Chapter 3

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Walking downstairs, we entered the kitchen. I sat Justin down on one of the barstools and told him to stay. Unhappy with the lost connection, he whimpered but sat there. "So what do you want for breakfast, Justin?" I asked looking around in the cabinets. Hearing no answer, I turn to see an adorable confused expression on him face. "Breakfast? Food you eat in the morning? Most important meal of the day?" I added. Seeing no change in expression, I saw I was gettting no where. "Okay." I clapped my hands. "Pancakes it is then."

Quickly starting on the batter, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, Justin looking around the house, mumbling a few words in his own language. Seeing as he was bored, I called him over. "Hey Justin." His head turned so fast I thought it would give him whiplash. "Do you want to help me?" Nodding, he quickly walked to where I was gripping a fist onto my shirt in the process. Laughing, I said, "Go put these." I handed him two pieces of bread. "into the toaster." I pointed at the shiny box in the corner of the counter.

"O-okay?" He spoke slightly confused. Walking over, he examined the toaster closely like it was his enemy. Chattering to himself a few choice words, he poked it with the bread. Noticing what he was doing obviously wasn't working, he turned his head with glassy eyes. Laughing, I walked over to him, plucked the bread from his hands, and put the bread into the toaster. "See they go into these slots and you push down on this." I spoke pushing down on the lever. Looking amazed, he chattered wildly once again reaching several different octaves. "Yes baby." I laughed stroking his hair which he leaned into purring.

Breaking us from the silence, the toaster beeped and popped up. Screeching in fear, Justin leaped at me knocking us both down, draping himself over my body. Hitting my head against the marble flooring, I groaned and grabbed it. Justin noticed my pain and looked down at my with teary eyes begging for forgiveness. "I'm okay, baby'. Justin then innocently snuggled his face inbetween my breasts. Picking his head up intrigued at this new found thing, he poked one. "Okayyyy. Lets not touch those." I spoke knocking his hand off and standing up.

Picking up the batter and pouring it into the skillet while Justin sat on the floor gripping into my legs, I decided to make 2 for me, 3 for Victoria, and 5 for Justin, because who knows how long it has been since he ate a good meal. Heading to the fridge, I grabbed strawberries, peaches, and whipped creme. Calling Victoria down, I also grabbed some nutella and maple syrup just in case.

Rushing down the stairs at the smell of her favorite food, Victoria entered the kitchen with wild hair and a sleepy face. Giggling incessantly at her, Justin pointed and covered his mouth. "Um...why is he on the floor and laughing at me?" She questioned confused. "Because your hair looks like a rat's nest and was attacked by birds." I giggled as well. "Whatever. You're just jealous." she huffed tossing her hair to one side and walked to the table, covering her pancakes with lemon juice and sugar. Grasping Justin's upper arm, I pulled him to his feet and lead him to the table. Seeing the strawberries on the table, he screeched and clapped wildly. Offering one to him, his eyes lit up with praise and took it straight with his mouth, his soft lips brushing against my fingers. Placing my hand on his shoulder, he chewed happily, rubbing his peach fuzz covered cheek against my hand, purring content. After placing more cut up strawberries and whipped creme onto his pancake, I sat down.

Noticing him staring at his pancakes with hunger but not moving, I looked at Victoria questionably. "He's waiting for you to say it's okay for him to eat." She said with her mouth full. Nodding I spoke, "Justin," He looked up at me. "You can eat them, sweetheart". Not even picking up his fork, he grabbed one and shoved it into his mouth. Laughing at him, I looked at Victoria. "How does he know how to speak some English?" "Hekoran's are very fast learners. I'm guessing living in the alley, he picked up some words."

Nodding, I looked over and noticed Justin had disappeared with his plate completely cleaned of any food. Feeling a pressure on my lap, I looked down. Justin was on his knees next to me with his head in my lap, stroking my legs up and down with his soft hands. "B-bella l-love." he spoke purring in his raspy voice. Awwing, I stroked his hair. "I love you too, Justin." I said shocking Justin, Victoria, and especially myself. Victoria dropped her fork in a clatter while Justin gazed at me wide eyed. "R-really? B-bella loves J-justin?" He spoke gobsmacked, his voice several different octaves. "Yes precious. Bella loves Justin." I concluded happily.

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