The Rumor

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There are many stereotypes about the tribes in Pyrrhia and many about Rainwings in particular, but Glory thought that one stereotype about Rainwings that would be entirely correct was that they were the biggest gossips in the world. If there was a rumor, these dragons went crazy until they knew all the details. 

Most dragons in Pyrrhia didn't know that Glory and Deathbringer were married. In fact, the only ones who knew were Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, Sunny, Peril, Riptide, Fatespeaker, Mangrove, Orchid, Jambu, Kinkajou, Granduer, and Glory and Deathbringer themselves. So, it was a very big news when a rumor got out that Queen Glory was expecting a dragonet. Glory had no idea how that rumor had begun, but it was out and now it was only a matter of time before everyone knew that the Rainwing/Nightwing Queen had married a Nightwing. The entire rainforest was bursting with the news of the dragonet, but they didn't know if it was true. So, one day, they decided to ask. 

Glory was walking to the royal pavilion to begin the day when she noticed all the whispers and felt as if every eye was on her. She stopped abruptly and behind her, Deathbringer did the same to avoid knocking into her. She thought for a moment and then turned toward the village. Every dragon froze and immediately went into camouflage. Glory shot the invisible dragons a look, shook her head, and continued walking. The whispers picked back up instantly. Once at the pavilion, Glory sat down at the throne and laughed. Deathbringer grinned beside her. 

"You're quite intimidating apparently," he noted. She laughed harder. 

It was towards sun time that a commotion began outside the pavilion. Glory walked out to see what was going on, and found a dragon being pinned to the floor, surrounded by other Rainwings. At the sight of the queen, the Rainwings turned pink with embarrassment and fled, leaving the formerly pinned one alone.  It was a younger dragon, but not a dragonet. 

"Did you have a question?" Glory asked. She nodded. 

"Well, You see your Majesty, I have a question, but the others think it improper to ask." the dragon stuttered. Glory motioned for her to continue, her curiosity growing. "Well, we were wondering, cause there was a rumor going around and we weren't sure, so I just wanted to ask so you could set it straight. Um...." she trailed off. 

"What is it?" Glory asked. 

"Is it true you're expecting a dragonet?" she blurted. Glory blinked, keeping her scales from showing any emotion. Beside her, Deathbringer froze. 

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am." Glory stated. The Rainwing's jaw dropped. 

"But - but- you - Who's the father?" she sputtered. Glory grinned. 

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." she replied. The dragon nodded with wide eyes and walked off, trying to comprehend what she'd been told. 

"Well, this should be interesting." Deathbringer said smugly. Glory grinned. 

"Let's see how many of them actually figure it out."

Over the next few weeks, the rainforest - and the rest of the continent - buzzed with the news, speculating who the father of Glory's dragonet was. After days of constant questioning, Glory gave them a clue. 

"It's not a rainwing." she said vaguely. That launched into even more rumors and gossip. Jambu was listening to the more popular rumors and passing them along to Glory for fun. She and Deathbringer often would laugh over them when they went to check on the egg. It was the only thing anyone would talk about and Deathbringer slowly found it becoming more difficult to keep a straight face as the questions grew more complex. 

One week, Glory went to the Sand Kingdom to meet with Thorn. During meals, Glory would eat with Thorn and Sunny but Deathbringer and the other guards would eat with the servants and Queen Thorn's guards. Even down there, the rumor is all they would talk about. Deathbringer found himself being questioned by Sandwings along with the other Rainwings, the two tribes hoping to trade theories back and forth. After one meal, Deathbringer went back up to Glory's room and when she opened the door, he burst in, shut it behind her and started to laugh. Glory had to wait ten minutes of him laughing before he could control himself enough to tell her what had happened. 

"They were bombarding me with questions!"he laughed. "It was hilarious and oh my moons, I don't know how I kept a straight face. It was everything from 'could the father be an Icewing?' to 'I wonder if the egg has purple polka dots!'" By then, he and Glory were rolling on the floor with laughter. 

"When are you going to tell them?" Deathbringer questioned suddenly. Glory stopped laughing and thought for a moment. 

"I was thinking of telling them when I introduce the dragonet to the tribes. Just bring out the dragonet with you and watch them freak out," she replied. Deathbringer pictured the rainwings freaking over how taboo this was and started laughing again. Glory was quick to follow suite and soon she was laughing into Deathbringer's chest as he wrapped his wings around her. 

"It's going to be quite the adventure," he predicted, kissing her gently. Glory smiled and kissed him. 

"It's going to be wonderful," she insisted.

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