Chapter 37

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Today is...JUSTIN'S BIRTHDAY! He was so excited last night that he was finally turning 20 that he ran to each bedroom, jumped on all the beds, then ran outside screaming that it was his 20th birthday. It was really funny if I do say so myself. He also had a long conversation with Cookie, our baby, about how 'Daddy was going to be a big boy now'. Pshh yeah whatever. He isn't ever going to grow up. He decided one day that our babies' nickname will be 'Cookie' because he loves cookies so much and it deserves to be named after something loved. He's so cute. Though I don't think he understands that people don't love cookies as obsessively as he does.

Justin slept soundly on the bed as I crept to the kitchen to make his birthday cake. It will be a Double Chocolate chip cake with Chocolate butter cream frosting with drizzled fudge and chocolate shavings. Sounds like a lot but I took a cake baking class every Tuesday and Friday after school for 3 years. I know my cakes. While I was frosting the cake, I heard Justin's frantic footsteps running down the hallway above me. Rushing to hide the cake, I shoved it into the fridge. "Kitten?!" I heard before Justin ran into the kitchen. "Hey baby!" I tried to look nonchalant and natural, but Justin was fixed on the knife in my hands. "Kitten! You shouldn't use sharp object when you are pregnant. You could hurt yourself and little Cookie." he shook his head disapprovingly, taking the knife from my grip, throwing it in the sink, and bending down to kiss my now slightly swollen belly.

Justin told me that Alien pregnancies last about six months instead of nine so now I look two months pregnant at three weeks. Joy. I also have less time to plan. Rolling my eyes at Justin's over protectiveness, I ran my fingers through his hair as he kneeled down in front of me. Standing up, he took my face in his hands and gave me a passionate kiss. "Good Morning my Lovely Princess." he smiled. "Good Morning my Handsome Prince." I smiled back. He turned and started to walk to the fridge. "NO!" I screamed, knowing the cake was in there. He jumped startled. "WHAT'S WRONG?" he screamed, looking around frantically for any sign of danger. Before I could say anything, the door bell rang.

Justin's eyes slightly darkened and he stomped to the door, ripping it open. "What?" he barked. I slowly waddled behind him curious to see who it was. My eyes widened. Standing at the door stood, Victoria and Kyle. "Oh.. I guess you can come in." I said unsure. Justin's head whipped to my direction with a glare but let them in any way. They still hadn't seen my stomach that was very visible in the camisole and shorts I had worn to bed last night. As they walked by to the living room, Justin grumbled and shielded my body from their sight. As they turned the corner, Justin looked down at me with a 'Really?' look. I shrug, holding my arms up for him to carry me and blushing at my actions. I was tired and my feet were sore, bite me. He smiled in adoration at my shyness and smallness, picking me up and perching me on his hip. My now bulging stomach almost touched his side. I have always been tiny so any extra weight I put on immediately shows. I'm going to be huge during this pregnancy...

Justin slowly walked us to the living room, whispering in my ear that he would massage my feet tonight. I nearly moaned at the thought of relief. Entering the living room, Justin sat on the big plush recliner and sat me on his lap, his large protective hand right on my belly. Kyle nearly choked on air and Victoria's eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight of my protruding belly. "Eyes up." Justin growled, tensing under me. I rubbed his chest and kissed his cheek until he calmed down slightly.

"I see you've already got knocked up. Not surprising." Victoria says bitchily. I duck my head into Justin's neck embarrassed and he growls ferociously. "Victoria." Kyle says disapprovingly, hitting her leg with his knee. "Whatever." she sighs. "Kyle says we needed to get you a birthday gift because we missed yours, Isabella. So here." she carelessly throws it at me and I jump.

Justin shakes violently in protectiveness and anger as it bounces off my stomach and lands in my lap. I awkwardly open it and pull the present out. "Wow... Socks. Thanks guys!" I try to be kind and thankful. "I wanted to get you something better but Victoria said you loved socks so yeah." Kyle says trailing off awkwardly. Wow. 16 years of friendship and I get socks. "I do love socks. Don't I, Justin?" I turn to look at him as he clears his throat in anger. "Yeah. She wears them all the time. Especially now that she's pregnant." His jaw is locked, refraining from snapping Victoria's neck. "Anyway. Sorry to be rude but you guys need to leave. It's Justin's birthday and I want it to be just me and him." I say. "And Cookie." Justin whispers in my ear. "And Cookie." I add.

"Oh well, Happy Birthday, man! Sorry to intrude." Kyle says, gripping Victoria's arm and dragging her out of the house before she can say anything. I stand from Justin's lap, pulling the hem of my shorts in embarrassment. Justin notices the tears building in my eyes and pulls me into a tight hug. Damn pregnancy hormones. "Shh it's okay, Kitten. Don't let her bother you." he whispers soothingly, rocking up back and forth. "She was so mean. And she basically called me a slut." I whimper, gripping a fist in his shirt. "Well if anyone's a slut it's her." he says, rage still present in his tone. I laugh at his words, pulling away and wiping my eyes.

"Okay. Since you won't let me use a knife, want to help me frost the rest of your cake?" I say, wrapping my arms around his waist. He nods, smiling. "It's in the fridge." I say. He looks down at me, cocking an eyebrow. "Is that why you were acting so weird this morning?" he teases as we walk. "I'm always weird, baby. Get used to it." He laughs, picking me up bridal style and walks us to the kitchen. "Lets do this, Kitten!"

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