A/N: I need a name

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Hello fellow dragon lovers! 

I need your help.

I want to continue this story but I don't have a name for Glory and Deathbringer's dragonet. Well, I do, but it's not very good and people tend to not like it, so I'm looking for a better one.

I will give full credit and dedicate the next part to the person who's name I use.

And as much as I hate to spoil where I'm taking the story, I figure you're probably going to need to know a little bit about the dragonet in order to suggest a name. So,

It's a male dragonet that resembles a Nightwing more than a Rainwing.

I would prefer a Nightwing name for him, but if I get a Rainwing one that I like better, then I'll change things up a bit and use that name instead.


Trust me, ever if you think it's the worst name in the world, it's probably still going to be better than the name I'll use if I don't get any suggestions. 

And, in case you were wondering, if I don't get a better suggestion, then the dragonet's name will be Darkcolor.

I know. It's awful, but I just thought of it and it stuck. 

So, if you hate that name, COMMENT ANOTHER ONE!

Give me as many as you like!

It could even be one of your own OC's names!

I'll accept anything!

Just a little Glorybringer for yaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant