Chapter 38

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Today is our first sonogram! Justin and I are so excited that we get to see little Cookie for the first time. I am now eight weeks pregnant. Since Hekorans are such fast learners, Justin got his license last week, so he'll be driving today. We sat down and ate a quick breakfast of eggs, bacon, chocolate chip pancakes, and orange juice. After we were finished, Justin grabbed the keys and helped me waddle to the car as he giggled. "It's your fault I'm like this." I huffed, sitting in the passengers seat. "Yes and I take full credit." he says, sweetly kissing my lips.

We arrived at the hospital in five minutes and I let Justin sign us in. About thirty minutes later, a nice looking brunette doctor walked into the waiting room. "Mr and Mrs. Bieber?" she said. I looked at Justin and smiled since he was the one to sign us in and he grinned, helping me up. Walking to the door, I could overhear some woman talking. "Oh look how in love they are! How adorable! I wish my husband still treated me like that." she sighed. "I know! You don't see love like that nowadays." the other woman said. Justin smiled bright and kissed me passionately, still helping me to the back. "I love you, Kitten. You too, Cookie." he said. "We love you too, Daddy." I teased. he smirked at my words. "You can call me Daddy anytime." he winked. "Ew Justin!" I exclaimed, hitting his chest lightly. He just giggled as the Doctor smiled amused at our exchange.

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Bieber. How are you today?" she asked smiling as Justin helped me onto the ultrasound chair. "We're perfect. Very excited! How are you?" I ask. Justin pulls a stool up to the chair so he can hold my hand. He intertwines our fingers and kisses the back of my hand, smiling brightly, all of his attention on the baby and I. "I'm fine. Is this your first baby?" she asks, putting gloves on and taking ultrasound gel out. "Yes. We call it 'Cookie'." I say,as Justin watches every move the doctor makes. He doesn't trust her yet and is just being his over protective self. She 'aw'es and rubs the cold gel over my protruding stomach.

Placing the wand on my stomach, she moves it around, says 'Ah ha', and stops. A fast tiny heart beat echoed through the room. Justin's grip on my hand got tighter as tears welled up in my eyes. Looking over at Justin, I could see black tears rolling down his face as well. "Wait a second... there's another heart beat!" she said, moving it around. Another slightly faster heart beat shows up on the monitor and echoes through the room. Justin and I gasp in shock. Twins?! I already thought we weren't ready for one. Justin jumped up and started dancing around the room as I laid there frozen.

I was happy! Very happy that I could bring two precious miracles into this world. Justin ran over to me and kissed me hard. 'Kitten, we are having twins!" he exclaims, excited. "I know, baby!" I say, wrapping my arms around his neck. The doctor walks back into the room. Wow I didn't even notice she had left. "Here are your sonogram pictures. Your next appointment is in four weeks. See you then!" she said smiling, handing us the pictures labeled 'Baby 1' and 'Baby 2'. They were so tiny!

As we climbed back into the car, Justin through his hands up and yells "I have the master sperm!" I just look at him laughing as he wiggles and dances in his seat. "Can you believe it, Kitten? We are having TWO babies!" he screeches, placing a large protective hand on my swollen belly and kissing my lips. "I know! And if they are anything like you, they are going to be a handful." I tease, pinching his cheeks. "Oh I'm ready." he says, pulling out of parking lot.


"Kitten, be careful." Justin orders as I make his beloved oatmeal raisin cookies. I was also craving them but I'm not telling him that. "I'm cracking an egg, baby. I can't really injure myself like that." I laugh, waddling to the other side of the kitchen and throwing the shells into the garbage. Opening the cabinet, I see someone has placed the raisins on the top shelf. Turning around, I look at Justin with puppy dog eyes and a pout. "Bunny, could you please help me get the raisins?" He smiles at the nickname and walks over. He grabs the raisins without even having to stand on his tiptoes.

"Showoff." I murmur, poking him in the stomach then wrapping my arms around his waist. He laughs, placing the raisins on the counter, then picks me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. I place my flour covered hands on his cheeks, making hand prints, and kiss his soft lips. He pulls away giggling, knowing I put flour on his face. He walks over the flour and puts his hand in. "It's only fair." he says, devilishly. Before I have the chance to protest, he places both hands on my cheeks. Flour dust flies everywhere as he giggles wildly.

"Oh I have an idea." he exclaims, then places his hands right on my baby bump. Two large flour hand prints appear on my green shirt. "Aw that's kinda cute." I say, pulling my phone out to take a picture. I take the picture and 'aw'. Looking up, I see Justin's back turned and get an idea. Placing my hand in the flour, I walk over and slap his ass. He jumps and looks back, pouting. "Hey! That wasn't very nice, Kitten." he pouts. 'It's only fair, Bunny." I tease, mocking his words from earlier. He looks down at the flour hand print right on his black boxers and sighs. 'I guess you're right." he mumbles. I laugh and hug his waist from behind. "You're so cute, Bunny." I mumble into his back.

I decided to call him 'Bunny' because whenever he's concentrating he crinkles and wiggles his nose like a bunny. Plus bunnies are pretty innocent, which he screams. I walk back to my cookie mix and place it in the fridge. 'Okay I'll finish these tomorrow. Time for bed!" I say, glancing at the clock that says 10:45 pm. Justin barely protests and picks me up to walk up the stairs. Reaching the bedroom, he sits me down on the bed and pulls off my shirt and pants. He pulls one of his large t-shirts over my head and lays down beside me. He leans down and places two big kisses on my belly. "Good Night, Cookies." he whispers. Pulling himself up, he kisses me lovingly and tender. "Good Night, Kitten." "Good Night, Bunny." We kiss once more. We 'spoon' and he has me in a protective embrace, his hands guarding my belly. As I fall into the darkness, I feel Justin kiss my neck once more before falling asleep as well.

Alien (Justin Bieber Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon