S OKAY! Then Seashell got struck by lightning and Joy fought with her cousin and...just, a lot happened and we need help." Clay stared at her in shock. "But everyone else is fine!" she added.

 "I gotta find Tsunami," he said absentmindedly. 

Hours later...

The group had safely returned to JMA and had finally washed the blood off their scales. Kelp was to remain in the infirmary over night, but everyone else was free to go back to their sleeping caves. They explained what had happened to the teachers and Sunny had reluctantly contacted Glory about the incident. Now it was late at night, but Joy found the very idea of sleep impossible. She ended up wandering the halls until she landed in the infirmary, next to Kelp, who was sleeping. Or so she thought. 

"No no no. We've got this all wrong." Kelp announced, opening his eyes. "You're supposed to be the sleeping beauty, and I'm supposed to be the prince." Joy laughed. 

"I think it works this way too." she insisted, smiling at him. 

"Well, I'd like to think I'm beautiful enough to be a sleeping princess too, but somehow I think you'd make a better one." he agreed, grinning at her. "But, now I'm curious. Why are you here?" Joy shrugged. 

"Couldn't sleep."

"Well, maybe you'll have better luck here." he suggested, sliding over. 

"Are you inviting me into your bed, Kelp?" she questioned, grinning. 

"No, I am inviting you to stay the night with me on a very uncomfortable reed mat." he retorted, smiling at her. 

"Alright," she agreed, laying down next to him. They talked for a little while longer, neither one of them minding that they fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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