Chapter 13

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I was awoken by kisses and bites on my neck a few hours later by Justin. I guess I had dozed off too. I moaned softly as Justin hit my sweetspot. His body vibrated with a lust filled chuckle as he zoned in on that one spot, licking and sucking. I gripped and ran my fingers through his hair and he moaned at the feeling. Finally when he was satisfied, he pulled back and rubbed his thumb softly over the new sore hickey placed on my neck. I breathed heavily in shock. What the hell was that and where the hell did it come from? He looked up and smirked. "I always wanted to do that." he said chuckling

"Holy shit Justin..." I spoke still shocked. I wasn't sure if I was mad that I had a big ass hickey on my neck or turned on at this Justin, who was sexy af. "What? You know you liked it." He said licking his lips. "Who are you and what did you do with Justin?" He giggled looking down as he shrugged and blushed, covering his face. "Okay there he is." I said laughing. He rolled off of me laughing. "I love you Bella." He said sweetly and he leaned over and kissed me passionately "What has gotten into you baby?" I said as he pulled away. "I really don't know. All I know is that I love you so much.... and that I really want cookies." "Oh so thats what you want? I get it now." I say laughing. He smiles sheepishly. "Okay. So what kind do you want this time? Your favorite or Chocolate chip?" "My favorite please."

He screeches jumping up and down excitedly, pulling us to the kitchen. I laughed and started making his favorite, oatmeal raisin. We found this out when I accidentally picked it up instead of chocolate chip because he saw a puppy and I was trying to chase him and it's really long story... Justin sat at the bar, kicking his feet and staring at me innocently, unlike earlier when he was a freaking love sick puppy sucking all over my neck upstairs. I mixed the batter quickly and put them in the oven. "Only 15 more minutes baby." I say. He cheers, wiggling inpatiently in his seat.

Several minutes later the timer dings. Justin races over to the oven, squealing and screeches foriegn words. I laugh and take the cookies out with an oven mitt. "You have to wait baby" I say smacking his hand as he goes to grab one. He pouts looking as if his world just exploded. We wait a few more minutes and I finally decide they are cool enough. I just don't want to deal with him crying because he burnt his fingers or tongue you know? "Go sit down sweetie and I'll make you a plate and a glass of milk okay?" I say. He races to his seat waiting patiently like a good boy. I handed him the plate and he started scarfing them down, moaning in delight. I admit they do look good. I have one myself and watch Justin as he happily munches on his beloved cookies. "Sometimes I think you love those cookies more than me." I joke but he takes me seriously. He drops his cookie and whimpers. "D-do I really make you f-feel that way?" He gulps, tears forming. "No. No baby. It was a joke sweetheart! Don't cry." I say wiping his tears. "Oh...Okay?" he says confused, tears drying up instantly, and continues eating his wonderful cookies. My goodness he is the most bipolar person I have ever met, but I don't know where my life would be without him. He completes me in the best of ways. He's my baby and I'll love him regardless of his little temper tantrums. <3

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