Chapter 31

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They were prepping Justin for surgery as he clung to me in fear and Chris sat next to me. Chris had apologized to Justin and they became kinda friends. Well they could be in the same room without beating each other to death. As they began rolling him out of the room, he started screeching and crying for me. Since he was so terrified, they let me into the surgery room until he was put under Anesthesia. He clung onto my hand the whole way there while I whispered encouraging words into his ear.

They laid him on a surgery table and put the anesthesia mask on his face. He looked at me in fear as his eyes started slowly closing. I kissed his cheek and lightly pecked his lips, which he slightly responded to, and then he was out. I was escorted back to the patient waiting room where Chris sat with tons of snacks from the nearby snack machine. The sweet lady who escorted me there turned to me and said, "The surgery will take 45 minutes to an hour. Don't be scared because the surgery rarely ever goes wrong... Your relationship with Mr. Bieber is strong and so sweet. I wish I could see more of those nowadays." she patted me on the back and walked away as I smiled.

I walked over and sat down next to Chris, who was munching on a Twinkie. "Want one?" he asked with his mouth full. I shook my head and grabbed a bag of Cheez-its instead. "I'm apologize about all the things I've done to you, Isabella. I guess it took Justin to beat the hell out of me to realize that I'm a horrible person. I hope you can forgive me." he said sadly, looking me in the eyes. I sighed, "I forgive you but I'll never forget." I spoke softly. "I understand, but thank you for forgiving me." he smiled in relief and began devouring his Twinkies once more.

About 50 minutes later, the screen with all the surgeries to the side said Justin's was finished. I got excited and waited for the doctor to come escort us to his room. The doctor walked in about 5 minutes later still in his scrubs and a huge smile was on his face. "The surgery went great. He was a perfect little angel." He joked. "Thank you so much!" I squealed and hugged him tight. The doctor laughed as I pulled back embarrassed. "You're welcome. Come with me. I think he's about to wake up any minute now."

He walked us to a nice hospital room and Justin laid perfectly still with monitors beeping all around him. "You can just sit there until he wakes up. Yell or press this button if you need anything." He showed us a button on the remote connected to Justin's bed. "Thank you so much again." I said. "You're very welcome. You're relationship with Mr. Bieber was quite refreshing. It reminds me of my own marriage. I hope you have a very long and great life with him." He smiled and left, leaving me in a hospital room with an annoying Chris, who was flicking through several different channels on the flat screen TV that was hung on the wall, and an unconscious Justin. I sat down and held Justin's soft limp hand, caressing the back of it with my thumb.

Chris finally decided on the Home Improvement channel, which was the only good channel on there, and we sat there watching people renovate their gardens for an hour. Suddenly I felt a light squeeze on my hand. I looked down and smiled brightly as Justin's eyes started fluttering. "Come on, baby. You can do it." I whispered encouragingly. His eyes fluttered open and I was entranced by deep purple orbs that filled with light and love when they landed on me.

"Hey baby. Do you feel okay?" I asked softly, running my fingers through his hair. "H-hi Kitten. I feel lots b-better." he said weakly but his voice was filled with adoration as he purred at my touch. I teared up at the nickname that never got old but giggled at his slurred childlike speech. "I'm glad, baby. You really scared me." I said, caressing his cheek and rubbing my thumb across his chapped lips. He lightly pecked my thumb and grabbed my hand holding it to his face, still purring. "I'm sorry I scared you." He frowned. 'Oh baby. I'm just happy you're okay now." He then lightly puckered his lips, begging for a kiss. I giggled and pressed my lips onto his passionately as Chris playfully gagged behind me.

Justin pulled away and playfully glared, "She's mine." he said, sticking his tongue out and pushing my face into his chest. Chris responded by doing the same. I pulled out of his grip, laughing. Suddenly Justin groaned in pain after he moved his legs. "What's wrong, baby?" I said panicking. "It just hurts a little, kitten." he smiled reassuringly but I could see the pain in his eyes. "Do you want me to call the doctor to get more pain medication?" I asked. He sighed and nodded.

I pressed the button on the remote but instead of the doctor, a blonde, fake as hell, nurse walked in. "Yes?" she asked, her voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Her eyes practically had hearts in them when she looked at Justin, who was oblivious to everything as he stared at me with love. Chris on the other hand had a boner as soon as she walked in. "Hi. My boyfriend needs some more pain medication." I said, putting emphasis on the word 'boyfriend.'

She walked over and put her hand on his stomach, close to his member. "Where does it hurt, honey?" she asked, rubbing her hands all over him. Justin just looked at her wide eyed. "Um..just my lower stomach area." he said, trying to pull away from her grip. 'Oh so it hurts right here?" She then placed her hand right on his dick. He jumped in shock then groaned in pain at the sudden movement. I growled in anger and ripped her hand off of him. "Don't fucking touch him. I can get you arrested for sexual harassment and get your nursing license revoked. Get the fuck out. I want a new nurse..NOW." I seethed in anger and pointed at the door.

She looked at me scared and ran out the door. "You go, Bella! Show them who's boss!" Chris high-fived me and then turned his head back to the TV. Justin just looked shocked and petrified. "S-she just touched my-" I cut him off. "I know." I huffed. "Why did she do that, Bella?" He obviously doesn't understand how beautiful he is and doesn't notice that he attracts every female's attention where ever we go. I just shrugged and held his hand.

A new nurse walked in a few minutes later. She looked at least 50 so I didn't have to worry. 'Hello Sweet pea. What seems to be the problem?" she asked sweetly and smile at Justin, who was now playing with my hair. "He's complaining of pain in his lower stomach." She looked at his chart. "Oh yes. That's quite common in Appendicitis patients. It says he had the surgery about two hours ago so the pain medication would have worn off by now. I'll go fetch it now." She smiled and walked out.

"Bella look." Justin said excitedly. I looked down and saw he had braided a strand of my hair. "Good job, baby!" I kissed his forehead as he smiled proudly, happy he pleased me. The nurse walked back in and inserted some pain medication into his IV. "There... He should feel better in a couple of minutes." "T-thank you." Justin spoke softly. She smiled and rubbed his shoulder then walked back out when she got a page.

"I-I'm tired." Justin moaned. "Well go to sleep, precious." I said. I looked at the clock and it said it was 6:00 in the afternoon. Chris yawned too and stood up stretching. "I think I'll go home too. It's been a long day." he said. 'Well how will you get home?" I asked concerned. 'I'll just call a cab. I'll come back in the morning with breakfast. Bye Justin. Bye Isabella." He hugged us both and walked out.

A few minutes later, Justin moaned. "Kitten, come sleep with me. I'm cold and can't sleep without holding you." he begged, pulling back the sheet and moving over so I could have room. I agreed and gently climbed in next to him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. The heart monitor got faster when I touched him. He blushed bright red and I giggled, pecking his lips which made it beep even more. "N-no." he whispered even more embarrassed when I smirked. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my face into his chest. I felt the puffs of air on my neck get more even and the heart monitor slow. He fell asleep that fast? He must have been exhausted. I pecked his forehead and slowly drifted off into a much needed sleep as well.

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