Chapter 2

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Waking up the next morning, all I feel are little puffs of air going down my neck, arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and legs intertwined with mine. Startled at first but quickly realizing it was just Justin, I turned around and laid my head into the nape of his neck. He instantly reacted and curled into my body while mumbling in his beautiful yet foreign language.

Tracing my fingers across his chest and abs, I wait for him to wake up. About 30 minutes later, he stirs and yawns adorably. "I-isabella?" he mumbles quietly. "Yes precious? I'm right here". His eyes light up and bites his lip innocently.

Leaning up, I lightly peck him on his cheek close to his perfect lips. His eyes widen and he blushes. Leaning down as well, I turn my head at the wrong time and our lips collide. Fireworks go off and bombs explode. Justin's hands go to caress my face and he whimpers in pleasure. Not until he crawls on top of me do I realize what's happening. Shoving him off, I jump off the bed. He looks at me heartbroken and starts to sob. "No baby don't cry. Don't cry sweetheart." I says crawling over to hug him. He starts to sob louder. "W-w-w-hy wont *hiccup* y-ou k-k-kiss me *hiccup*" 'That was my first kiss. That's why' I say in my head.

Grabbing him, I pull him into my lap and let him cry into my neck. "Shhh it's okay baby. I'll kiss you..see" pulling back I lightly grab his face and press my lips against him. He immediatly stops crying and melts in my arms kissing me back. Pulling away, I wipe his tears and give him an eskimo kiss. He giggles, still in my lap, and starts to play with my hair.

Looking into his eyes, I notice they are now a deep purple. "He's so beautiful, it's shocking." I thought. He notices my staring and giggles confused "W-what?" "Oh nothing It's just you are the cutest thing I have ever seen." I say while putting my hands on his chubby cheeks. He giggles again leaning into my touch. He closes his eyes and purrs contently like a baby kitten while smiling adorably.

"I-I love you I-isabella" he mumbles. "I know" I say still confused with my own feelings. "Come on lets go downstairs for breakfast shall we?" He nods quickly happy to go wherever I go. He gets off my lap but never lets go of my hand. Standing up, he instantly is glued to my side. He is possesive and strong but always lets me lead and show him where to go. It's an odd feeling but cute. We head downstairs with food on our minds.

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