Chapter 42

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I woke up the next morning to tiny whispers of a snore in my ear. Justin's hot breath cascaded down my neck, effectively sending shivers down my spine. His muscular comforting arms were wrapped snug around my waist as I sighed in content. Looking over at the clock that read 11:37 am, I decide it was time to wake him up and go the mall, which was what I had on today's to-do list. I turned around slowly to face him as he murmurs foreign words in his language and quickly falling sleep once more. I gaze at his god like face that looked crafted by angels. His jawline was impeccable and I loved to place kisses on it. I run my fingertips over his cheekbones then lean down to lightly press my lips to his. I feel him stir and begin to kiss back, a smile growing on his lips. Pulling back, I see his beautiful eyes flutter open and a childlike innocent gleam appear, as always.

He brings his fingers up to his mouth, covering his perfect smile. "H-hello Princess." he giggles, taking his hand off his mouth and running it through my messy hair. "Hello Bunny." I say, using the nickname that he loves. His smile brightens and he pecks my nose. "What are we d-doing today?" he mumbles, yawning. "We are going to the mall." I say. He widens his eyes. "Don't m-malls have tons of p-people?" his eyes practically beg me to say 'no'. "Yes, but you'll be with me plus you need some new clothes." I point at his two drawers of clothes for emphasis. He whines, kicking his legs once, twice, three times before crossing his arms and pouting. "I have enough clothes, promise. I'm fine! Can't we just stay home pleaseeeeee?" he begs. He uses the puppy dog face that he has mastered and used many times before and always gets me to crack. I look away so I can't see his adorable face and shake my head. "No, Justin. We are going and that's finally." I say, sternly. He huffs and breaths out a long sigh. "Fine." he moans out, crawling out of bed and to the bathroom, where I hear the shower start. I climb out of bed also and run into the bathroom, striping out of my clothes and jumping in as well. "Hi Kitten." he laughs, waving with shampoo all in his hair as I laugh at the adorable sight.

After Justin and I get out of the shower, we get dressed and walk down for breakfast. I make some quick fried eggs and toast and we scoffed it down. We run out and jump into the car, me driving since Justin doesn't know where it is, and drive quietly down the road. Justin intertwines our fingers on the console, picking them up to place a kiss on my knuckles. I smile at his adorableness. He leans himself against the door, his other hand was playing with his soft caramel fringe since he doesn't have it up in a quiff today. I always love it when he leaves it down because it makes him look super cute.

We arrive at the mall about 10 minutes later. I sigh in relief when I see it's not that crowded today since it's Sunday and everyone is either at church or work. You are probably wondering why I don't work and was able to shop and pay for my house, right? Well before my parents died in the plane crash, we were very rich. I was never one of those snobby rich kids though. I never flaunted it and the only person that knew was Victoria. Both of my parents were CEO's and CFO's of a major company. When they died, I was given all the money in inheritance. I had no other family members, so it was given all to me and I lived alone until Victoria and I decided, she move in. Anyway, Justin and I jumped out of the car and he was instantly holding my hand and snuggled close to me. I kissed his soft lips for reassurance and walked into the huge mall.

Justin and I went to many shops for him and occasionally for me. After a few hours, we decided we were hungry and went to the nearby food court. Standing in line to order our Subway, we were standing behind an obnoxious group of giggling girls that kept turning around and staring at Justin. I noticed they were girls that used to bully me at school. Since Justin had his arm around my shoulder, I buried my head into his chest so they wouldn't notice me. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see them turn around and bat their eyes at my baby. "Hey, what's your name? I'm Ashley and this is Jessica and Lacey." I hear a high pitched annoying voice sound. (Sorry if that's anyone's name!) "J-justin." he stutters. I know he's blushing. I take my head out of Justin's chest to see him smiling uncomfortably and then nuzzling his face in my hair out of shyness. "Awww he's shy!" Another annoying voice squeals. "Don't be shy, baby." Ashley says, putting a hand on his arm. Justin and I stiffen, him out of shock and fright and I out of anger.

"Please don't touch him." I say, trying my best to be polite. "Who the fu- Wait I know who you are! Nerdy weird loner girl who graduated early. Ugh I see you got uglier and even more annoying." she scoffs. I almost tear up as memories of being shoved to the floor and lockers, my books being thrown to the ground, and being beat up in the bathrooms all the time come flashing back. "Aw! Are you going to cry, ugly?" She teases. By now Justin was fuming and I was on the verge of tears. "Shut the fuck up and get away from" Justin growls. I even almost shake in fear at his tone. The girls jump back at the sight of his teeth sharpening slightly and his eyes growing dark. "Oh I see. Of course two weirdos would get together. Come on girls. We don't have time for these freaks." Ashley hisses then stomps off, her wannabe group quickly running behind her. Justin calms, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. "Who were they, Kitten? And why were they being so rude to you?" he asks. "Nobody." I say, not wanting to talk about it now. "Okay.." he sighs, dropping it but I can see he doesn't believe me.

We finish our food and decide to go home. Driving back, we sing to the music on the radio and Justin dances cutely in his seat. We get back home, hanging and folding our new clothes up.We just run around the house and laugh and play with each other all day. When it was time for bed, Justin picks me up in his arms and runs up the stairs as I scream and laugh hysterically. He throws me onto the bed, climbing onto me, and kissing all over my face. "I love you, K-kitten." He says, rubbing his nose on mine. "I love you too, Bunny." I reply, running my hands through his silky hair in happiness.

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