Air's Hatching Day

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A/N: Picture is of Air's necklace

Nightflyer searched the halls with a slight frown on his face. Tomorrow was Air's hatching day, and yet, he hadn't been able to find her all day. That was odd. He peered into the music cave, but only saw Joy and Qibli arguing over sheet music.

 "Have either of you seen Air?" he asked. They shook their heads. He sighed. Where was she? 

He found her in the cave they had watched the sky from the night before, the one with a window that overlooked everything. If you squinted, you might be able to see the edge of the Sand Kingdom in the distance. Air was sitting on the floor, tracing maps.

 "There you are!" Nightflyer exclaimed. "I've been looking for you all day!" Air let up a talon and pointed at him, not looking up from her work. 

"No." she ordered.

 "No what?" he asked. She scowled at him. 

"I have to get these maps done for Webs by tomorrow, and I am not going to let you distract me." she explained. He grinned and slid over next to her.

 "Aww, not even a little distraction?" he teased. 

"No," Air repeated, blushing slightly. He quickly snatched a pencil out of her talons. "Nightflyer! Give that back!" she cried. He stood up and backed up to the window. 

"If you ever want to see this pencil alive again, you'll come with me." he announced.

 "And why would I do that?" she demanded.

 "Because tomorrow is your hatching day and I won't get to see you then, so I have to give you your two-part present now." he declared. "Please? I've got it all planned out." Air hesitated, eyeing him warily. "Well, I did warn you." he insisted before chucking the pencil out the window. As ridiculous as it was, Air dove after it, Nightflyer following her out the window. 

"You're crazy!" she proclaimed, a smile on her face. "What do you expect me to tell Webs when he asks for the maps?"

 "That I love you!" Nightflyer announced, flying off. Air shook her head and followed him. 

They landed alongside a river. 

"So, what's this two-part present of yours?" she questioned. He grinned. 

"Now, now. We can't open presents before we play a few games, now can we?" he said incredulously. 

"And what games did you have in mind?" she asked, a taunting look on her face. An impish smile quirked at the corner of his mouth. 

"Well," Nightflyer began. "We're near a riverside, you're half Mudwing, and a little bird told me that you don't mind a bit of mud. Whatever shall we do?" he wondered. Air glanced over at the river. Sure enough, there was fresh mud just laying there on the banks. She barely hesitated before jumping at the squishy substance. Nightflyer shook his head as she rolled in the mud, brown goo covering her maroon scales. Suddenly, something sticky hit him in the stomach. Mud. Air laughed at his shocked expression. It didn't last long. Before they knew it, a two dragon mud war had begun. They chucked the stuff at each other until someone could mistake them both for Mudwings. They laughed and shouted casual threats as the fight went on. 


It was getting late, or early, depending on how you looked at it. The mud fight had gone on for hours before they decided to wash off in the river as the sun set. Nightflyer and Air should've been back at the school hours ago, but it's easy to lose track of time as you're flying under the stars. It was almost dawn when they landed at the top of Jade Mountain, waiting for the sun to rise. 

"Now it's time for presents." he admitted. "If you want."

 "Okay. "Air said with a smile. 

"Close your eyes." Nightflyer said ominously. Air did as she was told and listened as Nightflyer snuck behind her. Something cool was dropped onto her neck. "Okay! You can open your eyes!" he announced. Air immediately looked down and gasped slightly. It was a necklace. It was on a gold chain with a beautiful purple stone hanging from it.

 "Do you like it?" Nightflyer asked tentatively. "My original goal was to find something as pretty as you, but then I realized that was impossible, so I had to settle for the closest thing I could find." he added.

 "Nightflyer," she breathed. "It's beautiful. She smiled at him. "I love it!" she exclaimed, hugging him. 

As they watched, the sun rose, the colors of the sky blending together. Air stared at the horizon with a smile, while Nightflyer watched her. He grinned as the light of the sunrise reflected off her brown eyes. Yep, he thought. I knew this would be beautiful. 

They walked through the halls of JMA, their talons entwined.

 "Hey!" Air realized. 

"What?" Nightflyer. 

"You said that you had a two-part present for me. What was the second part?" she asked. He blushed slightly. 

" was nothing." he trailed off. She grinned. 

"Tell me!" 

 "All right," he agreed nervously. "It was this." Air waited, curious. Nightflyer took a deep breath, and kissed her. Air's eyes widened in shock at first before they slowly closed as she took in the kiss. When it ended, they stood there for a moment, staring at each other. Nightflyer grinned. 

"Happy hatching day, Air." he whispered before running down the hallway with embarrassment. Air walked back to her sleeping cave in a daze. She laid on her bed, her head propped up on her talons, a dreamy expression on her face. That's how Joy and Moon would find her the next day. 

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