Icewings Caused All The Problems Here.

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The Prey Center launched into chaos as the stalactite fell from the ceiling at Icicle. Moon cringed at all the voices of panic and thoughts. She tried to focus and find the mind that had wanted Icicle dead, but it was no use. Someone tugged at her arm and Moon spun around to see Nightflyer staring at her, a look of terror on his face. 

"Icicle's working for Queen Scarlet." he said suddenly. "She's going to kill someone for her. Tonight. But that's not why she almost died right now." It registered in Icicle's head just as Moon got a grip on it. Her eyes widened as Nightflyer's look of horror grew. 

"Sora." they said in unison. 

There was chaos in the room. Qibli tried to make sense of it, but it didn't make sense to him why Nightflyer had gasped. He hadn't been looking anywhere near the stalactite when it had fallen. But the short conversation Nightflyer had just had with Moon distracted him. Moon bolted from the Prey Center and Qibli ran after her. Nightflyer stayed behind with the others, presumably catching them up.

Soon After...

Nightflyer wandered the halls, searching for Qibli and Moon. Icicle was going to kill someone tonight, someone important, but he didn't know who. Pounding footsteps caught his attention as Moon and Qibli came sprinting down the hall. They looked terrified and were oblivious to the fact that he was even in the hallway. So they didn't notice when Nightflyer trailed after the group either. 

Moon burst into the library with Qibli right behind her. 

"Starflight! Look out!" she cried as Icicle jumped on the librarian. The Icewing quickly had Starflight pinned and she held her sharp talons threateningly at his throat. Nightflyer froze in horror at the scene. His dad was going to die. Right before his very eyes. Oh Moons. Oh no.  He couldn't let that happen. He slowly snuck into the library as Moon and Qibli tried to negotiate with Icicle. 

"I see you edging closer Sandwing," she warned. Nightflyer froze again, praying that she hadn't spotted him. And then, everything happened all at once.

Icicle shot frostbreath at Qibli just as Moon shove him out of the way and hit the ground with a scream. Adrenaline surged through Nightflyer. How dare she hurt his friends? How dare she threaten his family? He jumped up on Icicle, throwing her off guard and causing her to lose her grip on Starflight. The two dragonets tumbled to the ground and rolled into a pile of scrolls. Qibli rushed to try and help him, but Icicle threw Nightflyer off of her and tossed Qibli towards the librarian desk. Moon wanted to help, but all she could do was watch. The amount of emotion coming from these two dragons was enough to shove her through a wall. There was so much rage and fury. Nightflyer was angry beyond belief, enraged at what Icicle had even threatened to do. Icicle was furious that they had interfered, but she was also fueled by grief as much as rage. 

Starflight watched in fear as Nightflyer fought on the ground with Icicle. When had his son even entered the room? Starflight thought for a moment, trying to wrap his head around what had just happened. He'd almost just died and he'd been saved by his own son, and two other dragonets. Not to mention the fact that it was one of his own students that had nearly murdered him. Fatespeaker was right, he thought in all the madness, Nightflyer really couldn't be more different from him. 

Nightflyer was bleeding from many places, but he could see that he wasn't the only one. He'd managed to pin Icicle slightly to the ground, but she was still fighting with her back talons. He needed both his talons to keep her pinned, so he started searching for a weapon he could use. 

But they were in a library. What weapons could there be in here?

Icicle took advantage of his distraction and threw him off her. She flipped around to attack Moon, but was suddenly smashed on the head with something. Something hard. Nightflyer, after being thrown off, had crashed into a pile of scrolls. He grabbed one and got to his feet, rushing back over to Icicle, where he slammed the scroll at the back of her head as hard as he could. She let out a cry and whipped around, shoving him to the ground before taking off out the window of the library. 

Nightflyer collapsed on the ground with relief as she left. He glanced down at the scroll in his talon. It was covered in the blue blood of Icewings. He sat up as Starflight came running over to him. Nightflyer glanced over to see Moon helping Qibli up. They seemed okay enough. He turned back to his dad. 

"Sorry," he offered, holding up the scroll. "Broke rule number one, No blood on the scrolls." Starflight let out a nervous laugh and pulled his son in for a hug.


Nightflyer and Starflight sat next to each other in the infirmary. Clay and Tsunami were staring at them in shock as Air carefully wrapped bandages around their cuts. 

"Your burns haven't even healed, and yet, here I am, putting more bandages on you." she remarked to Nightflyer. He gave her a small smile as she shook her head. Fatespeaker came into the room suddenly, and let out a sigh of relief as she saw them. Air stepped away as Fatespeaker pulled the two Nightwings into a hug. 

"You boys..."she commented, rubbing the spot between her eyes. She sighed. "Oh, who am I kidding, I'm just glad you're okay." she admitted, hugging them again. 

"You two should probably head off to bed." Tsunami suggested, gesturing to Nightflyer and Air. They nodded and left the room.

They met up with the others down the hallway, where Nightflyer found himself being bombarded with hugs from Moon, Joy, and Seashell. 

"So, you're telling me." Joy began. "That there was a fight. And you guys got to beat the bad guy. AND I MISSED ALL OF IT!!!!"

 "Joy's not taking it very well." Kelp noted. 

"Oh shut up." she told him. He stuck his tongue out at her and she glared back. Moon grinned slightly. 

"Guys!" a voice called at the from down the hall. They turned to see Turtle running towards them. "We've got a problem." he insisted. 

"Oh no." Seashell commented. 

"Whatever it is, keep Nightflyer out of it before he gets himself killed." Air pleaded. 

"What is it?" Moon asked. 

"Do I get the chance to kill someone?" Joy questioned. 

"Hopefully not." Kelp pleaded.

 "Just tell us." Qibli insisted. 

"Well," Turtle began. "Winter's missing. He's just....gone."

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