Chapter 80

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Bella's POV

Justin screeches in terror as I try to get out out of his grip to get a snack in the kitchen. He had been like this all day, not letting me out of his sight or grip. I must have really given him a wake up call or he was terrified that I would leave the second he turned around. Probably both. "B-bella n-no leave Justin." He shakes his head as he pulls me back, only to climb on top of me and bury his face in my neck. His hand fists and unfists in my shirt as he tenses up, like he was ready for me to run any minute.

"Justin, I'm hungry. Can't I go get a snack really quick please." He shakes his head, his eyes wide with fear. "I-I go with you." He gives in as I pout sadly at him. He also apparently was deep in his baby mode because he gave no sign of his normal self. He was cute even though my feelings were still really hurt at his harsh words from the other day.

I sigh and nod, giving into him. "Eh, eh!" he wails as I stand up, apparently to fast for him. I almost roll my eyes but stop myself before I do, knowing it would hurt his feelings. I really don't need him squalling right now. He grips a fist in the back of my shirt with one hand then grabs my right hand with the other.

Juliet was down for her nap at the moment and Justin actually let me do all the work. She was so happy to see me. She would smile so big and yell "Mama! Mama!" every few seconds while playing with my curls. She was a precious little angel.

"K-kitten, my booboo h-hurts again." Justin suddenly cries, messing with bandage around his hand. He had burnt his hand on the stove trying to make bacon when I was gone. He said when he burnt it on the stove, he jumped back and knocked the pan of boiling hot bacon grease off, spilling it all over the same hand. When he showed me when I got back, it was all red, swollen, and blistering. "Oh baby, let me see it." He whimpers as I gently take it in my own hands and unwrap the gauze. It was redder and looked like it really hurt.

A lone tear rolls down his cheek so I kiss it away. "Do you want some more Tylenol before I doctor this back up?" He nods so I hand him two Tylenol and a glass of water, which he quickly gulps down. As he does this, I fill a bucket of ice cold water so he can soak it for a few minutes as I go get the burn kits upstairs.

"Here, baby. Sit down and soak your hand for a few minutes." I sit him down on one of the dining room chairs and submerge his hand in it. He jumps at the cold temperature. "T-that's c-cold!" He whimpers, looking at me with his adorable puppy dog eyes. "I know but it will make your hand better." He nods and looks over at the TV, which was playing cartoons. When I see his attention is occupied, I run upstairs, grab the burn kit, and plan to run back downstairs unnoticed.

I apparently don't succeed because halfway down the hallway, I smack right into Justin's hard muscular frame, making us both fall to the ground. His cries fill my ears as he grips onto my body and jerks me into his arms. He curls himself around me and cries into my hair. "N-no leave Bunny. Bella no l-leave." he sobs out, my heart sinking at his words. I gently grab his face to make him look me in the eyes. " Hey, shhhh babyboy. I was just going to get the burn kit." He sniffles, making his cute little button nose crinkle, and pops his thumb into his mouth while nodding. "Bella no leave?" he whimpers around his thumb. "No, I wasn't trying to leave you." I reassure. He weakly smiles and blushes lightly in embarrassment. I kiss his red chubby cheeks and pull us off the carpeted floor. "So cute." I mumble, his cheeks getting redder at my words.

Walking us back downstairs, I almost slip then see Justin had thrown the bucket of water, making the kitchen floor soaking wet. "Sawry.." He mumbles around his thumb. I just sigh and shake my head. After laying down many towels, I finally get Justin to settle down. Placing burn cream and triple antibiotic lotion on his burn, I lightly wrap it back in gauze then kiss it lightly. He giggles at my affection then puckers his lips, begging for a kiss. I comply and kiss his sweet soft lips. "Bella love." he purrs, giving me an eskimo kiss. "I love you too, Bunny." He smiles his million dollar smile then captures my lips once again with his.

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