Chapter 36

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Ever since we had sex a couple of weeks ago, Justin has become more over-protective, possessive, and clingy. It's pretty cute, except we can't go outside because he's immediately on high alert. Chris can't come over anymore because Justin just growls and smushes my face into his chest protectively. Yeah get that image in your head. Let's not even talk about my 17th birthday. I decided not to have a party because I'm sure Justin would have killed everyone. Since he felt bad, he decided to wake up really early the morning of my birthday and tried to make me a cake. Emphasis on 'tried'. It was an utter failure but I still ate it because he was so proud. Anyway It's like he's hiding something. I'll figure it out though.

I was cleaning and vacuuming the foyer when Justin strolled in, Romeo clumsily trotting behind him. When he saw me cleaning he dropped the apple in his hand and ran over. "Woah, Kitten! You shouldn't be exerting yourself like that." he exclaims. He then picks me up and settles me on his hip, like a two year old. I just shrug, wrapping my legs around his waist and burying my head in his sweet smelling neck. Balancing me on his hip with one hand, he finishes vacuuming the rest of the room with the other. "Aw, baby! You're so sweet." I say, kissing his cheek. He smiles at my affection, then glances down at my stomach, his smile instantly becomes bigger and brighter.

"What?" I ask self-consciously, wrapping my arms around my now slightly bloated stomach. I think it's almost time for my period to come because I always get bloated around that time. "Oh nothing, princess. You are just so beautiful." he rubs our noses, complimenting me as he sees my actions. After he finishes, he walk us to the Den. Sitting down super carefully, he perches me on his lap. His hands sit on my stomach protectively like they are guarding something important.

"Kitten, have you been feeling any different lately?" he asks nonchalantly, his fingers playing with the fabric of my shirt. "Um no not really..Well I have been eating more lately and have gained a couple of pounds. I think I'll start going on a diet." I trail off thinking. Justin carefully shoves me off his lap and stands in an outrage. "No! You'll hurt it!" he screams, making no sense. 'Hurt what, angel?" I say, utterly confused. "The baby! I can already hear it's little heartbeat." he exclaims, laying a protective hand over my stomach. "What? I thought you used protection, Justin!" I said, angry. I don't know if we're ready for a baby yet. "Why the hell would I do that? I want a baby so I'm obviously not going to use protection." he states in a "duh" tone, his inner sassiness coming into play. "Excuse me? You could at least have asked me first." I said, poking his chest harshly with my finger. "Well it takes two to tango, Missy." he crosses his arms, huffing.

A sudden sadness flashes across his face. His eyes well up with dreaded black tears. 'D-do you not w-want a b-baby with J-Justin?" he asks, his bottom lip trembles and his innocence comes out. I sigh and pull him into my chest. "Of course I want to have kids with you, precious. It's obviously inevitable now. I just wish you would have talked to me first." I say, stroking his caramel colored locks. "J-Justin's sawry." he says around the thumb that had made it's way to his mouth. I giggled at the way he said 'sorry' and pecked his head.

I guess we're having a baby. I think I can warm up to that.


The next day, Justin constantly had to be touching my tummy. He apparently can hear it's heart beating with his freaky alien hearing. He would waddle behind me with his hands basically glued to my stomach. It took forever for me to finally convince him I didn't need any help using the restroom. That was a mess. Plus he still knocked on the door every ten seconds asking, "Everything okay in there?" or "Need any help? I gladly will help, Kitten." I refrained from hitting him. Can a girl use the restroom in peace around here?

He would rest his head on my tummy while watching TV, his fingers caressing and drawing random patterns near my belly button. I just ran my fingers through his hair as he purred contently. I'm going to need to prepare myself for his future tantrums and obsession when I get close to my due date. I chucked to myself at my thoughts. Bring it on.

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