Chapter 64

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Picture to side lol >>>

Bella's POV

I roll my eyes as I stuff a forkful of eggs into my mouth. "Justin, shut up and eat. Now." I hiss, pointing at his plate of breakfast with my fork. He hasn't stopped crying all morning and I'm sick of it. "I..I o-okay." he sniffs, wiping his runny nose with his sleeve. I huff and hand him a tissue to clean off his tears and blow his nose, which he does looking absolutely pitiful. He pokes his scrambled eggs with his fork and I just glare at him. "Is something wrong with your eggs, Justin?" I ask, I'm this close of losing my patience with him.

He looks up startled and scared at my tone and shakes his head violently. "N-no. Of c-course not, Kit- B-bella." He stops himself from calling me Kitten. "Then eat." I almost bark but calm myself. He flinches at my tone, staring at me heartbroken with black tears brimming. One by one, the tears start to fall down his face as he chokes on a sob. "Stop fucking crying." I bang my fist on the table. His sobs only become louder.

I know I'm being rude and mean to him but my patience is very thin right now and my body is screaming in pain. I just want to lay down and drown my sorrows with mushy gushy romance films and ice cream. Sighing, I place my fork down and stand up, walking to his side. He flinches thinking I'm going to scream at him again. "I-i'm eating! P-please stop screaming at J-Justin. He'll be a g-good boy!" he screeches frightened, shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth. My heart clenches at his words and I carefully push him back to settle myself into his lap.

"See I s-swallowed it!" he says frantically opening his mouth showing me that he swallowed and ate the bacon. I sigh and wipe his flowing tears, but he flinches and whimpers as I brush his right cheek. My eyebrows furrow as I brush it with my thumb again and he whimpers for a second time. Looking closely, I see under his Hekoran markings a light black and blue bruise from where I had slapped his last night. "Oh baby. I'm sorry." I lean in and kiss it tenderly.

I know he left bruises on me but I couldn't stand the thought of hurting him. "I d-deserved it for hurting y-you." As I caress his bruised and swollen cheek, he slowly starts to lean in for a kiss. Seeing this, I quickly hop out of his lap, refusing to give in to him just yet. One kiss and I would forgive him then and there. He looks at me like I just shattered his whole universe and I almost wince. "No Justin. You're being punished. No kisses."

He looks down at his sock covered feet as he makes patterns on the floor with his toes and rubs them together. "O-okay. I'll be g-good." he whispers sniffling. Standing, his body towers over me and I can't help but flinch as he walks to me. A flash of hurt crosses his face at my actions but he just leans down and pecks my forehead, careful only to touch me there.

"I love you." He whispers hopefully. I just nod and look at anything but his eyes. I hear him whimper loudly but I don't look up. I can tell he start to cry as he turns and runs upstairs but I still don't move. He needs to learn his lesson.

Turning to grab the dishes, I'm suddenly hit with a huge bout of nausea. I run the nearest bathroom and as soon as I lift the toilet seat, I throw everything I had eaten earlier up. When I finish, I sit there breathing heavy and wide eyed. I can't be pregnant! I'm still trying to punish Justin and if I am, he'll be all over me like the over protective daddy that he is. I sigh and rub my tummy, knowing that there was most likely a growing baby in there. I'll have to call the doctors soon and set up an appointment for an pregnancy test. I know Justin will be able to hear the heartbeat soon so I'll have to just stay away from him until then. I want to tell him myself. This will be fun....

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