Chapter 72

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Gif to side>> (if that doesn't describe Justin and his daughter, I don't know what does lol)

Justin's POV

3 months later

"Kitten! It's time to go or we'll be late!" I giddily scream up the stairs while throwing on my light jacket since it was now mid Fall and a chill was setting into the valley. "I'm coming, Justin! Calm down." Bella laughs while waddling down the stairs with her tiny hand laid on her protruding stomach. If you haven't guessed it yet, Bella is 3 months pregnant and we were both so excited. Especially since we hadn't lost this one.

When Bella found out that she was pregnant, she also found out about my plan because of my constant asking, staring, and excessive cheering when the test said pregnant. She didn't talk to me for a couple of days, but got over it and was just as excited as me. Alien pregnancies last 6 months so we were half way there.

Today, we were going to find out the gender of our little cookie. We both bet on what we think it is. Bella thinks it's a boy and I think it's a girl. Today we're going to find out.

Bella waddles past me and out the door but I grab her lightly by the elbow before she was all the way out. "Ah. Ah. Ah. Kitten, it's cold outside. Put on your jacket." I say, holding up her jacket so she can put her arms through, which she does playfully rolling her eyes. I smile and kiss her temple and rub her tummy lightly. "Okay. Let's go!" I yell, walking fast to the car but careful that Bella doesn't trip.

I open Bella's door for her and she happily sits in after kissing my cheek, which turns bright red at her affection. Once I see her settled, I bend over and buckle her seatbelt for her then kiss her bellybutton. I look up smiling at her and she smiles back running her fingers through my hair.

After closing her door, I run to the other side and hop into the driver's seat, buckling my seat belt and quietly screeching in pure happiness. I couldn't explain how happy I was. I quickly but carefully zoom out of the driveway and to the hospital.

We arrive about 5 minutes later and sit in the waiting room after signing in. I could help but fidget in excitement and Bella has to calm me down. "I can't help it!" I whine but the ear to ear grin is stuck to my face. "I know, baby. I am too." Bella smiles back, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. I could hear the females in the room complaining that 'they wished their husbands were that excited' and 'that they wished they loved them that much.' It just made me grin harder while rubbing and kissing Bella's cute not so little tummy.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bieber?" A nurse in mint green scrubs pokes her head out and smiles at us when we giddily stand and make our way over. We exchange pleasantries and are led into a small ultrasound room. I almost jump up and down in excitement when she squirts the gel on Bella's tummy after we get settled. I bite my knuckles to stop screeches from exiting when the baby's picture shows up on the monitor.

"Okay. Let's see what this baby is!" The nurse smiles, rubbing the ultrasound wand around. "Aha! It seems your baby is..." she pauses. " a girl!" Fuck yes!

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