Chapter 41: Zach

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We arrived in LA early in the morning. Well, it's early for Sherlyn. She was still asleep and peacefully cuddling with the small red pillow that she's had since she was little. I gently woke up Daniel first, then the other boys. Then, I went to wake Sherlyn up last.

"Hey Sherlyn, we landed," I whispered to her.

She groaned but got up. I saw her wearing the necklace I gave back to her before we left Hawaii. She folded her blanket and started to get up and stuff. Daniel and I carried her stuff since we didn't want her to get hurt.

"I can carry stuff to guys. I'm not completely helpless," Sherlyn whined.

"Nothing over 10 pounds remember?" Daniel and I reminded her in unison.

"Ugh! It's barely 10 pounds!" She argued.

"Just enjoy the special treatment," Jack told her.

She sighed as she waited for all of us to get our bags. Logan already said that she's gonna be safe at home with Ayla, but I'm a little worried. Jeff picked up Logan, Brendan, Sherlyn, Ayla and her boyfriend. Our manager came to pick us up also.

All of our phones dinged only to see Sherlyn's name.

To: Jack, Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn and Me

From: My princess

"Down for a sleepover tonight? Just got home and the apartment feels empty..."

"You guys down?" Corbyn asked.

We all agreed and we all texted back saying that we'll be there tonight. Once we got back to our house, all we did was unpack so we could do laundry. Everyone was quiet and it was not fun. Jonah and Jack were downstairs jamming, Daniel was unpacking, Corbyn was eating in the kitchen, and I was sitting in the room thinking.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Sherlyn.

"Hello?" I confusingly answered.

"Can you come to mines for the rest of the day?" She asked.

"Sure, but where's Ayla?" I agreed but questioned.

"She had to go with Logan somewhere. How fast can you get here?" She said.

"I'll order an uber right now," I informed her. "I'll be there in 10 minutes,"

We both hung up and I grabbed my house keys and packed up my bag for tonight's sleepover. I surprisingly snuck away without anyone noticing so that's good. My Uber came and I headed to her house. It wasn't traffic so thank goodness. When I got to her apartment I knocked on her door and waited patiently.

"Hey Zach," She quietly greeted as she opened the door.

"Hey Sherlyn," I greeted back. "Why did you want me to swing by early?"

"I just wanted to talk and also Ayla left," She told me.

"Okay?" I awkwardly answered.

She let me inside and said that I can put my backpack in her room. I saw her sitting outside on her balcony just staring out into the distance. I went out and sat next to her.

"Do you ever wonder who you'll end up with in the future?" She thought out loud. "I imagine my future husband and I living with our 2 kids in LA. Just a happy family,"

"My beautiful wife and I will have two kids also. We'll be just happy," I sighed.

"I wish sometimes I didn't move here. It's been a month and I have a whole year to go," She told me.

"Well once your year is up, you always have a choice to move back," I tried to lighten the situation.

"I mean I love it here! I just miss when things were easier," She elaborated. "When I wasn't looked at for everything I do,"

"Didn't you want this? For everyone to know your talent?" I asked her.

"Well of course," She answers surely.

"Every reward comes at a price. Fame is amazing until you realize it also means being watched like a hawk," I sighed.

"My hope was running low and you appeared out of nowhere," She quotes with a little chuckle. "Yeah, it was more than an illusion, more than I can ever know,"

"One of your favorite songs," I remembered. "You play it when you're feeling doubtful and stressed,"

The sound of her sniffle echoed around the apartment. I looked down at her and a tear fell on my hand.

"Baby it's magic, the way you came around. You caught me before I hit the ground. Yeah something was missing in my house of cards and all that I needed was the Queen of my heart" I sang to her.

She leaned her head on my shoulder and wiped a tear away.

"What do I do?" She asked. "How do I deal with fame?"

I didn't have an answer so I stayed quiet. We were both kids trying to figure out this whole life of fame. The music industry is amazing but it has its cons. We're constantly watched, judged, and asked questions we barely know the answers to. I think she knows that I don't know it too. So we stayed quiet.

"I don't wanna have anyone over anymore. I'm gonna text the boys that I'm gonna just spend the night alone," She quietly said and got up.

She texted the group chat.

To: Daniel, Jack, Jonah, Corbyn, and Me

From: My princess

"Sorry, guys I don't feel up for a sleepover anymore. Plus I have a lot of stuff to do. Maybe next time?"

I looked at her and saw her go inside her room. I went inside and closed her balcony door. Is she okay? What did I do? Quietly, I went inside and saw her laying there. Not sleeping, just laying down there doing nothing.

"Sherlyn," I called.

"Thanks, Zach for coming. I'm gonna just do whatever I had to do today and maybe we'll have our sleepover next time," She brushed me off.

I wasn't having it. I went over to the side of her bed and kneeled down to meet her face. Her eyes were gloomy and screamed for help. Though I know she wouldn't ask. My hand gently brushed away her hair and held her cheek.

"Talk to me," I pleaded.

"I don't know how I feel. It's like I'm sad and hurt but I don't know why " She tried to explain. "It's like I know that there's something wrong but I don't know what it is yet,"

"Just take a rest, I'll be here when you wake up," I told her.

She nodded and closed her eyes. I got up and went into the living room. She was depressed and I didn't know why. She claims she doesn't know why but I know deep down, she does. It could be because of the whole Greyson thing plus getting her memories. I just wish I could fix whatever's wrong and make her happy.

I'm still in love with her after all this crazy shit. She's an amazing person and I'm gonna work on building a friendship with her before anything else. At this point, she doesn't need a boyfriend. She just needs a friend and I'll be one of them for her.

She's the Queen of my heart...

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