Food Fight!

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Glory sighed. It had been a long and stressful day as a queen. She'd missed her funny little dragonets during the day. But now it was time for dinner, something Glory was grateful for. Because no matter what, she got to eat dinner with her family. 

Joy babbled to herself as they ate. Her parents were talking and Rainkeeper was attempting to open a pineapple without hitting himself in the face. He was unsuccessful. Joy glanced down at the banana slices in front of her. She didn't like banana much. She liked the sweeter fruits. But what could she do with the banana? An idea struck her and she smiled a smug grin just like her father's.

Rainkeeper swatted the back of his ear as something hit him. He frowned as he spotted the whiteish mush on his talon. Then, another bit of it hit him on the back of the neck. Was this...banana? he wondered. He turned slightly and noticed that Joy was biting her lip and shaking, as if she was holding back a laugh. 

So that's how it is, Rainkeeper determined. Silently, so that their parents wouldn't notice the small war that was about to begin, Rainkeeper grabbed a bunch of berries, picked one off, and tossed it at Joy. Her silent laughter stopped when the berry hit her in the face. She wiped the juice off her face and looked at him. He stared back. Their expressions both clearly read one thing. 

Oh, it's on. 

Disregarding how their parents would react, Joy and Rainkeeper dove towards the food, grabbing all the berries, bananas, and other mushy fruits they could. They whipped the fruits at each other, laughing and yelling.

"Rainkeeper!" Glory protested. "Joy! Stop it!" As she yelled, Deathbringer slowly sliced a cantaloupe in half. She was too distracted watching the dragonets to notice. With a grin, Deathbringer took one half of the fruit, and smashed it into Glory's snout. 

There was silence. Rainkeeper and Joy had frozen in fear as Deathbringer chuckled to himself, clearly the only one amused. Glory's scales slowly turned red as the fruit fell onto the table. Quietly, she picked up a soft peach and smushed it into Deathbringer's smiling face. His grin faded as she smirked at him and Joy dared to laugh. He nodded slightly and licked a bit of the fruit off his face. He grabbed one of the mushy chunks and threw it at Joy. 

"Food fight!" Rainkeeper yelled. Chaos began.

Nearly all the fruit on the table was smashed and thrown at someone. The table and chairs had been abandoned. There were screeches and shouts as food was thrown. Joy got hit in the face with mushed peaches and giggled on the ground for a good five minutes straight. Rainkeeper laughed so hard he could barely breathe as Glory tickled him on the floor. Deathbringer snuck up behind them and grabbed Glory by the waist. She shrieked as he lifted her off the floor. 

"Wanna form an alliance?" he whispered to her. Glory grinned. 

"Never!" she declared, shoving mashed berries at him. 

They raced around the room, chucking food and laughing. Glory rushed over to Rainkeeper and whispered something to him. He nodded. She grinned and ran across the room, scooping Joy off the ground and whispering the same thing to her. The little dragonet laughed and agreed as Glory tickled her. The three of them grabbed handfuls of the mushiest fruits. Deathbringer glanced up as Joy yelled. 

"Get him!" she screeched, and Deathbringer was tackled to the ground. He yelped as Glory, Joy, and Rainkeeper jumped on him and smashed fruit at him. The family burst out laughing in their pile. 

It was late and they were covered in mashed fruits of all kinds, but that didn't matter. All that mattered at that moment was the memories they had just made. The memories that would last a lifetime. Glory smiled at her messy family. They may be different, they may be messy, but to her, they were perfect.

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