Chapter 63

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Bella's POV

I woke up the next morning with a major headache. Moaning, I bury myself deeper into the covers only to notice a hard muscular figure laying there. I know I told this boy to sleep downstairs, didn't I? Trying not to rip his adorable face off, I open my eyes to be met with a sad sight. Justin was laying there, eyes wide open, just staring at my neck. He looked so broken as new tears just rolled out of his dark grey eyes and down his face like a continuous waterfall. His eyes looked like a stormy rainy day, just waiting for disaster to strike. He had a fist, clutching and unclutching my nightgown, like he wasn't sure he was supposed to be touching me.

He still hadn't noticed I was awake when he started whispering to himself. "Look what you did Justin. You're just like your father. Hurting the ones you love. How could Justin do this to tiny fragile Bella. Bella needs to caressed and loved not thrown up against a wall when she comes home from a friend's. Justin deserves to die. Justin hurt mate. Justin needs to be punished-." He cut himself off by uncontrollable sobs. "j-justins so sorry B-bella!" he wails. As an instinct at his words and actions, I pull him into a hug, completely forgetting the bruises he caused for a few minutes.

My body screams at my actions. I was so sore. Justin stiffens at my sudden action since he thought I was sleeping then pushes me away. "No! Justin doesn't deserve cuddles. Stop." He cries as he pushes me. "Look at you! Look what I've done. You look so broken. I'm supposed to p-protect you from that. Not cause it." He stares at me for a second then suddenly jumps out of the bed and runs out of the room as I sit there dumbfounded. You would think he would want to be hugged and forgiven. What a freaking drama queen.

After a few minutes of just laying there as my head pounded, I finally decided to get up. I slowly pick myself up out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom. Looking up in the mirror, I see the handprints and my bruised wrists. Along with that I see my bruised legs from falling onto the floor and a swollen hand from slapping the taste out of Justin's mouth. I don't even react anymore. I feel numb inside, still shocked beyond belief that my precious little bunny put his hands on me in an evil harsh way. I grab a bottle of Tylenol and take two, swallowing it with the water from the sink. I then straighten myself out in the mirror and walk downstairs to cook breakfast.

When I get to the kitchen, I see Justin trying to peel a banana but failing epically. He looked really frustrated and like he was going to burst into tears all over again any second. I walk over and softly take it out of his hand, peeling it for him. "Justin c-can't do anything r-right. You're so stupid, Justin" he whispers to himself after I hand it back to him and walk to the stove, thinking I couldn't hear. I winced at his heartbreaking words. He was just mentally beating himself over and over. "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." I whisper hoarsely, my voice most likely cracking from Justin choking me.

Justin then takes a good look at me and gasps at the new bruises. As I stand there cooking, he drops his banana then collapses to his knees, wrapping his arms around my legs. He starts placing open mouthed kisses across all of the bruises on my legs then grabs my wrists and does the same. The whole time he was whispering "Justin's so sorry Bella" over and over. "I hope you realize it will take a long time for me to trust you again, Justin." I say monotonously, buttering the toast. He breaks into a sobbing mess and just nods still on his knees. He then starts rubbing his cheek all over, kissing, and occasionally licking my legs like a mother cat cleaning it's kitten. I just sigh and lightly pet his fluffy hair in hopes that he would calm down. Oh Justin, you are such a mess. A cute fluffy adorable mess, but a mess.

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