Chapter 32

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The next morning, I woke up around 8 am. I figured I had enough time before Justin woke up to run back home, grab a shower, pick up Chris with breakfast, and since we are in a part of the hospital that allows animals maybe bring Romeo for Justin. I slowly got out of bed without waking Justin up and walked to the nurse's station to tell them to watch over Justin and I would be back in 45 minutes tops. They smiled and nodded saying they would call if they had any problems.

I got home in 5 minutes since the Hospital was right down the road and quickly took a shower. Feeding Romeo and putting him in his little purse, I walked over to Chris'. Knocking on the door, he opened it, rubbing his tired eyes. "Hey Chris! I was about to go get breakfast and go back to the Hospital so get dressed and we'll go." He nodded tiredly, walking back upstairs. His house was very clean for a 22 year old's bachelor pad. He came back downstairs a few minutes later with a long sleeved shirt and some jeans on. We hopped back into the car and headed to Chick-fil-a to pick up some yummy breakfast. My stomach was growling from not eating since yesterday morning besides that bag of Cheez-its I took from Chris.

As I pulled the two chicken biscuits for Justin and I and a Bacon, Egg, and Cheese biscuit into the car, I suddenly got a phone call from the Hospital. I hurried to answer it, throwing the food bag at Chris. "Hello?!" I answered frantically, praying everything was OK with Justin. "Hello is this Miss. Isabella Rossi?" A slightly panicked voice spoke. I could barely hear her from all of the screaming in the background. "Yes. Is Justin okay?" I said, speeding to the hospital. "Well Mr. Bieber woke up this morning, saw you weren't there, and is now throwing a fit. We can't get him to calm down. I think he thinks that you left him here or something in that nature." she said, apparently walking to a new place because the screaming got fainter. "Oh no! Okay, I'm pulling into the parking lot now. Just give me two seconds." I said, jumping out of the car with Chris running behind me with Romeo in one hand and the food in the other.

I ran up all five flats of stairs and finally got to his floor, gasping for breath. When I got there, I followed the familiar screeching cries of my baby boy. Entering one of the hallways, I see at least ten nurses holding Justin down to the ground as he flailed and screamed. "ISABELLA COME BACK PLEASE! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! KITTEN PLEASE!" He screeched, inky black tears effortlessly rolling down his flawless face. "Get off of him! He just had surgery!" I yelled, outraged.

Justin whipped his head so fast in my direction I'm sure he got whiplash. "KITTEN!?" He screeched, overjoyed I was there. The nurses jumped off of him and Justin ran at me, weakly holding his side, but still effectively knocking us both to the ground. He sobbed into my neck and kissed all over my face, ecstatic I was finally in his arms once again. "Oh baby.. I just went to go get you some breakfast and Romeo." I said, also kissing his face. Justin then kissed my lips passionately. Pulling away, he grabbed my face and begged that I never left him again. The nurses 'aw'ed at the sweet scene before them and went back to their normal routine.

At that moment, Chris ran into the hallway, out of breath himself. "I have food and dogs." he gasped out, holding his fast beating heart. I laughed and picked Justin up from the ground as he clung onto me, embarrassed at the scene he had caused. Papers and important looking objects were strown about the hallway. A nurse walked up and patted him back saying, "Don't worry about it. Happens all the time." She smiled and walked away.

Justin still blushed bright red as we walked slowly back to his room. After I laid him on his uncomfortable hospital bed, I checked to see if his stitches came undone. Sighing in relief that they were still in good shape, I handed Justin his biscuit and Romeo. "Hewo p-puppy" he mumbled with his mouth full, petting him slowly, still weak from his surgery and recent outbursts. Romeo barked happily and snuggled himself under Justin's neck, falling asleep in mere seconds.

Chris jumped up and grabbed a plastic Wal-Mart bag that I had just now noticed. "Okay. Since there is absolutely nothing to watch here, I brought some DVD's. I have The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Easy A, The Hangover (I,II,III,), World War Z, and all of the Iron Man films." he said pulling each of them out along with bags of candy, popcorn, and sodas. Justin smiled brightly and picked The Hangover first. Chris fist bumped him for his good choice.(which was not a good choice because Justin thought he was trying to punch him and I had to keep Justin from killing him while Chris frantically explained what it meant while covering his face...)

After that whole fight match went down, we all sat comfortably around the room, munching on popcorn and sodas, and having a blast. I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

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