Chapter 69

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Bella's POV

"Justin, drop the cookies now." I growl as we run around the kitchen island. Justin had a mouthful of cookies and still a full package in his arms. He quickly swallows the mouthful. "No! My cookies." He screeches, sounding a bit like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. He clutches them to his chest and starts stroking the package of oatmeal cookies like a creep.

"Justin...hand. me. the. cookies. You're going to get sick!" I had bought two packages of oatmeal cookies at the store and hid them so he couldn't find them. That obviously didn't work because I woke up this morning to an empty bed and a kitchen full of crumbs. He had eaten a full package and had already started on the second one. "I don't wanna!" He screeches back and stomps his foot. He was about to have a temper tantrum like the inner 5 year old he is.

"Justin Drew Bieber, if you do not hand me those cookies I will not kiss you for the rest of the day." I sternly say and cross my arms smirking. I got him where I want him. His lip trembles and he looks down at the package of cookies. "Fine.." He pouts and kisses the package before handing them back to me. I climb up onto the counter (curse my shortness) and place them on the top shelf. When I climb back down, I see Justin sneaking a cookie out of his sweatpant's pocket and shoving it into his mouth quickly.

"Justin Drew!" I place my hands on my hip but I can't stop myself from smiling. He was too cute to be mad at. "Sawry" he says sheepishly with a mouthful but keeps on chewing. "K-kiss?" he whispers shyly after swallowing, closing his eyes and puckering his sweet lips. "Aw bunny!" I peck his lips over and over while he giggles. He tasted like sugar, icing, and oatmeal.

When I pull away, I'm suddenly hit with an idea. "Hey! Do you want to go swimming in the pool?" I ask giddily. "Okay?" he looks a little confused but I ignore it. I peck his lips once more, run upstairs, and quickly throw on a bikini. I'll just let Justin swim in his boxer since he doesn't have swim trunks yet. I make a mental note to buy him some.

When I walk back downstairs, I see Justin trying to climb up on the counter to grab the cookies again. I cross my arms, clear my throat, and raise an eyebrow. He whips his head in my direction and blushes bright red. "U-um I was just trying to kill this fly. Yeah! The fly." He smacks the cupboard for emphasis. "Got it." He laughs nervously and climbs back down. As he shuffles his feet awkwardly and looks everywhere but my direction, I can't stop from laughing quietly. "Okay, Justin. Whatever you say." I kiss his cheek and I see him exhale in relief.

"Now strip!" I say before pulling his sweatpants down, leaving him in his grey Calvin Klein's He looks at me wide-eyed, shocked I had just done that. I ignore it and pull him out the back door. It was a beautiful Summer day and the temperature was just right. The pool was settled in the middle of all of our gardens. I don't think Justin even knew it was even there.

When I see it, I can't help but let go of Justin's hand, running, and cannon-balling into the cool refreshing water. When I swim back up,I see Justin pacing the side with a scared look on his face. He looked so attractive standing there in his boxer briefs and the hot Summer sun reflecting off his tanned sun kissed skin. He looked like a Greek god.

"Come on, Justin! Get in!" I laugh, kicking my legs to stay afloat. "I..I.. T-that looks real d-deep, Kitten." He shuffles his feet awkwardly and the look on his face screams fear. My smile disappears and I swim to the steps. "Do you know how to swim, Justin?" "Of course!....Not really.." He looked ashamed. "Oh baby. Come here and we'll play in the shallow part." He nods and play with the hem of his briefs as he walks over.

I get off the stairs and swim to the 4 foot section so we could still stand but still have water. He wades over to me and grips onto me when he gets there. He exhales a shaky breath and relaxes a bit. "Do you want me to teach you?" I speak softly while running my hands up and down his chisled chest. He nods happily but still looks a little scared

I spent the rest of the hour teaching Justin how to swim. By the end he could probably swim better than me. We had a contest on who could make the biggest splash, Justin won every time of course. Now he was chasing me around the pool because I pushed him.

"Come here, kitten! I won't hurt you!" He stopped running and pouted. Being the naive person I am and influenced by his upsetting pout, I walk over and hug him, nuzzling my head into his stomach and abs, the only place I could reach standing up. I hear him chuckle and before I could run, Justin lifts me up and throws me in. I swim back up and gasp for air, glaring at him. "That wasn't very nice!" I say, swimming to the side where he sits, his legs dangling in the water. He wraps his arms around and lifts me a little, so my feet don't touch the bottom of the pool and he could kiss me perfectly.

"You started it." he giggles and kisses all over my face. "Bella love" he purrs. "I love you too, Justin." I wrap my arms around his neck and dangle above the water as he holds me. I bury my face into his neck and we both drink in each other's scent. He always smells like cinammon, pine needles, and eucalyptus. He says I always smell like lemons, rosemary, and vanilla which are his favorite scents. I could always nuzzle my nose in his neck because his scent always relaxed me more than anything, well that and his tender gentle touch. We were perfect for each other.

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