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A loud gong ran through the school, signaling the end of class. Firefly, Squelch, Auklet, and Coal jumped to their feet with the rest of the students. The unlikely four had become very close friends over the past few weeks.

 "Coal? Can I see you for a minute?" Webs asked. Coal froze. He knew what this would be about. His friends stopped at the doorway. 

"We'll meet you at the library?" Squelch asked. Coal nodded, but Firefly glanced on curiously. She trailed behind as Squelch and Auklet walked down the hall before finally running back to the classroom to see what Webs wanted. 

"Coal, no excuse is going to cut it. You haven't turned in a single assignment all year. I don't want to have Queen Thorn informed about this, but if it continues you leave me little choice." Webs explained. "Do you understand?" 

"Yes sir, I'll try to do better." Coal promised. 

"You can go," Webs said with a sigh. 

Coal gratefully left the classroom and his eyes widened at the sight of Firefly. 

"How come you haven't turned anything in?" she demanded. 

"You were listening?" he asked.

 "Don't change the subject." Firefly ordered. Coal sighed. He should've expected this. Firefly took schoolwork more importantly than anything, except maybe scrolls. 

"I just..didn't understand the work." he admitted.

 "Why didn't you say anything? I could've helped you. I still can, if you need it." she insisted. Coal shook his head.

 "As much as I appreciate the offer, you can't help me."

"Why not?" Firefly questioned. "What about our assignment for today. Read a passage and answer a couple of questions. That can't be too hard." 

"Trust me, it is." Coal objected. A theory worked its way into her head and she stopped Coal at one of the message boards. 

"Read that." she told him. Coal froze, his eyes wide. He squinted at the message board. 

"Um...ican uh..." he tried. 

"Coal," she began. He turned to look at her. She stared at him for a moment. "You can't read, can you?" 

"No," Coal admitted. "I got my education from my brothers. That meant that I learned the best places to hide a bomb in a crowded area before I learned how to write my own name." Firefly looked at him with such shock and despair in her eyes that he wanted to hide in a hole. 

"You don't know how to- THAT'S IT!" she announced. "I'M TEACHING YOU!" 

"Firefly, you don't need to-" 

"No buts!" she yelled. "You're learning, and that's final!" With that, she stomped down the hallway, Coal following her, bewildered. I'm not supposed to get close to her, he reminded himself. But she's just teaching me something, we can't get that close.....can we? 

Seashell walked down the hallways of JMA, searching. Finally, she spotted the dragon she was looking for. Kelp was leaning against the wall, talking to Joy as she laughed. 

"Kelp," she said as she approached. "Might I have a word?" 

"Of course," Kelp insisted, shooting a grin at Joy. "I'll see you later." he promised. Seashell smiled at Joy, and grabbed her brother's arm, practically dragging him down the hallway. When they were far enough away, and alone, she released him. "Seashell what the-" 

"Do you not remember the agreement?" she hissed at him. "You're not allowed to-" 

"Of course I remember!" Kelp hissed back. "How could I ever forget?" he grumbled.

 "And yet, here you are, flirting with Joy! Do you want her to get hurt?" Seashell demanded. 

"Of course not," Kelp retorted. "But....I'd just like to have some happiness in my life, if that's not too much to ask!" 

"Kelp, you can have plenty of happiness without-" 

"I know that," Kelp continued. "But that doesn't mean I can't get close to-" 

"You can't be with her, Kelp!" Seashell blurted. "You can't be with anyone! Especially not someone like Joy!" 

"You think I don't know that?" Kelp replied. "It goes through my head for hours on end, every time I see her. I'm losing sleep over this for crying out loud! She's knows she can't be with me either, but she doesn't care! Why should I?"

 "Because there is a lot more at stake then a broken heart in your case." Seashell explained. "Are you really willing to risk everything Mom has done for us over some girl you don't even have a chance with?" Kelp's face flashed with anger. 

"Yes." he said fiercely. "I am. She's worth it. And I do have a chance with her, no matter what anyone says." 

"What makes you so sure?" Seashell demanded. "If you really care about Joy, you need to let her go. Let her be happy with somebody else. Hurt her to spare her." Kelp hesitated, stamping his foot. 

"I can't do that, Seashell. I can't." 

"Why not?" She questioned. "I am just trying to protect you, Kelp. It's for your own good and hers." 

"I can't.

"But why?"

"Because I love her!" Kelp blurted. "At least, I think I do." Seashell stared at him, despair in her eyes. 

"You know, you've known, that you're not allowed to have that." she said weakly. 

"I didn't mean to!" Kelp exclaimed. "But it was four in the morning and we were laughing too hard and I felt happier than I had in a long time just happened." 

"Well, snap out of it!" Seashell proclaimed. She paused and stared at her brother. "Please tell me you haven't kissed her yet." Kelp didn't respond, but his eyes said it all. Seashell swore. "What are we gonna do now?" she asked.

 "I don't know." Kelp admitted. "But I am not letting her go." 

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