Chapter 10

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At the door, stood a beaten, bruised, and crying Victoria. "Oh my goodness! What happened to you?" I ask as Justin runs to the bathroom crying, screaming, and most likely getting sick. 'I'll worry about him later' I thought. "I was walking home from my other friends house and some men jumped me. Thank God they only wanted my wallet." she said weakly. I was just thankful she hadn't been raped or anything of that nature. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" I asked helping her to the couch. "No. I think I just need to clean and disinfect my cuts then I'll probably just lie down." She was surprisingly calm for someone who had just been mugged. "A-are you sure you are alright?" I ask stuttering, still shocked. "Yeah I'm fine" She waves me off.

After cleaning her up, I helped her upstairs and got her to finally sleep. I then ventured off to find the traumatized alien boy. "Justin?" I yell out walking around the house. Suddenly a door opens and I'm being pulled into my bedroom. I scream in shock but notice it's just my baby, still crying away. "Oh honey.." I sigh laying us down on the bed. I tickled his back to calm him down some. "I-is she o-okay?" he sobs out. "She's okay. Just had a little run in with some mean men." I say sympathetically. "T-that's h-how my m-mommy looked all the t-time." he says weeping into my chest.

I now understand why he was so traumatized. He was probably having horrible flashbacks from his abusive childhood. I wince and grip on to him tight. "Don't you worry. Everything's gonna be alright." I whisper into his ear, rocking us back and forth. "N-never leave me...p-please." He begs, gripping me tighter like I would disappear any second. "I would never ever. Not in a million years. Besides who would be my snuggle bunny when I'm cold, huh?" I nudge his shoulder, making him giggle. He shrugs innocently "I don't k-know." He nuzzles his face into my neck, his soft hair tickling my face. He popped his thumb into his mouth, a tell tale sign he was most likely exhausted.

"Okay baby. Let's go get you showered." Pulling him out of bed, I grab him some sweatpants and walked him to the bathroom. "You sure you're okay, baby?" He nod and smiles weakly, his eyes half closed. After him, I took my own shower. Walking out, I see Justin whimpering in his sleep. "N-no mommy! C-come back! Don't l-leave me here with this mean man! NO MOMMY! PLEASE NO" He thrashes around, progressively getting louder each second, black tears rolling down his cheeks.

Laying on the bed, I make him the little spoon, curling up behind him. At my touch, he instantly silences and purrs loudly, constant like a motor, but softly like a kitten. His whole body vibrates at the action. I giggle softly at the precious creature beside me. Leaning over, I press a kiss to his cheek and slowly fade into unconsciousness.

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