Chapter 46

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After we snuggled for about 30 minutes, I look up to see Justin fast asleep, his pink soft lips parted as quiet baby snores filled the room. I carefully pull myself out of his tight embrace and head upstairs to get dressed for the fair. Since I had taken a shower the night before, I pull on some high waisted shorts and a cute t-shirt. I pull on my sneakers and tiptoe downstairs. I walk into the living room and see Justin had replaced my body with one of the couch pillows. I giggle quietly and kneel next to the couch, tracing his perfect features. He crinkles his nose as I run my finger over his lips and cheeks. "Bunny" I coo. "It's time to wake up."

His beautiful eyes flutter open slowly as a yawn escapes his mouth. His million dollar smile stretches across his face when he sees me leaning over him. "Hi babygirl." he whispers, his voice raspy and sexy from sleep. I had to refrain from jumping him. He raises an eyebrow seeing me dressed. "Why are you d-dressed, kitten?" he ask, pulling my tiny body into his lap effortlessly. "We are going to the fair remember?" I say, playing with his hair, pushing it back and different directions. He just lets me mess up his hair and nods. "Okay. When are we going?" As he asks the question, he picks me up, placing me on his hip, and heads upstairs.

"Well probably when you finish getting dressed." I answer, still entranced by his silky caramel colored locks. He giggles as he has to pull my hand away from his hair when he sets me on the bed. He leans down to give me an Eskimo kiss then an actual kiss. He pecks my lip once, twice, three times then whispers, "I love you so much." I smile brightly and crash my lips onto his passionately. "I love you too." I mumble against his lips then shove him off playfully. "Now get dressed." I order fakely stern and point at his closet. He giggles and holds his hands up in surrender. "OK OK I'm g-going."

He walks out of his closet a few minutes later with a black jacket, a black shirt, jeans, and black supras on. I jump up and walk over to him, intertwining our fingers and pecking his lips. He blushes cutely as I pull us downstairs excited for the fair. I grab the keys and we hop in the car, racing off to the fair ground which was about 15 minutes away. When we arrive, Justin stares in awe as I drag him to the ticket booth. When I walk up, I see a dirty old man sitting there. "Um 2 please." I say uncomfortably when he toothlessly smirks at the sight of me. Justin growls lowly and wraps his arms around my waist, showing possession and complete ownership of me. The man's smirk fades and he grumbles as he slaps two wristbands down. "Thanks." I say, walking away and wrapping them around Justin and I's wrists. The whole time Justin was mumbling some foreign curse words (I could just tell) and shaking his head.

I laugh at his over protectiveness and kiss his soft chubby cheek. "Okay let's go!" I say. We walk around for a few minutes but I stop suddenly wanting to take a picture. "Smile Justin!" I as he turns around and smiles adorably. I look at the picture and aw. (Picture at top) "Look baby!" I show him the picture and he grins, kissing my head. Looking around I see the Ferris wheel and squeal. "Justin let's go on the Ferris wheel pleaseeee!" I whine. He nods instantly at my begging and we run to get in line. Justin pulls me into a protective possessive hold so everyone knew I was his. He always does this when we go out. He is all shy, innocent, and cuddly when we are alone but when we're out he becomes a overprotective papa bear and growls at any being(Human or Alien) that looks my way. I just laugh and lace our fingers while he rests his chin on my head and rocks us back and forth.

The Ferris wheel operator yells "Next!" and opens the gate to let us in. Justin and I hop into the little cage and they close the door. Justin looks slightly scared and clings to my arm. When it starts moving he makes a small squeak but only makes his grip harder on my arm. "It's okay, Bunny. Look!" I point a out of the cage, showing him the view. He looks out and gulps, leaning back and closing his eyes. Black inky tears begin slowly streaming and I gasp, pulling him in for a hug. "T-too h-high!" he cries, clinging onto me. "It's about over baby. Shh stop crying." I pull back and wipe his tear, kissing his now red nose. He nods and buries his head into my neck.

When the ride finishes, I pull him out and all the woman 'aw' at his cuteness since he was still clinging to me and shaking like a leaf. "Okay, Bunny. You can pick this time." I say, petting his hair. "What's that?" He looks up and points at the cotton candy stall. "That's cotton candy, baby! Want some?" I coo. He nods sheepishly and I walk over to the stall. "One please." I order only one, not knowing if Justin would like it. I hand the man the money smiling as he hands me the fluffy sugary treat. "Okay. Open." I say, pulling a piece off and placing it on Justin's awaiting tongue. "Mmmm Yummy." he says, smiling as I feed him another piece.

We walk around some more and ride a few more rides (No tears this time). Justin even wins me a teddy bear and It was adorable watching him get all concentrated and determined to win me it. When it starts getting cold, Justin gives me his jacket and we walk to the car. When we get back home the first thing we see is Romeo happily hopping and jumping around now that we were home. Justin picks him up and plays with him as I get dressed in my pajamas, which was just one of Justin's t-shirts and panties. After Justin strips to his boxers and places Romeo in his cage, he climbs into bed with me. "I love you, Kitten. I actually had fun." he whispers, his voice heavy with exhaustion. "I love you too, Bunny. I'm glad you had fun." I lean over and peck his lips then tuck myself under his chin as his arms wrap around me. I fall asleep to his peaceful humming and him softly rubbing my back.

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