Chapter 73

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Bella's POV

Picture on side>>>

"Justinnn. Shut the fuck up." I whine, throwing a popcorn kernel at the back of his stupid cute head. Pregnancy hormones. He pauses Peter Pan and turns around confused. "I-I.. didn't say anything?" He bites his lip as if stifling a laugh. "Yes, you do. You keep muttering 'Fly Wendy Fly' every five seconds." His cheeks flush bright pink. "I do? Sorry." He giggles, leaning back to cuddle with my huge pregnant tummy. He has grown creepily attached to it but it's still cute how he talks to it all the time like it will talk back to him. He rubs and kisses my stomach as he un-pauses the movie. Can you tell I had no choice in the picking of the film?

Suddenly, I gasp as a dull quick pain shoots through my stomach. Justin whips his head around at my gasping with a frightened expression. "What's wrong?!" he asks frantically, sitting up on his knees and grabbing my face so I would look him in the eyes. I just smile, lift up my shirt, grab his hand, and place it on my bump. "The baby's kicking!" I grin as his eyes fill with adoration, wonder, love, and awe as our little girl keeps kicking right where his hand was, like she knew it was her daddy. "Oh my god." He says then jumps up and runs out of the room. I lay there confused, the baby still consistently kicking, until he runs back with a camera. He leans over my body and snaps a quick picture. "Look, Kitten!" He shows me the picture. You could clearly see the baby's foot as it kicks.

"Aw! We are definitely framing that one." I laugh, tracing the outline of the foot in the picture. "Hey, we need to figure out a name for our little princess." Justin says, pulling me into his lap. My legs wrap around his waist while my hands trace random shapes on his bare chest. I don't even complain at how I know I'm squishing him because last time I did that I got an hour long lecture on how I am beautiful and he will always hold me even if I'm the size of a beached whale. Well not that particular wording, but you get the picture.

"Okay. I have a name picked out. Do you?" He nods. "Okay. How about we both say the name we want at the same time?" He nods again. "1..2..3" "Juliet Rayne Bieber." We both say at the same time then stare at each other in amazement. "How did you know that?" We both say again. "A dream." Again. "Okay, stop that." Again. "No, you!" We both playfully glare at each other then burst into laughter. Justin throws his head back while I rest my head onto his firm muscular chest.

"That was weird." Justin wipes under his eyes after our laughing fit was over. "So, I'm guessing she'll be named Juliet Rayne Bieber then." He giggles out, tightening his hold around my waist. "I guess so." I smile as does he. He leans in and our lips collide, my stomach pressed against his. Our kisses never fail to be passionate and full of love. We both laugh and pull away as baby Juliet starts kicking again and it vibrates through Justin's stomach too since we were so close. He bends his head down and kisses the top of my bump and rubs it lightly. His smile was radiating and almost made the room brighter. He was so excited and I know he is going to be a wonderful daddy.

As Justin looks up and starts leaning in again, I put my hand on his face and push him away. "I'm hungry." I say, standing and waddling to the kitchen. I hear Justin laugh and scramble off the couch to run after me. His arms wrap around my waist from behind and we both waddle to the rest of the way to the kitchen. He walks up to the bar that leans over the counter and picks me up so I could sit on one of the cushioned bar stools. Once I'm settled, He walks over to the fridge and opens it. He leans over and his butt wiggles in the air and I have to refrain from walking over and pinching it. "Okayyy, We have left over Chicken Alfredo, Spinach Artichoke Chicken, and Gravy and Meatballs." He walks over with the tubs, places them in front of me, and raises and eyebrow. I point at the Spinach Artichoke and he nods.

He apparently was hungry too because he heated up the Gravy and Meatballs for himself as well. We sat there munching on our yummy food and just talked about the baby and what else we needed. I was four months now and we still had to get all the necessities. We had already fixed up the nursery the other day and had so much fun. It was beautiful
I'm guessing a shopping trip is in order for tomorrow.

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