Chapter 77

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Justin's POV

"Hello babygirl! Daddy's here. No more tears" I say picking Juliet up from her crib. Her eyes immediately stop shedding black tears and brighten up. Her melodic giggles fill my ears and I can't stop my grin. Kitten and I were downstairs cooking dinner when this little munchkin woke up and started crying for attention.

Immediately smelling a foul odor when I hold her to my chest, I laugh and kiss her sweet chubby cheek. "Someone needs a changing, huh?" I tease, walking over to the changing table and changing her diaper like a pro. I practically was. Juliet was now two months old and Bella and I actually got sleep sometimes. Juliet was the most well behaved baby I have ever seen. She barely cried unless no one was paying attention to her. She would sit perfectly content in your arms all day and loved to fall asleep on my chest when I was watching TV.

Romeo and Juliet have also become best friends. We actually catch him sleeping in the crib at Juliet's feet all the time when we come check on her. I know he would never hurt her so I just let them play. (Just noticed the Romeo and Juliet pun thing when I was reading this over lol)

After changing her diaper, I put a purple "Daddy's Girl" onesie on her then walk downstairs. As I cradled her in my arms, she latched onto the tip of my thumb then started nibbling and sucking even though she didn't have teeth. "Someone is hungry," I coo down at her. Her eyes brighten at my voice and she giggles around my thumb.

I walk into the kitchen and see Bella's perfect figure running around. After Juliet was born, Bella immediately started working out when the doctor said she could. She has now lost all the baby weight and was just as tiny as before. "Hey Mommy, Baby is hungry." I say, laughing as Juliet starts screeching in happiness when Bella comes into her view. "Oh come to mommy, babygirl." Kitten coos as she takes her from my arms after kissing my lips sweetly. I smile and wrap my arms around her waist from behind, rocking us back and forth as Juliet giggles at everything.

Having Juliet has not put any stress on our relationship and love life. I think it has actually made us stronger. So much, that as soon as the doctor said it was okay, we jumped each other and went at it like bunnies, with a condom each time of course. As much as I love Juliet, we do not need another one for a couple of years.

"Hey Bunny, will you feed her her bottle. It's in the microwave. You just have to test it. I really don't have time to whip my boobs out right now." Bella laughs as she points at the food cooking on the stove. "Of course, Kitten. Even though your boobs say otherwise. You are leaking all down your shirt." I laugh, taking Juliet back and grabbing the bottle from the microwave. "Oh fu-" I whip around and raise an eyebrow, as if daring her to say it. "Fig nuggets. I was going to say fig nuggets." Bella smiles innocently then rushes upstairs to change her shirt since lactation had arrived for duty.

I laugh and test the milk on my wrist. I wasn't really going to get mad at Bella. We just have a contest on who's going to break and say a curse word first. So far no one has broken..yet. I had come very close one time though when Juliet decided to spit up all down my favorite shirt. I wasn't very amused but Bella fell to the floor, laughing like dying seal, which set Juliet off as well. Which made me smile because both of my babygirls were happy and laughing.

When Juliet was half way done with her bottle, Bella runs back downstairs and finishes cooking. I place Juliet in her high chair and help Bella set the table. We sit down at the table, say a quick prayer, and dig in.

After dinner, it's Juliet's bath time, which includes lots and lots of bubbles, toys, and loud giggling from all three of us. I take several pictures of my precious angels as well. Bath time was always fun even though Bella and I get soaked in the process.

Soon our little cookie falls asleep in her daddy's arm, in her little teddy bear pajamas, while we all three lay on the bed and watch TV. Slowly we fall asleep as well, murmuring our "I love you's" and kissing each other's lips softly and lovingly.

Alien (Justin Bieber Love Story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें