Telling the Dragonets of Destiny

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It hadn't been that long since Glory told Deathbringer that she realized she should probably tell the other Dragonets. But they were pretty difficult to get ahold of, seeing as they were spread out all over Pyrrhia now. In the past couple of years, Clay and Peril, Starflight and Fatespeaker, and -despite her mother's wishes- Tsunami and Riptide had all gotten married.

 Sunny lived in the Sandwing stronghold, of course, and Starflight lived in the rainforest, but Tsunami lived in the sea kingdom and Clay lived somewhere on the border of Mudwing - Skywing territory. 

The only place they really all met up was at Jade Mountain. The school was on a summer break so it would be empty. That's where Glory decided she'd meet them as she sent their letters out. 

Jade Mountain.....

Clay, Tsunami, Glory, Starflight, and Sunny laid in a row at the entrance to the school, watching the skies and chatting occasionally. Deathbringer was flying around the mountain, surveying until Glory broke the news. 

"But how will you know when I've told them?" Glory had argued back in the rainforest. Deathbringer had given her one of his signature smug grins. 

"Trust me, I'll know. Either from screaming or from one of them flying at me ready to kill." he joked. Glory shook her head. And even though she'd had plenty of time to think of a way to tell them, she couldn't find a good way. She din't just want to randomly yell "I'm having Deathbringer's dragonet" and watch their reactions -Well, she kind of wanted to see their reactions. Finally, an idea struck her. 

"You know,"she began "I fit into a lot of categories." 

"What do you mean?" Clay asked.  

"Well, I'm a Rainwing, a Queen, a Dragonet of Destiny, A wife,"

"An annoying sarcastic dragon." Tsunami offered. 

"A magical death spit provider," Sunny supplied. Glory smiled. 

"See? It's a lot of categories. And in a few months, I'll add another one to the list." she observed. 

"And what's that?" Starflight asked curiously. Glory bit back a grin. 

"Mother." she answered. Their reaction was so priceless she wished she could save it forever. Tsunami's jaw dropped and Starflight froze. Sunny screamed and barreled into Glory, hugging her as she yelled with excitement and jumped up and down. Starflight stared at him, looking as if she'd told her she was secretly a scavenger in disguise. Tsunami opened and closed her mouth, speechless in shock. But Clay's reaction was the best. He'd nodded when Glory answered and dismissed it, but a minute later, as Sunny screamed, he caught on. 

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!" he roared so loud Glory wouldn't have been surprised to learn that Queen Glacier herself had heard him. Tsunami reclaimed her voice finally. 

"You-and - and Deathbringer?!?!?!"she said in shock. Glory nodded. Sunny squealed and melted to the floor with happiness. 

"I love this I love this I LOVE this!"she exclaimed. After hearing Clay's shout and Sunny's scream, Deathbringer assumed they knew and landed beside them. Clay stared at him, not knowing whether to kill him or congratulate him. Tsunami, on the other talon, had already made that choice. 

"You die now." she snarled, running at him. 

"Hey!" Glory yelled in fury. Tsunami ran at him, but was tackled out of the way by Sunny. 

"DON'T YOU DARE SINK MY SHIP!!!" she screamed at Tsunami, who was still in shock that Sunny had overtaken her. "IT'S SAILING INTO HAPPILY EVER AFTER AND I WILL KILL YOU RATHER THAN LET IT BE HARMED!" Glory burst out laughing. Starflight and Clay stared blankly, still trying to comprehend this news. Deathbringer glanced around the scene and slid next to Glory, wrapping his wing around her. 

"So," he asked, genuinely curious. "How'd they take it?"

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