Chapter 5

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Justin sat on my lap eating away at his new found love, chocolate chip cookies. He turned to me wide eyed when he ate the last one on his plate. "Yes you can have more baby" I giggled giving him two more. While he was scarfing them down, I looked out the window to see a blanket of snow on the ground. "Oh Justin, look! It's snowing!" Running outside with Justin as my shadow, he gasped at the white substance on the ground. Gripping onto my shirt, he wailed "What i-is it?" "Baby, it's snow."

Picking some up, I blew it in his face. Sputtering, he gasped. "H-hey that's c-cold." "Haha I know come on!" Laying down, I started to make snow angels while Justin ran around with his tongue out trying to catch snowflakes. Giggling, he fell beside me gripping my hand. "I-I'm tired now" he said sighing. "Me too. Lets go get showered." We both stood and ran into the house. Walking up the stairs, Justin grabbed another cookie when he thought I wasn't looking. When we both finished showering, separately of course, we laid down on my bed.

Lately I have noticed that whenever Justin's tired, he brings his hand up to play with his hair and pops his thumb into his mouth, which is what he's doing right now. It's the cutest thing ever. Fisting a hand into my shirt, he mumbles incoherently placing his head in my neck, his favorite place to be apparently. "I l-like snow. C-can we do i-it again t-tomorrow?" he asked sleepily. "If its still there baby." I said tired as well. Hearing Justin's breath become even, I see he's asleep. Kissing his forehead, I do the same.

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