Chapter 76

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Bella's POV

1 month and 3 weeks later. 5 1/2 months out of 6.

I am now 5 1/2 months pregnant and I am highly uncomfortable. My feet are always swollen and I can never get in a comfortable position to sleep. Justin tries his hardest to make me feel better and he usually does, but tonight I just can't get comfortable. Justin is sound asleep, his little whisper of a snore was the only sound I could hear, and I am tossing and turning.

Feeling my stomach growl, I realize I haven't eaten in like 2 hours. Damn that's a long time for a pregnant woman. I groan quietly as I sit up and stand, my hand going to my lower back and I start walking down the stairs. I always thought the walk pregnant woman do in movies was for show but I understand perfectly now. The pregnant waddle is only for the hardcore.

When I hit the kitchen, it's like a choir of angels sang 'hallelujah'. I head right to the promise land, our huge fridge full of yummy food. My cravings were out of control and I always had to have chocolate peanut butter ice cream and pickles in the house or there was hell to pay. Justin understands perfectly what it's like being on a pregnant chick's bad side and having to go to the store at 3 in the morning.

Opening the fridge, I grab the pickles then open the freezer for the ice cream. As I place them on the counter, a gush of water runs down my legs and makes a large puddle on the floor. I don't even have time to gasp before a huge wave of pain comes over me. Effing hell. And I didn't even get to eat my ice cream.

"JUSTIN DREW BIEBER!" I shriek as the pain almost makes me double over. I hear his slow footsteps walk down the hallway and down the stairs. "Please don't tell me we ran out of ice cream again. I just went last night." He sleepily walks in rubbing his eyes. "Baby. Water broke. Hospital. NOW." I growl in pain. He's immediately wide awake and looks panicked. "Let me get the bag." He turns to run upstairs but runs clumsily into the wall behind him. "When the hell did that get there?" He mumbles, rubbing his forehead and running upstairs. I go to laugh but another contraction hits me hard. I groan and grab onto the granite counter top.

"Great, you're finally he-" I sigh in happiness as Justin runs in flustered,only in his boxer, a t-shirt, and blue slippers, but I'm cut off as he runs right past me and out the door. What the fig nuggets? (I don't like to curse in front of the baby, here or not.) He soon runs back in with a red blushing face. "Sorry. I forgot to get you." He mumbles, picking me up bridal style and racing to the car.


"Bieber. We have a reserved room." Justin says to the nurse as he wheels me into the waiting area in a wheel chair. "Of course. Right this way." The nurse smiles and leads us to a room. After I'm all situated in my hospital gown and in bed, Justin in scrubs so he isn't sitting there in his underwear, I'm hit with another painful contraction. I grip onto Justin's hand as hard as I can and he whimpers in pain. "Yeah, I hope you feel pain. You made me like this, you worthless piece of shit." I hiss Justin looks down at me wide eyed and slightly hurt. "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't mean it. I love you." I weakly say and smile sweetly. "I-It's okay, kitten. I love you too." he nervously chuckles and places an ice chip in my mouth.


"Okay, Mrs. Rossi you are 10 cm dilated. Ready to push?" The female doctor asks me. Justin threw a hissy fit when a male doctor came in and tried to examine me. By hissy fit I mean, he choked him until he was blue and security almost kicked him out but realized and understood he was just 'protecting' his mate since they were alien too. "Hell yes." I almost cry in happiness. Justin smiles and wipes my sweaty forehead with a wet cold cloth. "Okay Mr. Bieber, I need you to hold up one of her feet." He happily complies. A nurse grabs the other and I'm ready for pushing. I'm so happy I got an epidural.

"On the count of 3. 1..2..3! Push!" The doctor yell and I push as hard as I can. "You're doing so good, babygirl." Justin whispers in my ear and kisses it. I weakly smile at his sweet praise. "1..2..3! Push!" The doctor yells again and I'm push even harder than before. I feel so much pressure and again thank God I took the epidural. After ten more pushes, Justin screeches happily and yells that he could see the head.

"Okay, the head's out. I need one more good push for the shoulders then I can pull her out." I nod weakly then push with all my might. I feel a great release of pressure and a sweet melodic baby's cry fills the air. I immediately start crying in relief and happiness. Justin snips the umbilical cord with black happy tears flowing as well. "It's a girl!" The doctor confirms before handing our little Juliet to the nurse to be cleaned and checked.

"You did so good, Kitten. I'm so proud of you." Justin beams down at me and kisses my lips sweetly. I practically glow as I feed off his praise. "Here is your sweet adorable baby girl." The nurse walks over and places her in my arms. Her little black eyes flutter open and immediately turn purple as she sees Justin and I. "She knows we are her parents." Justin whispers as his finger caresses her black baby soft hairs. She purrs at the contact, closing her eyes contently, and we both laugh. "Oh yeah. She's definitely your child." I smile up at Justin as I rub her super chubby cheeks.

She yawns, latches onto Justin's index finger, and immediately falls asleep. "Man, I wish I could fall asleep that fast." Justin whines. I smile and look up at him as his eyes glisten in awe as our precious daughter clings onto his finger and sleeps soundly and contently. Her little purrs informed us that she felt completely safe. My little baby girl. Juliet Rayne Bieber was here.

Juliet Rayne Bieber


5 lbs 8 oz

17 inches long

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