Chapter 9

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I couldn't help but watch Justin sleeping that night, who was curled into a tiny ball beside me. His slow, even breaths. Low murmurs in another language. His beautiful face calm and relaxed. The only bad thing was not being able to see his beautiful, now deep purple, eyes filled with a childlike glow. He looked all snugly with a t-shirt at least 5 sizes too big, it reached his knees, and sweat pants that covered his feet. I just wanted to kiss all over his precious face. I fall more in love everytime I look at him. How does one fall in love so fast, you ask. Well your guess is better than mine. But with Justin, he has this way about him that you just can't help adoring him. It's not every day you meet a beautiful, out of this world (literally) boy who loves you back. I loved spending every waking hour with him, drinking in his innocent adorable ways.

Listening to him cry was horrible. I couldn't bare to hear it. He needs to be cherished and loved not broken down and hurt like his father did to him. He needs to be given everything and anything. I don't understand how he could love little old me. Before him, I was shy and never came out of my shell. Before him, I let everyone walk all over me. Before him, I was bullied and teased. Being the smartest kid in my class, I had graduated early, thank God.

Now with him, I can be myself. Actually laugh instead of always having my head stuck in a book, trying to live in a fantasy world far from reality. With him, I love life and everything in it. I don't dread waking up in the morning anymore. For that, he deserves all my love.

Looking up and leaning over, I go to caress his soft face with the back of my hand, but I see him already awake with the covers pulled up to his nose and a smile in his eyes. "Hey baby. What are you doing up?" I whisper playing with his fluffy soft hair, now messy from sleeping. "N-nothing." he whispers back. He then scoots close enough our bodies molded together, wrapping an arm around my waist. He purrs in content, placing his head into the crook of my neck. He pecks my neck and runs his nose up and down my jawline. "B-bella love" he whispers tiredly. "I love you too, my little cuddle bunny." He smiles, running his foot up and down my leg repeatedly. Throwing a leg over his waist, I sigh happily. 'I could get used to this' I thought.

The next morning, I was awoken to kisses being placed sporadically all over my face. A hand caressing my back with the other playing with my hair. I hummed contently. Opening my eyes, I'm met with sparkling deep purple ones. A beautiful smile was on his face, instantly brightening my day. "G-goodmorning b-beautiful." he says. "Goodmorning handsome" I say back giving him an eskimo kiss. "You hungry?" I ask. Nodding, he says "Yes. C-chocolate chip p-pancakes please." Laughing, I nod. "Okay baby. Just for you." Cheering, he grabs my hand running down the stairs.

We dance around the kitchen, listening to the latest music waiting for the pancakes to be ready. Over breakfast, Justin tells me more about his adventures while being homeless. Some happy, like when he found a baby kitten, which was his only friend for a year. Some sad, like when he was beaten by some of the alien haters around town. I cried during that story, imagining his bruised and beaten face. Now we are watching Spongebob Squarepants, which was apparently famous in the 1900's-2000's? Justin's choice of course.

Suddenly the door slams open making Justin screech and almost fall off the couch if it wasn't for me catching him. The sight at the door immediately makes Justin start bawling, gripping onto my shirt in fear and me gasp in shock.

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