Chapter 47

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Justin's POV (Haha surprise bitches <3)

My beautiful princess was in the shower at the moment so I just sat on the couch, cross-legged with a cup of hot cocoa, and watched The Food Channel. It was amazing and there was so much yummy looking food! Romeo was snuggled up in my lap as I sipped on my hot chocolatey beverage. My thoughts started drifting off to the thought of my baby girl. She was so beautiful. Her hair was so silky and smelled so good. I could bury my nose into her curls and sniff away forever. Her face was mesmerizing. I wonder how someone could be so breathtakingly beautiful. Her scent was mouthwatering and it took all of my strength not to kiss and lick at her neck all day. Her tiny body fit perfectly in my arms. I was her mate, her protector, and I loved her dearly. She was my everything. My life. My breath. My savior. My Kitten. My Princess. No, she was my queen and I was her humble servant. She deserved everything on a silver platter.

The doorbell suddenly rang, pulling me out of my thoughts. I cautiously stood, placing my hot cocoa on the table, and walked to the front hallway. I hesitated going to the door because I wasn't allowed to open it without my Kitten. I don't want to disobey her, but they seemed urgent with their constant knocking that was now giving me a headache plus Kitten was in the shower.

I bit my lip and opened the door slowly. Two fat, gross, sweaty men stood at the door looking angry. They really should take a shower. Kitten says it's very unhealthy and whatever Kitten says goes. "H-hi. May I h-help you?" I asked shyly, afraid Kitten would walk downstairs and see me being a bad boy by opening the door. I don't want my angel mad at me. The dirty men looked up and smirked evilly. "Hello Justin." One of the men said. I gulped and played with the hem of my shirt nervously. "H-how do you know my n-name?" I ask a bit scared. "Oh Justin.. tsk. tsk. tsk. How could you not remember your best buddies Jack and Dave?" The man, Jack, teases.

Every horrible memory from my childhood came flooding back instantly. Jack, Dave,two humans, and my father used to take turns beating me when I was younger and they were drunk. I hated them since they were the only one I couldn't stand up too. I was weak in their presence. Tears immediately began streaming, sobs escaping my mouth, as I tried to slam the door and lock it, but a strong force pushes back and I fall to the floor. I don't want these evil men near my princess so I hiss loudly, tears still rolling and staining my freshly washed t-shirt. Jack and Dave look at each other and laugh loudly at my weak attempt to scare them.

"Oh look at wittle Justin trying to be all mean and tough." Dave coos, smirking amused. They both lean down to grab me as I try to scramble away. Terrified screeches escape my mouth as they both have me in their tight hold. "N-no please! L-leave m-me alone! KITTEN! BELLA HELP! PLE-" I was cut short as a sweaty palm slapped over my mouth, instantly silencing me. Duct tape soon replaced the hand and ropes tie my hands together. I hear the shower cut off and Kitten yell, "JUSTIN? What's wrong?" As I see a glimpse of her running frantically down the stairs, Jack and Dave yank my fighting and jerking body out of the house and into their trunk.

"NO! JUSTIN!" I hear my princess' voice scream terrified as the trunk slams shut. I knew all hope was lost as the car began driving away from my Angel and I's home. I could still hear her screaming after the car as my muffled sobs filled the trunk. "Oh shut up back there, you little brat." Jack hisses. My princess was probably terrified, not knowing what to do. It seemed like hours later when the car finally stopped. Tears were still falling as they ripped open the trunk and yanked my body out like I weighed nothing.

I looked up weakly and saw they were pulling me into an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Why did they want me? Why did they take me away from my Kitten? They should have just killed me since Hekorans can only last about a month without their mates. Their immune and nervous system start dying after the first week. My head was already pounding. They shoved me to the ground and handcuffed me to a pole in the center of the room. As Jack kneeled down in front of me, I hissed and spit in his disgusting face. I was rewarded with a harsh slap and whimpered in pain. I rubbed my cheek on my shoulder, trying to sooth the stinging since my hands were tied.

"Don't disrespect me, boy." Jack growls, standing up. I glare up at him and hiss once more, kicking him in the leg hard. He howls in pain, gripping at the place where I had kicked him. I had to keep myself from smirking. My moment of happiness was broken when Dave says, "I think Justin here needs to learn his lesson." I didn't even have time to think before a fist came in contact with my eye, I yelp in pain as they start beating my face and body. I don't know how long it lasts but by the end I was bruised, bloody, and my left eye was swollen shut. I laid there writhing in agony, whimpering quietly as they stand and laugh. "That outta teach ya." Dave snickers. They turn and go to walk out. "Sweet dream, Justin." Jack says and they both smirk evilly. They then turn out the lights, making it pitch black and slam the door, locking it. I just laid on the cold hard cement ground before desperate heart wrenching sobs come flooding out. I just wanted to be with my Kitten. I curled up into a ball and inhaled. My shirt smelled like home and my Kitten. It was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I fell asleep shivering and sobbing pathetically, my whole body on fire in pain.

Alien (Justin Bieber Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora